I´ve been translating a few points from a french page for you to acknowledge about the mentioned messages supposedly from Sri Aurobindo.
The context of the web-page transcribes a few hundred of messages which suppose a too extent material for presenting a thoroughful study, but there can be extracted a few provvisional conclusions, which are as follow:
the channels: Jean-Luc Ayoun and Veronique Loriot seem linked to the teaching from Om ram Mikael Ivanhov.
Sri Aurobindo:
The entity talking through the channel affirms:
He is the one 50 years ago lived on earth as Sri Aurobindo, he was John, who wrote the Apocalypses, then announcing the times of the coming of the supermental light, and, 50 years ago, inaugurating that Descent.
..."I was John, the beloved disciple, and I was whom you call Sri Aurobindo in my last incarnation. I am the one who faithful transcribed the future history which you are living now. Similarly, I´ve been the one who tryed to describe the most faithful possible I could, and independently from any religious structure, the return of the Light. I was who described its manifestations, means and principles"...
..."In my last incarnation I´ve written in poetry or prose of a number of important elements concerning experiences I lived, as well, the application of that experiences to the ordinary life, precognizing a new way of life and new places to live in, which certain people are still following"...
..."I will be from now on the spokesman for the 24 Elders, called the "Lipikas of the Karma" or Melkizedech"...
[ Lipika (Sanskrit) (from the verbal root lip to write)
A scribe; divine beings connected with karma. The lipika are active cosmic karmic intelligences, the highest class of architects, which lay down from manvantara to manvantara the tracks of karmic evolution to be followed by all evolving entities within the manvantara about to begin.
( The lipikas are among the very highest classes of dhyani-chohans or cosmic spirits in the universe; as entities, they may be thought of as acting from the highest planes, they connect, karmically, the planes of pure spirit with those of matter, the cosmically vast with the manifested. These recorders of and in the karmic ledger of the solar system mark the distinctive barrier between the personal ego and the impersonal self).
(The lipikas correspond to the Egyptian forty Assessors of Amenti, to the four Recording Angels of the Cabala, the Hindu four Maharajahs and chitra-gupta, the Christian seven Angels of the Presence, and to the Book of Life of Revelations. They are directly connected with karma, with the Day of Judgment, or the Day-Be-With-Us, when everything becomes one, all individuals becoming one, yet each knowing itself).
The Melchizedeks are widely known as emergency Sons, for they engage in an amazing range of activities on the worlds of a local universe. When any extraordinary problem arises, or when something unusual is to be attempted, it is quite often a Melchizedek who accepts the assignment. The ability of the Melchizedek Sons to function in emergencies and on widely divergent levels of the universe, even on the physical level of personality manifestation, is peculiar to their order. Only the Life Carriers share to any degree this metamorphic range of personality function].
..."In my last incarnation I´ve been writing and talking about the "blue bird".(reference to Sri Aurobindo´s poem "The Blue Bird"? http://intyoga.online.fr/bluebird.htm)
Those who read it will see I mentioned there the "Wave of Life" even if at that moment the earth itself wasn´t yet Liberated"...
..."Today, things are radically different because the earth has been fecundated and expresses through you and within you the answer to the Supramental"...
.."Today, the call we have made to that Light have allowed that Supramental Light to spread and display itself as that White Vibratory Light over earth"...
..."The new structures have already been activated having permitted to display and reveal the points called "Stars", in the "Radiant Crown" of the head. Those points at the moment of their connection to the Consciousness becomes the "Entry Doors" (for the Fire) between the Radiant Crown of the head, the Radiant Crown of the Heart and the sacrum"..
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( I have seen here a correspondence with the experience I mentioned with "the Invisible Being" e.g. the Fire entering the sacrum and the Radiating Crown around my head, with the points of light around the head playing on magnetic patterns (the Stars here mentioned?)
..."The Fire of the Heart in some of you is activated with independence from this circuit and the total activation of the Radiant Crown of the head, which may facilitate somehow the Surrender to the Light"...
..."This Fire corresponds to what I´ve mentioned in my previous life as the level of the Citta, or else, the Supra-Mental".
..."The Fire of Love is Intelligence of the Light and Intelligence of the Fire"...
..."The Fire of the Heart is the Quintessence of the Unitarian Vibration, which will conduct you to your Eternity and Essence. Nothing may found place in this new space of Existence which hasn´t been actualized and established itself, in a definitive manner, in the Vibration of the Fire of the Heart"...
..."The Supramental, or Wave of Life"...
The basic concepts expressed in the messages are of a personality turning towards its soul and this soul turning toward the Spirit.
In order to do this and in answer to cosmic needs, there are some alteration of the structures in order to allow the New Light-Vibration, which correspond to a more generalized ascensional process.
Personal involvement is required, especially for the re-location of the Consciousness within the Heart. A total surrender to the action of that Light seems to be the only right attitude.
It is observed a certain process of Fusion.
It would be a too extent a purpose try to convey the whole idea and concepts and Beings involved in this process as mentioned in the web page, and it is here presented as a possible subject for anyone wishing to farther study it.
We are not supporting the above mentioned people or ideas.
We only can guarantee the authenticity of the facts mentioned in this blog, which have no other reason but to inform you about the central vision of Savitri by direct requirement of the Master Sri Aurobindo.