This psychological intercourse we are considering of groups with wider groups and the connection they have with collective consciousness (that we can observe in akashic memories or subtle vision of things), is also true in the relation of the individual with that general consciousness for the natural link he has with it.
We have seen as, the single will of the nation is an outstanding result, and yet the very embryo of the change was in the thoughts of the thinker and in the vision of the visionary which gave words to the need of the times, and when the man of action met with the thinker it spread into an action of larger repercussions.
The function of the -idea- was of fundamental importance for Sri Aurobindo, which mentioned it in different works, the following is from "The Human Cycle":
" There are even historians who deny or put aside as of a very subsidiary
the working of the idea and the influence of the thinker in the
development of human institutions. The French Revolution, it is thought, would
have happened just as it did and when it did, by economic necessity, even if
Rousseau and Voltaire had never written and the eighteenth century philosophic
movement in the world of thought had never worked out its bold and radical
"The proletariat among us is sunk in
ignorance and overwhelmed with distress! exclaimed Sri Aurobindo soon after
disembarking in India. It was not metaphysical questions that preoccupied him,
but questions of action. To act: we are in the world to act. But what
action? And above all, what method of action would be the most effective?
This very practical concern would remain with Sri Aurobindo from his very first
days in India right up to his highest yogic realizations".
(from Satprem, "The Adventure of Consciousness")
The fact that Sri Aurobindo gave so much importance to the psychological aspect and relation between thinker/mass, is because he was quite aware of its own function.
In fact, is historically known was he himself which acted as a revulsive into the Indian consciousness of the time by promoting the very first independent movement which later reached with Gandhi its purpose.
Such an extraordinary influence on a whole nation by the thoughts of a man and a handful of followers serves to illustrate how things works.
They acted as a resonance of the latent will of the people, their writings attracted larger groups till it was constituted a movement of national importance which influenced historically the destiny of the nation by taking back their legitimate right to an autonomous life without any intervention from outer powers (in this case the Royal Crown).
(all the following are excerpts from Sri Aurobindo´s work "Ideals and Progress")
"When ideals enlarge themselves, when they become forceful, widely recognized,
when different ideals enter into the field, clash and communicate their thought
and force to each other, then the race rises to its great periods of activity
and creation. And it is when the ideal arisen, vehement, energetic, refuses to
be debarred from possession and throws itself with all the gigantic force of the
higher planes of existence on this reluctant and rebellious stuff of life and
matter to conquer it that we have the great eras which change the world by
carrying out the potentialities of several centuries in the action of a few
The union of the great idealist with the great executive personality who
receives and obeys the idea is always the sign of a coming realization which
will be more or less deep and extensive in proportion as they are united or as
the executive man seizes more or less profoundly and completely the idea he
serves and is able to make permanent in force what the other has impressed upon
the consciousness of his age".
"Not only is the upheaval and fertilizing of the general consciousness by the
thinker and the idealist essential to the practical realization of great
changes, but in the realization itself the idealist who will not compromise is
an indispensable element"...
"But he true idealist is not the servant of the letter or the form; it is the
idea which he loves and the spirit behind the idea which he serves".
"Man approaches nearer his perfection when he combines in himself the idealist
and the pragmatist... such were Napoleon and Alexander. Napoleon with his violent prejudice against
ideologist and dreamers was himself a colossal dreamer, an incurable if
unconscious ideologist; his teeming brain was the cause of his gigantic force
and accomplishment. The immense if shapeless ideas of Alexander threw themselves
into the form of conquests, cities, cultures; they broke down the barriers of
Greek and Asiatic prejudice and narrow self-imprisonment and created an age of
civilization and soul-interchange".
"But these great personalities do not contain in themselves the combination which
humanity most needs; not the man of action driven by ideas, the pragmatist
stirred by a half-conscious exaltation from the idealistic, almost the mystic
side of his nature, but the seer who is able to execute his vision is the higher
term of human power and knowledge "...
"And times there are, ages of stupendous effort and initiative when the gods seem
no longer satisfied with this tardy and fragmentary working, when the ideal
breaks constantly through the dull walls of the material practical life,
incalculable forces clash in its field, innumerable ideas meet and wrestle in
the arena of the world and through the constant storm and flash, agitation of
force and agitation of light the possibility of the victoriously fulfilled
ideal, the hope of the Messiah, the expectation of the Avatar takes possession
of the hearts and thoughts of men. Such an age seems now to be coming upon the
world. But whether that hope and expectation and possibility are to come to
anything depends upon whether men prepare their souls for the advent and rise in
the effort of their faith, life and thought to the height and purity of a
clearly-grasped ideal. The Messiah or Avatar is nothing but this, the divine
Seer-Will descending upon the human consciousness to reveal to it the divine
meaning behind our half-blind action and to give along with the vision the
exalted will that is faithful and performs and the ideal force that executes
according to the vision.
Sri Aurobindo: "Ideals and Progress".
So that whomever think and act along those lines is linking himself with this psychological general atmosphere at whatever degree of that influence.
The subtle world teach of the influence the individual has on the general consciousness as much the reverse. It shows the subtle mechanisms through which it becomes possible.
today is not a mystery anymore that -thought is energy-, as science has created devices moved by that energy, and seems progressing towards farther discovering.
Thought is energy and it create and leaves subtle patterns in the mental atmosphere.
This is how the thoughts of the thinker reaches the masses activating them, giving words to their very subliminal need which is there potentially but needs of the intellectual fire of the thinker to be set afire.
Sri A. and Mother clearly stated that a thought travels around the globe, (around the mental general consciousness).
Depending on its frequency it may deeper, or less deep, influence that mental environment.