Friday, May 18, 2012

on the Master of Wisdom and the Apprentice visionary


Additional comments: to "The Master of Wisdom and the Apprentice visionary".

(The reason why I leave those information is not to let you know
what happened to me, but what may happen to you, and know how it happens and to what is related).

Characteristics of the Fire entering from the Sacral Area.

It first entered the most lower point in the subtle physical body corresponding to the base of the spine as a single stream of rushing fire red-orange but immediately subdivided into two(polarized) main streams which farther subdivided each into two and those subdivided again while converting itself in thin streams of white light which orderly started to cross all over the body.

An atlas of acupuncture gives perfectly the idea, as it was exactly that, the streams of white light proceeded in a very ordered way along the members of the body.
I had seen atlas of acupuncture before, but I never thought the circulating energy had the entrance door from the sacral. (There where a few differences from an atlas, but it is the closest association I know).

It had a direct connection with the meridians of acupuncture even in the detail that some specific points along the lines started the reverberate till the body was orderly crossed by lines of light and points reverberating all along the lines.

These lines of light were directing toward the head into two main streams anterior and posterior which converged around the head as two differently polarized groups of beams which had there, each on a side of the head (quite similarly to fig 1), the final end of the circuit. The points played softly on  magnetic patterns which produced circles of light-energy which rhythmically expanded farther into the ambiance.
At that moment I was sitting in padmasana.
I almost felt the points of light reverberating over my skin, especially that of my face,  it seemed as I had little butterflies gently swinging their wings on my skin. But the process was evidently taking place originally at a subtler level, on an electronic body which enveloped the physical body with a net of light.
I was perfectly awake and in no moment lost consciousness, all along the process the red-orange light never ceased to feed the whole structure.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Idea and the Collective Consciousness

The fertilizing power and function of the idea in/on the collective mind.
A rational mind do often have not the possibility to grasp into the function of the idea and of the thinker, the writer, which normally results to be a  box of resonance for actual changes, or even a kind of visionary of the future direction of the cultural development of the society, and we have to refer here to the -main- cultural stream and not that deep less parody of it in later post-industrial  so called "culture", which, meaningless in itself, is quite a revealing factor  of psychological order that we cant afford here to analyze.

The main stream we refer to was that represented by the ideas of existentialism and the new humanism appearing in Europe during 1700 which was the base for the cultural and social revolutions.

At the same time that people started to be critically conscious of its dependence on governing powers heavily discriminative, the writer and the thinker were attracted by the same subject, and literature become mainly related with that, by the pen of writers of the caliber of F. Dostoyevsky in Russia, or later in France with Sartre, whose works where proscribed and condemned to the "Index Librorum Prohibitorum" by the catholic Church...
This social and literary effervescence bent the cultural stream from an idealistic and romantic view towards a more realistic one, sensible to the social  and human problem, which was in itself the very ground of modern realism, either social, political or literary and artistic, which shacked the very foundation of the previous social order promoting all the revolutions which followed.

An important point here is to consider that "history is wrote by the winner", and evidently those remarks are not necessarily shared by the opinion and general view of history of the later cultural-political stream which only superficially grasped in the whole value and unpreventable consequence  of the appearance of that new vision into society, and else, even if they understood it, they would rather keep it silenced in their own interest.
Because the  undisputed fact is, that it continued and  continues even now to manifest itself in the society with alternate consequences, but as the whirls of an ever expanding spiral of awareness of the general consciousness.

Even the pacifist and beatnik social phenomenon of early´60thies which later had a deep cultural influence all over the planet in certain aspects of its values as in the case of music, was the actual ferment into society of  a less evident sensibility to social, environmental, and spiritual aspects of human existence, of which the beatnik was the forerunner; the existentialism and humanitarianism was its base, and though invisible, it penetrated in the thought of even larger segments of the population becoming now a first clear result of that subliminal growth, which is represented in the citizen´s movements all over the world  and such wide spreading interest in a more balanced life when not a true search for a spiritual meaning to life.

IIIpart -Russia in the Vision

This psychological  intercourse we are considering of groups with wider groups and the connection they have with collective consciousness (that we can observe in akashic memories or subtle vision of things),  is also true in the relation of the individual with that general consciousness for the natural link he has with it.

