Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dharma Sangha and Sri Aurobindo: compared teaching

I had to render myself to the evidence that none was going to write what I liked to read:
a compared study of the teaching of both Masters, because I found myself in the need of understanding how they are related, in the conviction that the teen-age Palden Dorje in strict tapasia in a jungle of Nepal could eventually develop into Dharma Sangha, empowered with the vision of the One Truth, and by necessity, related with another Great Master and Visionary: Sri Aurobindo, empowered by that same Truth, which described how soon it would spread into the human consciousness, justifying with these words the eventual appearance of farther expressions of the supermental realization.

I knew the "Six Visions" of Mother (see), and beside all the above, at least in a couple of them there where stunning resemblances with the circumstances in the life of the young and later D.S.
And Mother had left it overly clear she was deeply moved by the vision of the boy, and no doubt can rise she linked her Work with the boy of the Vision, soon to came on earth.
There is no pretence here of a very detailed work, I should present a few correspondence I found, which could be used for a farther development.

Sri Aurobindo: It [the overmind liberation] can't be supreme if there is something beyond it - but there is a liberation even in higher Mind.

Dharma Sangha: There are several levels of enlightened consciousness and sambodhi is the level, where all levels disappear (equal).

Comment: There is hardly any necessity to comment, it is evident that the overmind liberation and Sambodhi are one same experience of reaching a supreme liberation beyond any level, a point where all levels disappear. Levels here are of "identification" we should suppose, where the Purushottama (see below) would be the last, giving birth to what Sri A. called gnostic being, which possibly is the correspondent word for Sambodhi.

Sri Aurobindo: The Supermind in its supreme status is the truth-consciousness of the Infinite, the inherent light and power of self-knowledge and all-knowledge of the Supreme who is the self of all, the living eternal truth of all that is
and of whom all objects and beings, all the universe and motion of things and happenings in time is a partial continually proceeding manifestation.

Dharma Sangha: Bodhi Shravan means to have the knowledge of the Tattva (Essence), of Satya (Truth) and Guru [3], to recognize the Astitvik Tattva (Existential Element), and to be endowed with all knowledge.

Comment: ( There is yet no consensus on accuracy of translations of D.S. teaching, as in the first part of this sentence, where I believe the -means to have- should be replaced by -is-, so the first part of the sentence would read: Bodhi Shravan is the knowledge etc..
The justification for this change is in the fact that -means to have- refers to a personal condition of having something (knowledge), which suppose a personality, here the Person is the Divine Being which is himself the essence of the knowledge and do not need to have or possess it. Moreover the general message of D.S. is rather impersonal, much as in Sri.A. impersonal sentence where "The supermind... IS..the truth-consciousness of the Infinite etc.
It is symmetrical:


Here both Masters are evidently describing the essence of their discovery, a Truth universal in its mode and meanings, we see the difference of a no-doctrinary meant sentence as that of Sri A. and universal in its application, and the other which possibly
is meant to vivify doctrinary tradition by rendering it universal in its application, yet within the very language and words of the tradition, as providing them of a new light and understanding. D.S. himself, which uses current buddist words has clearly stated he is not buddist.

SRI A.:The kshara purusha is the soul in Nature... the akshara purusha is the soul above Nature. But there is One..lord of all that is: the Purushottama.
(and continues):These three Purushas are described in the fifteenth chapter of the Gita.

"There are two Purushas in the world, the akshara and the kshara,--the kshara is all creatures, the akshara is called kutastha, the one on the summit. There is another Purusha, the highest (uttama), called also the Paramatma or Supreme Spirit, who enters into the three worlds, (the worlds of sushupti, svapna, jagrat, otherwise the causal, mental and physical planes of existence), and sustains them as their imperishable lord."

(from: The three Purusha)

DD.SS.: There is direct manifestation of the Truthful Being (purush), the Great Being (maha purush) and the Buddha Being (buddha purush).

Comment: Sri A. and D.S. conforms to the words of the Gita which reveal the works of the Three Purusha, they do not introduce in this point any difference among them nor with the Gita but for minor phonetical/cultural differences.
What should be considered here is the correspondence Buddha Being/Purushottama,
Great Being/Akshara Purusha, Truthful Being/Kshara Purusha, but this should lead us to a whole new series of circumstances which we´d better analyze in a next script.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Healing & Death in the Subtle World, a true experience

One of the most remarkable experiences of service I ever had while in conscious sleep, was the trespassing of the veil of death with my subtle body. I am sure the experience was assisted by some Being but, as often happened, at that moment I was not aware of beings and/or mechanisms of attunement: simply, after put the  physical body to sleep, I was again conscious in my mental body in a strange place, as a subtler counterpart of Earth, and I was in the counterpart of a physical place existing somewhere on earth, though night time there, my sight could pierce through the darkness because of some kind of light which faintly glowed from the objects, from the rocks and the sea, and from the sky, not the sun-light, but their own light.
But even there was nighttime, so at first I could not properly understand where I was and much less what I was doing there nor why I was there, I trusted the Presences which were so active with me during that period of teaching.

