Thursday, May 24, 2012

on The Master of Wisdom and the apprentice IIpart

Proceeding towards a synthetic truth

We believe the process happening on earth at this moment is so wide and complex that we need to look at the pieces like these of a puzzle, so to say, for their connection with the whole, and if we have some piece that apparently do not fit anywhere, wait a little before throwing it as not belonging to the whole design. Seeing the results, I've always feared to became a "follower" of someone else. If we mention here often Sri Aurobindo and Mother is not because one is a follower, as such thing is not required to us, what is required is to understand their message, as we are all followers after the Truth.

We have mentioned here how, just because of this no-discriminative position, we have came to the conclusion that Dharma Sangha is the person described in Mother´s Visions n.6 and n.2.
Which at the same time -signalize- the relation between them.(When we endeavour in a no-discriminating way their relation becomes evident, it is not a mental operation, it is a fact in -itself-). And yet, are appearing already some pretended "followers" of D.S. which are already spreading some kind of separatist truth (which evidently do not come from him, but freely interpreted as such) in all sense separated from the Truth that was already here of which they do not seem to be aware, which is the supermental manifestation as described by Mother and Sri Aurobindo, to which D.S. falls related without the least effort.
This just to mention two different approaches to a same point. But it can make a substantial difference, as in one case, all its connections fall aside and in the other, it is vibrant with possibilities. Also in this case, knowing of D.S. has not made us a "follower", we just sum his truth to the existing truth, which at this moment is pressing from different sides at a time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vision and Intuition

Vision and Intuition are strictly related because the message of any vision is symbolic, then we rely on intuition to understand it.
We normally take it under the light of the rational, discriminating mind to develop a sense out of it, but then what we do is to consider what the intuition proposed and suggested.
There must be people which rely totally on intuition because they trust it, and that is a knowledge which remain unspoken and untold by the subject, but not lost in any way.
It is there, occult.
It is a being, a silent observing being.
A growing being and a growing personality, it is our access to -impersonality-.
Or else soul-personality, and Self-personality, as if that were achieved, it would be a faithful representation of the words which Sri A. said:- ..."the secret Self within us is an intuitive self and this intuitive self is seated in every centre of our being, the physical, the nervous, the emotional, the volitional, the conceptual or cognitive and the higher more directly spiritual centres".
(Sri A.: The Yoga of Self-Perfection, cap.XX, The Intuitive mind)

The reason why we talk about the faculty of the Vision is because it will increase its function while humanity get closer to a more intuitive perception of the reality.

The intuitive function of learning will spread over the planet while the development of the consciousness proceeds further in time, it will substitute this present model of perception of the reality through mind and senses alone.
A soul-sense will increase its presence among humans, and the vision will became one of the way of learning.

While Consciousness as a whole progress and evolve on earth, the actual mind of men is becoming more susceptible to the action of that inner Self, resulting elevated towards more intuitive levels of understanding of which the vision is an integral part.
It will be more frequent and extended to receive inner instruction from beings from the subtle world, an intercourse of humans with that level and beings will be a frequent and logical issue due to that growth, and it implies certain relation with the subtle reality, which makes of it an issues not very know, and open to a number of misinterpretations.

The first one could be thinking that it has a relation with the subconscious and the dream-activity, which is absolutely unrelated.
The perception of the subtle reality (both inner,outer) happens with the whole wake-consciousness, and it is an absolutely conscious process from which the subconsciousness  is totally excluded.

Another frecuent mistake is to consider the subtle reality some kind of exotic and misterious reality somewhere far from us.
Then the fact is that we are litterally immersed within it, and this material existence could not be even imaginable without its subtler counterpart.
I purposefully avoid to talk about -astral- as it is a term with heavy occultist contents and overcharged by superstitions, but in a vision of ensamble a "depurated astral" would be a corresponding concept, with the difference that "astral" is mostly referred to factual "places" and never takes in consideration -astral- corresponding to -mental-  world.

To perceive subtle reality is necessary subtle senses, but that is a process so far from human achievement, in the sense that the mind has not that power, it is the soul, in its progressive manifestation which provides the vehicle of more malleable instruments of perception, to which Intuition and Vision are integral part.

Mother´s pearls

When one is in the countryside, when one walks under the trees and feels so close to Nature, to the trees, the sky, all the leaves, all the branches, all the herbs, when one feels a great friendship with these things and breathes that air which is so good, perfumed with all the plants, then one opens oneself, and by opening oneself communes with the universal forces. And for all things it is like that!