We have seen as, the single will of the nation is an outstanding result, and yet the very embryo of the change was in the thoughts of the thinker and in the vision of the visionary which gave words to the need of the times, and when the man of action met with the thinker it spread into an action of larger repercussions.
The function of the -idea- was of fundamental importance for Sri Aurobindo, which mentioned it in different works, the following is from "The Human Cycle":

" There are even historians who deny or put aside as of a very subsidiary importance the working of the idea and the influence of the thinker in the development of human institutions. The French Revolution, it is thought, would have happened just as it did and when it did, by economic necessity, even if Rousseau and Voltaire had never written and the eighteenth century philosophic movement in the world of thought had never worked out its bold and radical speculations".

"The proletariat among us is sunk in ignorance and overwhelmed with distress! exclaimed Sri Aurobindo soon after disembarking in India. It was not metaphysical questions that preoccupied him, but questions of action. To act: we are in the world to act. But what action? And above all, what method of action would be the most effective? This very practical concern would remain with Sri Aurobindo from his very first days in India right up to his highest yogic realizations".
 (from Satprem,  "The Adventure of Consciousness")
The fact that Sri Aurobindo gave so much importance to the psychological aspect and relation between thinker/mass, is because he was quite aware of its own function.
In fact, is historically known was he himself which acted as a revulsive into the Indian consciousness of the time by promoting the very first independent movement which later reached with Gandhi its purpose.
Such an extraordinary influence on a whole nation by the thoughts of a man and a handful of followers serves to illustrate how things works.
They acted as a resonance of the latent will of the people, their writings attracted larger groups till it was constituted a movement of national importance which influenced historically the destiny of the nation by taking back their legitimate right to an autonomous life without any intervention from outer powers (in this case the Royal Crown).

(all the following are excerpts from Sri Aurobindo´s work "Ideals and Progress")

"When ideals enlarge themselves, when they become forceful, widely recognized, when different ideals enter into the field, clash and communicate their thought and force to each other, then the race rises to its great periods of activity and creation. And it is when the ideal arisen, vehement, energetic, refuses to be debarred from possession and throws itself with all the gigantic force of the higher planes of existence on this reluctant and rebellious stuff of life and matter to conquer it that we have the great eras which change the world by carrying out the potentialities of several centuries in the action of a few decades.
The union of the great idealist with the great executive personality who receives and obeys the idea is always the sign of a coming realization which will be more or less deep and extensive in proportion as they are united or as the executive man seizes more or less profoundly and completely the idea he serves and is able to make permanent in force what the other has impressed upon the consciousness of his age".

"Not only is the upheaval and fertilizing of the general consciousness by the thinker and the idealist essential to the practical realization of great changes, but in the realization itself the idealist who will not compromise is an indispensable element"...

"But he true idealist is not the servant of the letter or the form; it is the idea which he loves and the spirit behind the idea which he serves".

"Man approaches nearer his perfection when he combines in himself the idealist and the pragmatist... such were Napoleon and Alexander. Napoleon with his violent prejudice against ideologist and dreamers was himself a colossal dreamer, an incurable if unconscious ideologist; his teeming brain was the cause of his gigantic force and accomplishment. The immense if shapeless ideas of Alexander threw themselves into the form of conquests, cities, cultures; they broke down the barriers of Greek and Asiatic prejudice and narrow self-imprisonment and created an age of civilization and soul-interchange".

"But these great personalities do not contain in themselves the combination which humanity most needs; not the man of action driven by ideas, the pragmatist stirred by a half-conscious exaltation from the idealistic, almost the mystic side of his nature, but the seer who is able to execute his vision is the higher term of human power and knowledge "...

"And times there are, ages of stupendous effort and initiative when the gods seem no longer satisfied with this tardy and fragmentary working, when the ideal breaks constantly through the dull walls of the material practical life, incalculable forces clash in its field, innumerable ideas meet and wrestle in the arena of the world and through the constant storm and flash, agitation of force and agitation of light the possibility of the victoriously fulfilled ideal, the hope of the Messiah, the expectation of the Avatar takes possession of the hearts and thoughts of men. Such an age seems now to be coming upon the world. But whether that hope and expectation and possibility are to come to anything depends upon whether men prepare their souls for the advent and rise in the effort of their faith, life and thought to the height and purity of a clearly-grasped ideal. The Messiah or Avatar is nothing but this, the divine Seer-Will descending upon the human consciousness to reveal to it the divine meaning behind our half-blind action and to give along with the vision the exalted will that is faithful and performs and the ideal force that executes according to the vision.

