Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Arcane Symbolism in Sri Aurobindo¨s Work II Part

The reason why the Ascending Water is a symbol of relevant importance in the Vision we are considering may be concealed in a previous moment in history.

We have a singular declaration of another Avatar: The Christ.
During the Last Supper it is openly mentioned the descending fire ( the Fire/Holy Spirit) descending upon the head (or mental principle) of the Apostles.
The apparent contradiction which distinguishes Sri Aurobindo´s emblem (the pond and the lotus cannot be contained within a bi-dimensional square, but only within a three-dimensional cube), we find again in the words of the Christ, which is certainly aware of the natural propensity and movement of the fire, whether material, symbolic, or spiritual, to gravitate towards the heights. This do not impeach him to express a contradiction in terms as that of a descending fire.
But this is only one half of the truth the Christ said there,  as concealed in the very words there was the necessary answer of Water/Mind to the action
 of the Spirit: the ascending Water would be the implicit result of a descending Fire.
Where this true, we should found somewhere later in history a statement (from any other Avatar of course) about ascending Water-Mind and Matter.
And we have it.
Sri Aurobindo has explicitly mentioned ascending Matter and descending Spirit. (Remember the ayurvedic axis Water-Earth, which is water-mind and matter. Mind in ayurveda is rather mostly related  to Vata/Air, but here we are considering the mental principle and not any brain function).
Which was the reason for the Christ to let concealed the second half of the truth he was communicating?  Was it by chance the knowledge that though the descending fire was a reality of his times, yet the answer of the ascending matter was not yet a reality?
Was humanity to wait till the necessary conditions and time for Matter´s ascent where expressed by another Avatar?
It is possible.
We may ask if at that moment of evolution there was not yet the understanding, or the vision, of the necessity of the directions of Fire and Water to be inverted, and, if that possibility started with the Christ, and reached its whole completion with Sri Aurobindo.

That moment in time was closer to another emblem, the seal of the King Solomon, two triangles, but in this case the upper triangle is the Spirit and the lower is matter, their directions do not meet or are not inverted, so to say, each gravitate on his own side, The Spirit above and Matter below, which makes the difference with the emblem of Sri Aurobindo, where the descending triangle is Spirit and the ascending is Matter.