Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Early Morning Breeze

The early morning breeze seemed to have the power to penetrate into your mind and refresh it.
You were a bit surprised while you filled your lungs with the fresh balm.
You knew the relief was but a momentary one, it was going to be another hard sunny day.
While you breathed your mind became spontaneously silent. Again you were surprised but didn't react, immobile as the white wall at your back, you seemed to melt with the nature around you, as you were but another ivy leaf moving under the soft blows of the breeze.

Born from the still depths of your being an eternal Voice arose,
 as waves from a far off ocean murmuring over the shores of Life.
You leaned to listen...

"You are not living a process to share only with your heart-friend or with a group,
You are living a transformation called Life and its purpose is to be shared with everyone.
We are concerned with the globality of Life, not only parts of it.
To meet intimately a person or the surroundings talks to us of the amplitude of this process, which will take us till the Fiery Skies on High.
To meet intimately do not means promiscuously, in the relations, the father is the father and the son is the son, the lover is the lover and a friend is the friend.
We should live with Reverence each relation which is given us, keeping the highest place of this Reverence for the Supreme.
It will be from there that we will conduct our lives as a constant movement of Inclusive Love".