Sri Aurobindo: "Ideals and Progress".
So that whomever think and act along those lines is linking himself with this psychological general atmosphere at whatever degree of that influence.
The subtle world teach of the influence the individual has on the general consciousness as much the reverse. It shows the subtle mechanisms through which it becomes possible.

today is not a mystery anymore that -thought is energy-, as science has created devices moved by that energy, and seems progressing towards farther discovering.
Thought is energy and it create and leaves subtle patterns in the mental atmosphere.
This is how the thoughts of the thinker  reaches the masses activating them, giving words to their very subliminal need which is there potentially but needs of the intellectual fire of the thinker to be set afire.
Sri A. and Mother clearly stated that a thought travels around the globe, (around the mental general consciousness).
Depending on its frequency it may deeper, or less deep, influence that mental environment.

on akashic visions ( general)

I wish to state here that I was never able to produce akashic visions on my own, I don´t want to appear for someone I´m not.
Mine was a specific instruction on the role and function of the Consciousness from its early appearance in human races and its future development.
To have that made, I needed to visualize akashic memories concerning different points of that development, but I´m quite aware I could have not done on my own.
My experiences were purposefully guided in a sequence I needed years to recompose, and yet I discover always new elements.

A note:
Most of the visions though not all are literal transcriptions from earlier registers,
which were taken in a place with no electricity and no access to any e-search or even books, so my comments reflects that situation. But I chose to present the original version of the transcription rather then an historically revised one.
You will see that in each akashic vision there is always a human group, and the different kind of decision they communally took: consider the difference among a group which sail in a boat at the desperate search for survival (numb. ), and the decision to sink into the ocean of another group.
In each vision there is a human group which takes a -certain- decision, and that decision influence on all the subsequent generations, even if it was a local phenomenon and with a handful of actors: it had meaningful repercussions for all the race.

In number IV, I remembered last glaciation taking place about a 100,000 years from now, and it seemed too much earlier to have evidence of human being, later, when I had access again to information I found that a later, partial glaciation happened only approx. 15,000 years ago.
In number V, my willing effort to discover the date gave me approx. a multiple of 20:
2,000;20.000;200,000, so the correct position is around 20,000 though it was not round number.
You´ll find here more comments and observations on  the historical aspects while I proceed in my transcriptions.
My momentary conclusions are that number VI (city sinking into the Pacific Ocean) and VII(original racial stream dividing into three subsidiary streams)  overlap themselves though in different periods of time. Number VII refers to the early main stream over a territory which later was that as described in VI. As the whole population of the city left before the floods, we may suppose they moved from the Pacific Ocean territories before at the surface, towards the American continent bringing with them their ancestral traditions (as in numb.VI).
I would not say it should be a clear-cut migration since the woman in -VI- described the city as a model for other cities over the globe, and I believe there were more land on surface in the Pacific Ocean that eventually sunk because of a much larger process then that concerning the city in -VI-, which sunk into the ocean. So that there had been already if not a migration itself, yes a cultural extension through the pacific area which made the American continent not that far physically.

Akashic Records (from "Atem´s Notebooks")VII

I did not expect a farther relation with the Pharaoh.
But this time is not only an akashic register but a real life connection with some of the actors in (IV). This is the chronological report.

>> 2000
While in Auroville, a sensible perceiver tells me I was taking care of her in ancient Egypt when she was an Egyptian princess with severe health problems. She tells me I was a therapist and even tells my name at that time: Nagar. I receive that information, but it do not awake in myself any memory.
While she tells me this I have no manner to discover the truth, I recognize a strange, unexplainable sense of closeness with her, which can't rely only in the few days since we knew each other. But as I say, I don't have any kind of farther perception.

>> 2010 akashic record
I'm seeing myself as a therapist in a previous life in ancient Egypt. It seems my main occupation is taking care of a young princess. She has some important difficulty as she can't move by herself, it seems she was born like that or due to some early problems. The fact is she cannot move and depends entirely by someone who takes care of her, massage her body to avoid blood stagnation and similar therapies. I'm absolutely dedicated to this activity. Taking care of the princess is my main responsibility.
But I do it with great concern because she is one of the daughter of the Pharaoh. I'm quite familiar to the house. There are two brothers of the princess of which I seem to be the tutor, the teacher in  a group of scientific disciplines. At that moment, I can see that the the first born of the Pharaoh has about 19 years old, then the princess which may be little younger, then the last born, which is about 5 or 6 years old. (The two  young couples I describe in III are the sons of the Pharaoh,  as I'm discovering now).

