We here, are all disciples of the Great Aquamarine Mother.
Everyone under this blue sky is a disciple of the caring Mother of the Universe.
The blue of the sky is the material reflection of Her Light, and Mother Nature reflects Her Presence and caring hand with her abundance and impartiality.
The blue light of the sky and the blue-green of the sea are the most visible part of her invisible greater Presence, and the abundance and generosity of Nature the material expression of Her invisible hand.
This is not a religious concept, it is what it is by experience.
Always cames the time in which your relation became a personal conscious relation with Her, as, we where meant just to discover Her, and nothing more.
The Love you have developed to Her is the sign of your proximity to the Discipleship of the Mother.
You have to trust me, if you have not a personal relation with Her, you can trust my words, because I have came under the conscious discipleship of the Mother.
When you became such disciple, She will present Herself to you as She did with me.
She will rapt your heart forever with the Darshan of Her Presence.
From that moment on, you will be bound forever to Her, She will make you slave of Her Love because once you have seen Her, you will have a perpetual longing for a farther visitation of Her, it will became the only longing of your life: She, has decided the time has came for you, to remain perpetually under her guidance.
You will be then, a conscious disciple of the personal/impersonal Mother.
Meanwhile, you are unconscious disciple of the Mother, even a great Master comes trough Her Matrix and lives and dies here under Her law.
When you love Nature, you indirectly love Her, as you are loving the only visible shape of Her Presence, because that Presence grows into invisible levels of eternal existence of which we are not aware at the moment.
The Core of Her Light is a shining White Golden Light, and the periphery of that light is a blue, aquamarine halo in which reside Her Creation. It is Her Mantle.
We normally reside into the Mantle, but we are not precluded to know Her Higher Spheres.
She decide the time.
But till you are not humble enough you have no hope to meet Her.
Absolutely no chance at all.
Humble in life do not means to be simplistic and unfit, as the purpose of Her discipleship is to make of you a worth co-creator.
But first you have to develop her qualities within you, which will be the same you have observed in Nature.
Nature is abundant and generous, a single little and humble seed may give birth to hundred of new plants as in the case of cereals, we need to be as abundant and generous in resources as Mother Nature before we may hope to meet the Creatrix of Nature.
Our actions and thoughts have to reflect the Beauty of Nature and her precise action.
If we don´t have such qualities in ourselves we have not any hope, but if we have them developed at a certain extent, that is the real point in which we are in our path toward Her.
And we can proceed on that path by developing that qualities we observe in Mother Nature.
It will came a moment you will rejoice of Her very Presence, if you are longing Her,
it is a sign that She is almost on the point to lift Her veil for you.
The intensity of your longing it is a sure shortcut to Her, because really Her Presence only depends on the intensity of your longing.
Someone, as myself and others, knew Her since childhood, and at that moment one may not need such intense longing, my personal case was anyway an early reconnaissance of Her but trough intensity, as I was sick and I prayed Her to help me till I heard the silvery sound of Her Voice.
But even then, farther on I was bound to intensity of longing to keep in touch with Her again.