When we look at the traditional painting of the catholic imagery portraying Bernard de Clairvaux while breastfed by Mother Mary we may think of it as a legend rather then a real miracle, certainly Bernard was a great devotee of the divine Mother, but the painting has rather an occult meaning: at the fashion of the time and in the veiled language of the Alchemist and the occultist it depicts the Adept.
The painter knew the occultist language and represented there the Adept while is fed by the Lac Virginis of the universal Mother, the Mother of Wisdom dear to the Alchemist and to the occult philosopher. More than a saint to the devotee, Bernard was considered a real Adept by the Alchemist.
In fact the existence of a branch of esoteric Christianism and the Holy Inquisition made it necessary a veiled message for this otherwise universal figure of a real adept of the Universal Mother as he was esteemed at his time.
Bernard had a strong urge for a monastic life at his early twenties, but he was not alone at the door of the Monastery of Citeaux, his religious drive was so strong that his brothers and several knights followed him when he went to take leave of them.
The aged monk at the door could not believe at his eyes in seeing that powerful group of knights and a lad on their horses pleading to be admitted to the Order. He runned as fast as he could on uncertain steps to inform the Abbot.
The venerand Stephen Harding, the Abbot of Citeaux had been seeing his aged monks dye one by one; of late, but a handful of old monks and he himself were surviving between the silent walls.
Stephen Harding, a great devotee of the divine Mother had been asking her a new lymph to vivify its monastery and his vision of a great spiritual regeneration of Europe, he could not understand why the Holy Mother gave him that vision without the means to realize it, and when the doorkeeper rushed into his room, Stephen knew that his prayers had been fulfilled.
In a few decades hundreds of Cistercian monasteries appeared all over Europe and thousands of monks embraced the austerity of the most rigorous branch of the Benedictine Order, at the same time, the ambitious plan to create an esoteric Order, the Templars, which would help to unify Europe under the rule of the Church, or rather of the Divinity were materialized by Stephen through his most outstanding disciple: Bernard de Clairvaux.
Both Stephen and Bernard had celtic blood in their veins and had been fed in the belief of a prodigal universal Mother which ruled the creation, something in opposition with the judaic belief common at that time of a vengeance full male God frightening his devotees.
Both Master and disciple were successful in infusing the Catolicism with the celtic cult to a Mother in love with Her creation rather than at war with it, but their was more than a simple belief, they both were Adepts at the feet of the universal Mother and their was not a pretentious plan but followed Her own design for Europe and the world at large.
Physically Bernard was not as the painters drew him, he had a very pale skin, pale blue eyes and pale blond large hairs, a very thin figure made even more so for the rigorous austerities, with a powerful gaze that could frighten his observer. The paintings representing him have nothing in common with his real, emaciated figure, he had not the ecclesiastic tonsure and his hair long to the neck.
In earlier years Stephen had to run away from England, he was brotherly received in a french monastery when hostility grew among monks with a relaxed way of living, Stephen and a small group where rather prone to reestablish the ancien austerity of the monastic life, but they met with a fierce resistance.
When Sri Aurobindo slightly mentioned a previous life in which he was warmly received in France, some was led to believe in Leonardo da Vinci, but the words he used were those one would choose talking of simple, religious people rather describing the pump of a french monarchy as would be the case.
I was unable in meeting with the original sentences to report here, but researches could be made that corroborate my conviction that Stephen Harding has been a previous incarnation (a Vibhuti) of Sri Aurobindo, and the work Stephen did, the spreading of the cult to the Mother and a Citadel of God which was supposed to become Europe are clear signs of the far viewing sight of a great spirit and the action of an Adept.
In comparison, the brilliant mind and skill of Leonardo would not stand the humble but powerful action of spiritual regeneration which was set in motion in Europe by the austere Abbot, yet an almost unknown figure to his contemporaries and to the following generations.
Sometimes the work of an Adept of the divine Mother has not need to be known and recognised by the society, he works for the Mother and She only knows that he is fulfilling Her very purpose, a few may know, but, as in the paintings of the Adept fed by the Lac Virginis, the message goes in silent and cryptic symbols only accessible to the holder of the key.
Stephen could well be a powerful Vibhuti of the late Sri Aurobindo, and as the Master said, a Vibhuti do not has any need to know itself as a Vibhuti in order to accomplish his work, or it may come to know about it in later years when most of his work is accomplished.
The whole yoga of Sri Aurobindo is centered on the Mother doing her work within the disciple, both the humble Stephen and Sri Aurobindo infused the devotee and the spiritual researcher with the necessity to reconnect with the original Mother, their action has deeply influenced both West and East, and surpassing the purpose of Stephen and Aravinda we may read a great divine purpose preparing the Age of the Mother.
As a matter of fact, to vivify the cult to Herself in the heart of the devotee, under Her form of Mother Mary, the universal Mother appeared several times in Europe noticeably to young people as in the case at Fatima and Lourdes, but these were not the only one and even recently in places around the world there have been apparition of Mother Mary.
One outstanding and revealing apparition happened in Africa to a poor she devotee. The divine Mother appeared into the hut of the devotee in an almost desertic environment.
Pleading the devotee to worship Her for the following days the Mother assured her that a spring of water would appear soon in her very humble hut as it later happened, that a temple had to be erected there to shelter the spring, and this connection of the healing water with the divine Mother is revealing in such, that some places of cult are and will be healing temples in the Age of the Mother, in the future of a regenerated and spiritualized human species.
This connection of the healing water with the universal Mother is an outstanding fact, in many cultures water appears to have healing and sanctifying power, the aspersion with holy water and the baptism in the west or the ritual ablution into the water before worshipping and the offering of water to the divinity in the east both reveal the conviction of a healing power related with the water.
Water is considered to have "memory" and the characteristic to get impregnated by the aura of the mystics becoming the vehicle of a healing process, possibly the human species needs to recuperate a genuine approach to the water, with the need to protect its effluents and recuperate its use as a healing vehicle rather than persisting with an utilitaristic use of it.
The very survival of the species is founded over the access to pure clean water to billions of individuals, and this fact has to be taken in consideration by the yoga practitioner, every effort and action should be made to promote it as a priority on scientific or political agendas.
A worldwide movement for the protection of water would agglutinate around it any kind of people independently of his culture, religion, political party, age or social status, it could become a very powerful instrument of pressure on the policies of governing powers. Artists and intellectuals should be summoned to convey the message into society.
The protection of the water makes people communed with a different attitude not only with water but with its surroundings too and lately with everything that exists.
The connection of the human being with the Holy Mother through the healing water is the mark of Her purpose for the Age of the Mother, when a wide spread attitude of respect will generate the affluence of people to the Temples of Healing Water for healing, worshipping and connection with the Mother.
The cult to the one original Mother is expected to substitute any other form of cult on the planet, human beings will be communed into a general worship and recognition of Her purpose both with the individuals and the planet they dwell.
This will be a great epoch for humanity impulsed by a common spiritual rush and urge, the time of the plenitude of the Era of the Mother, when Initiates will dwell among people, yoga and spiritual disciplines will be common in large sectors of society, and the appearance of Savitri on earth, the first human being integrally divine from birth will take place to show the next tread to immortality for the humanity as a whole.
Sri Aurobindo promised to come back on earth in a body fully overmentalized, immune to death and expressing the full power of his divine condition.
The conquest of death by humanity as a whole represents the divine plan for this planet, once that achieved, will not be the end but the beginning of associated planetary consciousness, the beginning of a new unthinkable adventure into higher levels of awareness and connection with other galactic human beings and forces which operates at higher levels of existence.