Saturday, July 14, 2012
Sleep? Highways of Knowledge
The building of the global window is not theoretic matter.
This very night you may experiment with what I say.
Your aim is to be conscious all along the day, but, what happen with the night?
Are we really meant to sleep always at the same manner?..
I tell you what I discovered, and you can discover too.
Before sleeping we retract from surrounding reality, but before landing in total unconsciousness, there is a lapse of time, it is a very little time, in which our consciousness remains in between vigil and sleep.
Normally we do not notice that as many reasons may intervene, tiredness, wrong diet, habits etc.
But that point, it is a world in itself, it is a huge door through which the ancient oracles crossed for learning, or predictions, or visions.
I have crossed that door. So I know it is there. It has nothing to do with dreams.
I´m not saying I went very far in discover this dimension, since the peculiar level of attention which is needed was quite unusual, as I had to "remain conscious" in that half consciousness so to extend that moment (in between vigil and sleep) farther in time.
But often, the action of "being conscious" would interfere with that half-consciousness and made me awake totally again.
I had to learn to be "unwillingly conscious" in that space.
I´m still learning I mean. I already said that, I´m an apprentice.
But that one is not the only option we have at that moment, it can be also the door to conscious sleep. Here intended -exactly- in the terms described in the integral yoga of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, and not lucid dreams, or astral projections or whatever.
In effect, we may say one can choose between three options at that moment:
1) one can extend the "half-conscious bridge" and penetrate into that region I described: one at that moment is not sleeping nor awake either, it is a suspension of functions, even the physical body do not really sleep but only half sleep.
2)Through that same bridge, one takes another direction, which is towards conscious sleep. So the physical body fall definitely asleep, and one fully retro cede from surrounding (physical) reality, but as we where conscious in that -middle land-
we do not fall into -unconscious- sleep but in -conscious- sleep.
3) To fall asleep totally unconscious.
What I´m calling here conscious sleep, it is in reality self-consciousness of the mental body while the physical is sleeping and the subconscious is dreaming.
As well,it is a door to mental world or dimension, but this world is not the same that one may accede in the "oracular sleep" (just to give it a name), they are quite different and even the mode of consciousness is totally different: in oracular sleeping one is strangely conscious/unconscious, instead, in conscious sleep one is not only conscious but -extremely- conscious.
So much so as to perceive ( see actually) our unconscious zone producing dreams and knowing (seeing) that it is not -us- but only an appendix of that consciousness, which roots seems to deepen into ancestral animal memories and functions.
(I could see a mental lower appendix attached to my consciousness, much as the lowest part of a spinal medula, and possibly it was exactly that but seeing it from a different, peculiar perspective: from within out. But I could freely detach myself from the unconscious part and remain in my full self-consciousness of me as a mental body).
But we should come back on it all afterwards.
The global window I mentioned at the beginning, is the window through which we look at reality. But is perception of reality -only- when we are conscious in daily activity, or is it a process extended in time -without interruption-?
If your experiments with sleep bring some result in the sense I exposed, no doubt you are talented for the Yoga of the Vision.
Kit Chi on 17th Nov. 2013 wrote: I actually tried to experience what you said, and it was indeed as you said, that I was conscious of my physical sleeping and the subconscious dreaming, and I could choose to just watch the dream scape of my subconscious, or go experience something else.
Kit Chi, born in Hong Kong, is to me an example of how an independent mind, well centered and spiritually receptive may understand and actually experiment with integral yoga. She also informed me of a couple of visions she had of Mother and Sri Aurobindo little time after she learnt of the existence of the Masters. In the post "Awakening, a collective issue" (14/08/12), you may have a glimpse on her spiritual life.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The greatest obstacle of the mind is its own power.
Till there is not a true surrender of all its powers, methods and nature there will be not any sparkling of Light. But the mind is unwilling to surrender its power.
Certainly it has seen some light, but it has confused it for the brilliance of the Greater Light.
But, as it seems, none can enter that sacred space of understanding without the commitment of the Heart.
Mind alone cannot hold onto itself the whole understanding of Life, there is the need of a conjunction of Mind and Heart.
And this sacred conjunction cannot happen if the Mind has not reformed its nature, approaching its sacred core.
Mind alone cannot even understand this sense of Sacredness.
To enter the Inner Temple Mind needs to bear evidence of the Signals of the Sacrifice. It has to became simple and malleable, a fluid instrument and not a rock opposing to the current.
Renounce intelligence for Divine Intelligence.
Artificiality for spontaneity.
This is the sense of progressive growth into Yoga.
The mere operational and instrumental knowledge of this process of Integration into Life, is itself the obstacle if it is not supported by the factual realization.
That is the difference between believing or instrumental knowledge and true realization.
Till there is not a true surrender of all its powers, methods and nature there will be not any sparkling of Light. But the mind is unwilling to surrender its power.
Certainly it has seen some light, but it has confused it for the brilliance of the Greater Light.