[The therapist which I describe there, was myself, but at the moment of the akashic vision I had no determinant elements to be sure, so even if I thought of it, I did not mentioned that because of such uncertainty, which now in this vision is explaining me that I was actually one of the actors in number III and IV ( the therapist). Through the mental atmosphere I perceive that in that life, I stood on the side of the elder brother to be crowned Pharaoh, and it seems for that reason I've gained some hostility from the younger.]

>> 2010
Circumstances are such  that in this life and in 2010, I had to meet again the two young brothers of the princess, this time incarnated in modern  human beings. I have this sudden perception one day when the three of us coincide in the same place. Even, the voice of the elder brother has still some of its previous characteristics.
So that in this actual life, for unknown circumstances I've met again the three brothers, though each carrying a separate life in different countries on earth. I've noticed the two brothers had an instinctive attraction towards each other and later on they became friends, but they are not realizing that previously they were brothers.

Akashic Records (from "Atem´s Notebooks")VI

It's a room, there are several maps on the walls which represent human history at incredible ancient times, I immediately -know- by simply looking at them that they are authentic revelatory treasures faithfully representing, separately, the movement of different races over the globe, or the history of their settlement in that specific countries, one is representing the general conditions of a great battle which happened somewhere will full details on land, armies etc,.
I came to the sudden conclusion that one has to be qualified in order to get out of the maps their whole potentiality as it seems possible inter actuate with them with a focused attention or a skill it seems I do not dispose at that moment, as to me they remain immobile.
At present I'm facing only one of them.
 In a sense it's very simple (it must be a learning tool which tries to awake subtle perception, because the closer maps show progressive complexity).
There is the drawing of a man on the left of the map, there is an arrow which starts at his feet going westward toward a territory which would resemble the American continent, then this arrow separate into three different arrows with a man each.
I immediately get the sense of the main stream of a race successively dividing into three subsidiary streams while they advance in time and territory.
 I´m quite convinced they must be the ancestors of the Indian tribes of North, Central, and South America, though they seems not original there but proceeding from the East.

The drawings could have been done by a Mayan or Toltec, as it's quite similar to the characteristic way they represent human beings in that cultures. When I focus on them they move.
 But that simple lecture has a whole lot of additional information attached to it,
 because the first man is represented ornamented with elements of the vegetable world and with feathers and bones, while the other three have culturally separated and each is distinctly ornamented, one of them only with bones, another one only wears feathers, and the third one is adorned only with elements of the vegetable world.
I'm witnessing the original stream of a race which in the course of time separated into three distinct cultural identities, and I immediately size the fact that they have differentiated by giving different value to their relation with life and nature. The "People of the Bones" is referring to a culture which mainly set on blood-shedding both for aliment or in their rituals, death/bones represented a fundamental link with life (survival) and it placed them as Lords or officers of the Death, somehow degenerated in a cult of the Death and the power of inflicting death to the victim (either sacrificial or for aliment) which later on was still one of the main aspects in more recent cultures, the arrow was the lowest one as signalling it initially spread in south America.

The central arrow directed towards central territories, and I got immediately the sense that  the "People of the Feathers", represented there, was the stream which most carried the spiritual heritages of the main stream, and a relation with  the sacredness of life as they bent to discover a relation of themselves with the cosmos and the subtle laws, they would be then the astronomer, the builder, and the feathers referred to the frugality of the food as well, as they did not plant or kill to survive, but survived as birds would, with little interference on surrounding life.
The third arrow described a curve towards the North and the man was ornamented with  small bunches of grass on its ears and upper-arm bracelets with green leaves and other vegetable elements on himself as adorn. It evidently referred to a subsidiary stream which focused more in its relation with the vegetable world for survival, using agriculture, and probably discovering and using the natural cycles of plants and Nature or possibly the healing powers of the plants.

I should say here, that I had the impression, possibly wrong, that this main stream existed with independence of other contemporary racial main streams. So it has not to be considered as the origin of -all- the races but of a particular stream within the general appearance of differentiated races of human beings.