It was a group of tiny rocky islands, and I was on one of them, at my right at a distance there was a  small group of glowing beings together with a few which were less luminous but which I identified as humans because of their triune flame in the middle of their breast. The whole group was enveloped in a faintly light which enlightened the surrounding.
I was still unable to understand, then a voice coming from the group telepathically suggested me "an airplane had landed there".
It was impossible even for a small airplane to land there, so I understood the voice was fairly referring to a tragic accident, and suddenly my understanding opened on the meaning and reality of what I was seeing.
Then I noticed the blond woman close to me.
I could perceive the whole of her psychological atmosphere, her whole being was open to my perception, and I could not avoid to feel an intense human concern on her grievous situation.
She was sitting all alone on a rock by the sea, staring intensely at the bottom, which was visible thanks to its own light, undoubtedly a wonderful spectacle to observe.
She was ( had been till recently) young, beautiful, had an accommodate existence, life was smiling to her with the promise of a next marriage with the man she loved, she imagined a long happy life, children and many dreams and beautiful expectations to fulfil. She had never give a thought to death, at least not her death, and now Death was suddenly there, unexpectedly.
But she could not accept it. She was blocked there. She could not go farther and join the group waiting for her.
That happy and plentiful life had been suddenly severed, and that had been too much for her.

In a few steps I was by her side and said: Excuse me, which is your name?
She got up turned to me and kindly answered: C. (her name).
(Now, I don't know what she could see of me but I guess she was seeing the same that I could see, and I could see how our figures differed:  she was a beautiful tall lady, evidently North-American, and I looked as a shorter Mediterranean man, it all looked as I was pretending some advance).
In a tone of concern and conspiracy I  whispered:  C. do you think they have spaghetti here?...
The idea of a Mediterranean man only worried about spaghetti in such a circumstance must have seemed terribly hilarious to her, because she started laughing and could not stop anymore. I had the impression she could die again but this time of laughing.
But something had happen.
The block had gone.
I saw  things fast changing.
We both got enclosed within the light of the beings, they were actually waiting for her, I understood they were guides of that world, concerned with recently died people, now I could better observe the differences among them.

We started a flight all together at vertiginous speed across a red luminous space in which at a certain moment one of the group left us, the male recently dead.
We continued at that speed till that  red space abruptly ended. On the other side, a huge dark universe without light in it, only, very far away at enormous distance, at the very end of that dark extension, it glowed the promise of a white light.
A vehicle was waiting the group.
It looked like as a space ship of modest dimensions of more rounded shapes than the man-made ones.
Beautiful in its gender.
C. and the other human, together with their guides took place within the ship, but I was said I was not allowed inside  but could instead accommodate myself in one of the cabins on the fuselage.
I did and the cabin was sealed.
The flight was as astonishingly fast as silent. Sealed in the cabin, I was perfectly aware of the incredible experience I was living and of the fact that I had not the smallest idea of how to be safely back again in my body, I wanted to believe the wisdom which had done all that surely had a solution for me too.
The journey abruptly ended on a dark moon, a small planet without atmosphere, no sounds, no stars in the sky. There was something like a building, I had the clear perception that it was a hall, a receiving place for souls in transit, I suddenly was aware of the presence of a larger number of people inside the hall. 
My impression was right, because I saw C. and the other human were transferred inside the building.
While C. was entering the hall I felt a warm current of love from her reaching my heart, she was thinking of me, thanking me and sending me her last farewell.
Then my attention started to become clouded, I soon lost consciousness of the subtle world, the next, I awoke in my physical body.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Synthetic Vision

A synthetic vision which gives us the whole sight of the different approaches to the Divinity is not only worth having but necessary.
Because in it the human being founds all the answers which needs.
A mind which only is able to see an approach at a time, even, an individual which is not able to see that fundamental truth not only in religion, but in other ambit too, is not equipped for the Larger Synthesis which invades the Mind and the Heart with its reality as soon as we allow it to express itself.
Yes, to allow to express itself, because that vision is inherent to any human being and there is no need to go to search for it in complicate doctrines, it is only a question of let it be.
That <distance> we create between what really is and ourselves, is the shadow we each project between <us> and that Central Being, the fictitious reality in which we lose contact with the things true.
That central being is not a reality only in oneself but in each self and out of the self, an objective existence independent by our own vision, as evidently, the fact we may not perceive it, it is not synonymous that it do not exist, but only of the fact we aren´t able to perceive it, because its existence will continue on even without our own concur.
Because we can´t avoid that  immortal Presence to be there anyway knowing of it or not, and that Presence will link to any other Presence, either on Earth or elsewhere because is not a Presence limited to this planet but a Cosmic Presence, and all those discoveries cannot came but at the moment we let It be, because are not discovering of the mind but of the Mind and the Heart together, because we will not only know that truth, but love it.
Love in the sense of Adoration of that truth, you will adore it because of its infinite knowledge and love.
At that moment, the shadow and distance we have projected between <us> and that Being is still there, but we have transformed it in a pattern of  light: we have enlightened it, but not eliminate.
That is why our frequents go and back and turnovers.
The last part of the process leads unavoidably at an Identification of self and Self, a Fusion, a disappearance of both in a wide limitless Non-Being Consciousness
That is the Supermental Solid, the Metatronic Solid, the Diamond of Light of the Bodisattvas, and even the Christic dome of Light, because evidently, all the sources cannot point but at a same origin, the Divine Diamond of the Mind of God of which all is expression.