Saturday, December 31, 2022





I look and I saw: great structures where being built by a huge number of people, kind of pharaonic canalizations in polished stone of a very large extension to have water flowing over earth, with some smaller derivation on the sides of the main canalization as to built a kind of network to have the water flowing in different direction: I was really astounded for the greatness of the work and the general atmosphere of it, plus the immense number of people involved in that operation, then my intuition told me it was not real water but rather water/consciousness, those were canalizations for the consciousness to be spread over earth at a certain point of its history, in future times, when people would have understood the power of gathering together to consciously collaborate with the master plan of  the Divine, represented by a symbolic Pharaoh who seemed directing that large enterprise. I had the clear conviction that all that was in conformity  with what Sri Aurobindo said about the unfolding of the consciousness over earth, a consciousness which needed a new and greater network so to be effectively established on earth.

While the physical body slept I see a large tent mounted below some trees, I open the curtain at the entrance and I see Sri Aurobindo and Mother sitting, she is at his left side, both dressed in white as I know they would when giving a darshan at the ashram. They are staring silently at me while I am overpowered by the tremendous vision, because they really seem alive in their full Presence.

At the entrance there is a piece of paper on the soil with what looks like a message written with a pencil and I read: “ When you finish with your little initiations then you will receive Initiation”.

It of course is a personal matter, my little initiations in human relations, my studies on plants and a collaborative way to relate with them, even with drugs proceeding from plants, and a large etcetera, but it has a wider meaning which can be applied to people in general, meaning people practicing yoga, which at some extent are involved in “little initiations”, as for them too, when the time has come and the little initiations reach an end, would receive Initiation. Which is why I make this vision known,  to reflect about it, about our little initiations and how far or how close they take us to the real Initiation, which as it seems, will came from both Masters when we are following at some extent their yoga as a purpose in life, and certainly I make this known not to claim any special power or whatever, nor for the need to satisfy an ego claiming for attention on itself, as for sure, I´m rather interested of what Mother and Sri Aurobindo think about my progress in their yoga than any comment coming from whomever read these my notes. If something, I openly recognize certain natural disposition to have visions, in meeting people known or unknown to me in subtler levels of consciousness, guides or instructors, and I can say as Mother did: “ In life, the most precious things are among those you do not see with your physical eyes”. (Mother's Agenda, November 8, 1969)

When the series of encounters with Sri Aurobindo and the visions he  allowed me to witness for sharing where about to end I did not see him physically anymore but felt him as an invisible Presence at my side, it lasted a few days more and it was quite regular.

Just before opening my eyes at morning, I would see a large flat stone which was in front of my water mill and at morning that stone were bathed by the morning sun, then I would feel his Presence and see myself sitting on that large flat stone and he would always and only talk about “this consciousness” and its characteristics, He never used such terms as Supermind or Overmind, but simply said “this consciousness”. I frankly don’t remember now any of these conversations but the final phrase which would put an end to our meetings, and the final phrase it was: “Remember, nobody will be excluded by this consciousness”. These conversations lasted some three or four days, always at the same time before opening my eyes at morning, then a definitive silence signed the end of that experiences with him, at least for a season, because in the following years I had several occasions to enjoy again of his Presence, both in visions or a particular message which like everything else before, was meant to be shared and not for my own benefit. This message I put in my blog which describe my experiences with him, I mean, that series of meetings and visions that after his own will were required to be made public to reach the general audience but especially those practicing his yoga, but I will give it here again in this new series for the ones which have not read it yet.



Thursday, June 23, 2022


Her ways

One Sunday morning the Irish nuns took us kids to attend at Mass. My place happened to be close to a statue of Mother Mary all dressed in black.   She had teardrops running over her cheeks and seven swords piercing her heart. 


 She looked so sad... I could not move my eyes from that pale and sad face...I well knew the tragedy of her sorrow and how deep it could be...  me too was shedding sorrowful tears for the same reason... she had lost her son, I had lost my mother... we were summoned in that almost unbearable sadness... she was as distressed as I was...

Then, a silent voice aroused from that child heart of mine telling her: Oh little Mother... how I wish to take those swords out of your heart!..

 A single golden, transparent ray came forth from her heart touching mine and at once my wounded heart was literally cauterized,  all my sadness had gone and at its place there was a scarf on my heart. 

 A five years old child cannot understand Mother's ways,  I trusted I could talk to her much as to an earthly mother and could receive an answer, I trusted  I could establish a personal relation with her, so it was but natural to me  when five years later, now ten years old I run to kneel at a picture of her asking for immediate help. 

