Friday, August 9, 2013
Conscious sleep and brilliant parrots
The brilliant parrot may think of himself as a brilliant mind, but no mind is brilliant unless is a humble mind.
The humble mind is not a simple or simplistic mind, but a penetrating edge which becames humble by seeing the immensity of the Wisdom Love and Power which rules the manifold universe providing life to all the millions and millions of living being as well a suitable and eternal law for its numberless processes.
So that normally a brilliant parrot mentioning at ease numberless books and dates and happenings may quite have little of his own to put together to what he suppose to know, because when we came to yoga and namely integral yoga, it would be worth mentioning what one has really learnt instead of what he brilliantly memorised.
Anybody may realize the danger which such kind of mind may carry to itself or others, because when faced to unknown or untold experiences or happenings, that brilliancy suddenly disappear incapable of seizing its true meaning or else, providing a necessarily wrong interpretation.
I´m not here to please anyone nor I care what followers and students of Sri Aurobindo may think of the experience with the Master I relate, none is taking out of me what has rooted in the depths of my being, I only regret for them for not having been able to trust, understand and possibly enlarge their vision or their understanding.
But things are such, that they suppose to bring a great deal to the understanding of integral yoga, they may have lot of followers and readers of their blogs which positively sanction their writings, but ultimately that is simply their own conviction and nothing else, because mental pride is not alien to such brilliant parrots.
So I prefer people which sincerely talk of their difficulties in experiencing say, conscious sleep, instead of those who can make a brilliant resume of what they read, but add nothing of their own experience on the matter.
It should be realized that experiencing conscious sleep means necessarily a great deal of work on oneself, not just a lucky chance or an isolated event, because the one who experience conscious sleep understand at the same time that he/she is bridging his consciousness through the whole day and night and is going to open his subconscious to the transforming power of the Mother, and in order to do that, Mother has accepted their offering of themselves.
I´m not saying here that not experiencing conscious sleep necessarily relate to unevoluted subjects, but what I mean is that in order to successfully bridge one´s consciousness he/she has necessarily to experience conscious sleep because it is a necessary step to proceed forward in opening and integrally transform even their unconscious mind as a part of the whole process of transformation.
And in integral yoga is not what one has memorized which will bring him any farther but only what he has actually experienced, and when they meet someone who has done the effort, should be humble enough to recognize it, not for the satisfaction of the latter but for the mental health of the former.
I´m quite conscious that my experiencing conscious sleep has taken the work farther in deeper levels of myself, I sense that the experience is working on my subconscious and ultimately this subconscious would disappear or better be transformed in ways I myself have not yet understood at present time.
None should forget that the integral transformation proposed by Sri Aurobindo is intimately related to what the Master himself told about it: that the effort made by others will make it easier for the following ones, and this necessarily means that the experience may not present itself in the same exact way it was previously experienced.
So per necessity it is useful to know what it has became of such experiences as conscious sleep after the lapse of time separing us from the disappearance of the Masters.
What will you do with my experience? Will you think of me as an integral clown because I feel entitled to freely talk about it, or will you get the chance to seize on it and go even farther?
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