Atem´s Notebooks

Akashic Records

Most of the visions are literal transcriptions from earlier registers,
which were taken in a place with no electricity and no access to any e-search or even books, so my comments reflects that situation. But I chose to present the original version of the transcription rather then an historically revised one.
  1. location: Atlantic Ocean, poss. Canary Islands area, no date could be established. (1964)
  2. location: Egypt, no date established (October 2009)
  3. location: Egypt, no date established (October 2009)
  4. location: Pacific Ocean, unknown (March 1999)
  5. location: upper most polar regions, approx. date: 15000 BC (February 1997)
  6. location: a room with several maps on the walls which represent human history 
  7. location: Egypt

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