There were blood running down my legs, they were simply piles but I was horrorized and insistently called her for help. Seeing that no answer came I run to the kitchen took some chickpeas and back, I knelt on them, in that way I meant her that "my call was -really- an emergency" and I was expecting her to answer me...While so knelt and never ceasing to say: Oh Mother please, please help me! I heard a strange sound at my back as little trumpets and then an incredibly sweet and caring feminine voice spoke to me, calling me by my name and motherly saying to stand up now. I was petrified in earing the sudden voice and I actually couldn't move at all... I was overwhelmed by panic in thinking that if I turned my head  I could see her, but I had to do something... I could not remain any longer on that painful position so after a while I turned my head a bit and in seeing that nobody was there anymore I took back the chickpeas to the kitchen. You can see how ungrateful I was because in both cases I never said a word of thanks!.. Whenever your difficulties are too heavy to bear do pray her, be immediate and insistent as a child would be, She can't resist that call.

When the divinity itself intervenes into your life compelled by a call, you will never be the same again, a mark has been posed on your soul, you have become one of "her own".

 That happened to me, mean time I had the least monastic aspiration growing up instead as a rebel - an anarcho spiritualist of a kind-, an artist and a poet till my twenties when I happened to read the "Autobiography of a yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda. Yogananda described how himself and other indian yogis had had experiences with the divine Mother, me too had some in my youth but I had completely forgot them... The author awoke in me a renewed need to be in touch with her. Without me noticing it, the  divine sound of her voice was carved in my soul where I could still hear it...  She had been patient, waiting for me to remember her again...  


Monday, March 21, 2022


 For some unexplainable  reason those who follow one or another discipline, religion or spiritual leader are often unwilling to recognize the merits, nay, even the evident proof of a real awakening of the soul when this happens in people which do not belong to their own beliefs, and yet, great saints and Masters have been talking of the fundamental unity of all religion, creeds and yogas as leading to one and the same God. This also means that in spite of all appearances and differences the awakening of the soul is a universal possibility for every human being independently of the path they follow.

Surely in future years when people will feel free to investigate into different  spirituality without any fear and moved by the impulse towards a synthetic truth, the outstanding figure of Anne Catherine Emmerich will give more than one reason for wonder, and pretext for connection with other oriental streams of spirituality: her visions (actually authentic akashic registers) relating the life and deeds of the Master Jesus are not only to be considered authentic but of a character willingly revelatory, and at such an extent that could be considered a new Gospel in itself.

At the moment the only reference I may send the reader for more information is a complete enough english/spanish web page on her life and visions: 

Revelation is a condition of Grace, it has always a purpose even if at first it is not understood by the men and women of their time, and it has always the purpose of enlarging the human understanding about life on earth and the unfolding of a spiritual consciousness over the planet.

Anne Catherine was born in 1774 in Germany in a very pious and poor  christian family, since her childhood she had visions of who in future years will become her Master, her beloved Jesus Christ. We may suspect that in a previous life she was probably familiar to Jesus as a disciple or she witnessed herself some of the events  she later describes in her visions. 

 Before her twenties she tried several times to enter a monastery but she couldn't because of her poverty. Of late she was admitted but it could be possible only for a few years: when the French Revolution had a side effect of closing several monasteries and churches in Europe, she was again obliged to leave her secluded life and was received in the home of a pious widow where Anne Catherine remained till her death.

Losing the peace, silence and loneliness between the wall of the monastery was not an obstacle to her for developing such an intense love for Christ as  to receive the stigmata,  due to her frail health and the pain she patiently bore for the stigmata in her later years was obliged in bed and her last twelve years she only survived on plain water and a daily sacred Host.

Beside her own life which was the reason for declaring her a Beate, her most outstanding feature were her visions about the deeds and Passion of Jesus the Nazarene, often related with an astounding precision of details  and filling the narrative of  other Gospels with unknown pages on the life, deeds an whereabouts of the Master.

Beside the life of Christ there were other visions concerning the present (her present) and future of the Church  which offended her sensibility and her religious feelings for they exposed the dryness or even the corruption and meant an implicit warning to the ecclesiastical hierarchies.

 She was foretold that a man would appear to help her in registering the complete  narrative of her visions and when that was done she would finally die, as well as the writer.

 Clemente Brentano, a romantic poet friend of Goethe became her faithful friend and associated himself for life with her, writing her spoken narrative coloured of many dialectical words Anne Catherine made use of in her speech  into an understandable and readable german language.  

 Things happened exactly as she was foretold, after her passing away, Brentano had the time to put in a definitive copy all his work before dying himself too. When she was declared a Beate by the Christian Church only her life, but not her visions, was taken into account because they were not written first hand but by someone who could have modified them or altered their meaning.

 We may assume with a reasonable degree of certainty that were the  visions widely known as they deserved to be, the Church would have been in need to defend itself from an uncomfortable position.