But, as it seems, none can enter that sacred space of understanding without the commitment of the Heart.
Mind alone cannot hold onto itself the whole understanding of Life, there is the need of a conjunction of Mind and Heart.
And this sacred conjunction cannot happen if the Mind has not reformed its nature, approaching its sacred core.
Mind alone cannot even understand this sense of Sacredness.
To enter the Inner Temple Mind needs to bear evidence of the Signals of the Sacrifice. It has to became simple and malleable, a fluid instrument and not a rock opposing to the current.
Renounce intelligence for Divine Intelligence.
Artificiality for spontaneity.
This is the sense of progressive growth into Yoga.
The mere operational and instrumental knowledge of this process of Integration into Life, is itself the obstacle if it is not supported by the factual realization.
That is the difference between believing or instrumental knowledge and true realization.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Uncatalogued pages: Angels
Angels (II)
The sudden light is shining in the night with such an intensity that a whole side of the mountain is enlightened.
I wonder anybody else is seeing that incredible light, then I suspect not all can actually see it.
But I can see it.
The "object" which is producing this intense withe light looks as a barred spiral suspended in the sky, at about 30 meters from me, it has an enormous size, at least 13 or 14 meters at its widest points, and rotates over itself at such a speed that seems is not moving at all.
(I understand is an Angel, but of a different class then the previous I´ve seen.
The others were smaller, not such intense light, and they looked as two beings together which formed a magnetic whole, instead this one is a double being in itself.
It is towering over my head.
Sometimes, as it whirls, sparks of light are thrown off from its rotating arms, miniature replicas of its own shape, which fall on the ground reverberating.
I take one of the sparks within my hands, where it is shining.
But now the whirl has taken a human shape.
Definitely looks human, though there are some difference specially in the back bone, which seems longer, or the neck longer, but anyway which make me thinking of a human race, but of a distant galaxy, another physical pattern similar, but not identical to the human.
Even the shape of his skull presents some difference.
His face is not pale, and has grey eyes.
I´m suddenly aware he is on conference with my soul, as it were providing a message,
but I´m absolutely incapable of understanding what is really going on.
Then, the moment of the depart has come.
I sense he is leaving, and I hasten a question: "Shall I see you again"?
But he looks at me without answering, then disappears.
The sudden light is shining in the night with such an intensity that a whole side of the mountain is enlightened.
I wonder anybody else is seeing that incredible light, then I suspect not all can actually see it.
But I can see it.
The "object" which is producing this intense withe light looks as a barred spiral suspended in the sky, at about 30 meters from me, it has an enormous size, at least 13 or 14 meters at its widest points, and rotates over itself at such a speed that seems is not moving at all.
(I understand is an Angel, but of a different class then the previous I´ve seen.
The others were smaller, not such intense light, and they looked as two beings together which formed a magnetic whole, instead this one is a double being in itself.
It is towering over my head.
Sometimes, as it whirls, sparks of light are thrown off from its rotating arms, miniature replicas of its own shape, which fall on the ground reverberating.
I take one of the sparks within my hands, where it is shining.
But now the whirl has taken a human shape.
Definitely looks human, though there are some difference specially in the back bone, which seems longer, or the neck longer, but anyway which make me thinking of a human race, but of a distant galaxy, another physical pattern similar, but not identical to the human.
Even the shape of his skull presents some difference.
His face is not pale, and has grey eyes.
I´m suddenly aware he is on conference with my soul, as it were providing a message,
but I´m absolutely incapable of understanding what is really going on.
Then, the moment of the depart has come.
I sense he is leaving, and I hasten a question: "Shall I see you again"?
But he looks at me without answering, then disappears.
Uncatalogued pages: Angels
Angels (I)
The night soon shone with a sudden radiance behind the trees, as a moon shining behind them at ground level.
When, approaching, it come out of the shelter of the leaves I saw the radiance of two spirals of light not less then three meter each.
I immediately understood they were Angels, and that I could see their true form without the need their presence to be translated in human shapes.
That was their original shape.
They had not human form, but no doubt they were "beings", as they irradiated with their presence such friendly concern, such love and tenderness, that I was wiped in waves of delight.
They were rotating at each side, one clock-wise, the other counter clock-wise, they really looked as Galaxies in miniature, with a center of white light and their two main arms rotating, and at moments the light would take a silvery or golden hue.
Time by time, little round sparks of light would fall from their arms falling on the ground, where they would continue shining a little while.
Somewhere in my being flowered the memory of long, long time ago when humans had knowledge of these brothers of the human kind, and I longed this could be true again.
But at that moment, I suffered from a severe physical accident, and their presence resulted as a balm for my pains, so even if they did not say a word, I "sensed" they were specifically Angels of Consolation, and so it remained, especially when my subtle vision could appreciate they were heading now towards an hospital.
I saw as they effortlessly penetrated the outer walls of the edifice disappearing in the interior.
Then my mind went to the suffering people there, which, probably unconsciously, were receiving at that very moment the consoling bliss of their Presence.
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