 But revelation is of a divine origin and escapes any attempt of controlling it, its purpose is exactly this: the sharing of the truth with the whole body of believers and it will not fail its purpose. Eventually, in coming years the ostracism imposed on the visions will be removed and the revelation they contain fully shine for all to be seen while spiritually fed by the truth they contain, which is the purpose and usefulness of every revelation.   

 In the images, Anne Catherine Emmerich and Clemente Brentano.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Discipleship at the feet of the Mother.

It is difficult to understand my relation with the divine Mother without knowing the actual events which led to it. I do not present them in this series to let you know how good I am at that, or how pious and submitted my character is, but to let you know that it can become a Presence in -your- life too if you were convinced it to be a remote option in your life and only by great effort and by a titanic character  this could be achieved. 

Really, the Mother is a close presence in everything that exists in this universe which literally permeates with her presence, so she is everywhere and within ourselves too.

She is the Mother of the universe, the divine Shakti of the rishi, and when you are led to her presence -as She does sometimes- as the formless Goddess which is  eternal Bliss, Light and Power behind imagination, when you see the aquamarine energy pervading the whole universe, when you see her overwhelming core of white and golden light flowing from the divine planes as a cascade into the material universe, you cannot hold any doubt about it and say with the rishi "She is the eternal Shakti and Mother of the universe, to Her our praises". 

Her greatest mystery is how she can be both a forever unreachable and inconceivable divinity and yet a close and intimate figure in ourselves ready to answer our call for help, or greeting our offerings of devotion. Actually, she seems literally craving for the human heart to recognize her, after all, it is her purpose for us here to be conscious of her presence in our life and become a conscious instrument into her hands.

 One day the human species as a whole will recognize and live her presence, She herself will come on earth as an immortal being uplifting the human march towards paths of immortality. At that moment life on earth underwent an inconceivable transformation, the greatest part of the world population was involved with an healthy, balanced and spiritual life as well as in their environment, and Her immortal presence on earth would be of a tremendous impact  worldwide, She literally will drive a line between "before" and "after"  her coming in human history, she would consecrate the planet as one of her accepted and recognized disciples.

But now, today, when those far off events are still beyond sight, where is her hand and how we can make of her an intimate figure?  As she would say: "When it seems that I abandon you it is still my secret hand that leads you and that your eyes cannot see".

 So, it is not that she is not here but simply that -we- cannot perceive her, and to do that we need to get rid of the weight of a complicated character becoming as simple as possible, with an elastic, free and light intelligence able to perceive what otherwise remains conceived at our sight.

Her etheric aquamarine light is so powerful that great masses of water, oceans, sky and vegetation are coloured by that inner light  assuming hues of green and blue as a reflection of her presence.  Her prodigal and generous hand is within the tiny seed of wheat that when is sown gives plenty of seeds , her abundance is everywhere and everything tries to produce at its best, just because everything has the mother purpose within which leads to a plentiful life. 

If a little seed of wheat  is so generous to almost feed a human being when it is sown,   how much more generous should be a human being, much bigger and intelligent than a seed? And yet the human nature is so reluctant to fulfil this essential drive in everything that exists and surely, the blindness impeding us to see and feel the mother hand is proportional to the lack of generosity we demonstrate in our own life, both at individual and collective level. 

So, the degree of our generosity will always mark our real level, to us it should be as a mirror at the moment of analysing our character, if we lack of generosity or we display a mild proof of it, we do not really partecipe of the universal drive  towards abundance and delight, our  material riches and the artificial joy we obtain by them are but a surrogate of the real abundance which   is also sharing abundantly. 

The level of a State can be understood for the care it shows for the welfare of its own citizens, and when nations or coalition of nations withhold the right to a reasonable living of other nations, that too is at a larger scale what happens into a mean heart, unable and unwilling to flourish in abundance and freely sharing it.

So we should not be surprised when the hand of the Mother seems too far from sight, and yet even than, is only her purpose we fulfil but partially and imperfectly, and to her command only our life has to give immediate answer.

 When She calls either for good or worse, there is nothing we can do but answer and obey willingly or unwillingly. Only for a season she tolerates and allows us playing and entertaining ourselves with her toys, soon or later her transforming call has to be answered if we have to fulfil the very purpose of our presence here, if it remains unanswered or postponed, for a healing purpose we certainly will have to submit at her law for such cases, and if She is a Mother of life and abundance, She is the Great Kali too, destroying and reshaping her creation. 

For a human being, willing to follow her ways of abundance instead of those of destruction and decay  is not only a privilege, but a wise choice because her hand can be as abundant in giving as heavy and trying in her lessons.