Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Yoga of the Future Action

This Yoga starts where all the others end. Till now the Yogas gave you the different possibilities of atonement with the Divinity. This Yoga is the Action which spreads from that atonement. It is the Purposeful Action endowed with the will to transform Life itself within the limitless possibilities of the Light-Mind of God.
 This Yoga is individualized on the resources each one has.
As, the yoga of the future action is not based on stereotypes but on individual personal resources.
In the manifold diversity of the Being founds expression the individuality of possibility, as our own personal, unique mark.
The foundation which is general for each individual is that by the power of the Divine Will  you have inherited the Earth to take care of it, to be concerned, to preserve that gift.
You cannot do "whatever" with the Earth, you inherited it from your Ancestors to take care of it, to associate with, to be concerned with its development and integrity.
Because in doing this, you reconnect with the Divine Purpose of your Presence Here.
The Yoga of Integrity is the intimate connection  of the sphere of the Mind with that of the Heart. From that union spreads the Future Action. The Action of the Being that You Are.
It is Future because it is purposefully directed to transform the future conditions of the Earth, you are called to be co-creators by discovering the inner potentialities of your Being.

Works of the Spirit of Synthesis

We as human beings have the full right to consider if the aims of religions and spiritual doctrines are in accord with the requirements of the time.
 It seems there is a kind of dark cloud overhanging humanity led to believe the best solution was getting out of life with as less injury possible taking refuge in another world, leaving unavoidably earth in the same miserable conditions then ever.
Because life was basically unworthy living.
A sagacious illusion which took strong hold of the human understanding leading to fundamentally believe this world and life and even matter unworthy and the other better.
We hardly think, as Sri A. said, that if the reason for our presence on earth and matter was simply to discover the reality of the Spirit, there was any need at all to leave that spiritual world where we already knew of the reality of the Spirit.

 Instead, our presence on earth, had a meaningful reason which was not only to  realize the reality of the Spirit and take leave of earth to join that as soon as possible but to realize that in the very earthly conditions of life and existence.
A paradise on earth as much anywhere else.

So that shadow used us to believe life unworthy to be fulfilled in its full meanings.
That has been the fundamental message within any religion and doctrine and practice and tapasya or whatever.
Always and only meant to leave this world without transforming it.
We may undervalue the full power of this underlying belief and the power it had till recently in the whole of human history.
Truly a huge dark cloud of misunderstanding the purpose of life and insisting on the wrong matter which, in the course of time took to religious controversies, burning of books and people, sacrificing Masters and all such things we perfectly know of which we have tragic testimony with daily loss of human life.
Our very social structures are continuously influenced by that dark conception, and the very religions fight sometimes the civil human rights violating their very purpose of improving human growth. A farce on its own right which anyway weight into the life of some believer of whatever religion always disposed to see in the other the enemy to fight.
Which justify in last terms military escalation or interventions and all the rest you as planetary citizen that you are and well informed, perfectly know from an independent point of view. Not what that shadowy vision of life pretend you to believe.
Because in the course of time that vision has acquired a factual power, religious, economic, military power.
This is not any new such "theory of conspiracy" revisited, but a fact signalled by the mentioned Great Masters, a true fact and a true problem which their teaching often mentioned.
In the essence, their teaching was exactly the bridge to that new concept of life.
Any other coming Great Master could not  fail in establishing his words as that bridge.
We know the bridge has been signaled again by D.S., his synthetic vision is but that same process of incarnating that Spirit of Wisdom, their teaching is not different as some pretends, but is enclosed in that superior synthesis which is the work of the Avatar.
This the sense of the work of the Spirit of Synthesis operating within the said Masters.
This is the true image of the Kalki avatara, a succession of enlightened human beings acting with their own life as a bridge between the two poles.
Their is truly the call mentioned in the Gita at whole generations, they only are precursors of next human collective achievements.
We are somehow instruments of that design, as we can only be what evolution call ourselves to be.
And evolution call in the words of the Avatar.


Awakening, a collective issue

or, the story of Kit Chi
we should not think our process a singularity as to awaken pride, as a little we search around we see soon that much more people is involved in their own individual way supporting with genuine life experience this complex phenomenon.
I had permission by the same author to reproduce integrally the text she send as a contribution to that understanding, as such was the opinion of the author:-... "I don't consider myself holding ownership to any such info, but rather that they are humanity's heritage, therefore best to be shared freely"(Kit-Chi on e-mail of 3Ago2012)...
That could not be better expressed: a humanity´s heritage.


Awakened To Unlimited Light, Love, Knowledge

Although I live in the US now, the story I am relating happened when I was growing up in Hong Kong, China.
I have tried not to put my spiritual experiences in words for a long time, since there are really no words that can describe these experiences. And putting them in words inevitably bound my actual experiences to the limited conceptual framework that these words represent.
On the other hand, I see that now is a ripe time for the scientific community to study spiritual experiences, along with NDE's (near-death experiences), and so more candid accounts of these experiences are needed. In today's world I see many problems caused by organized religions, by people believing in the wrong thing mixed in with the right, not being able to discriminate truths about God from half-truths. This often stems from well-meaning religious people or prophets mixing their own opinion about God with their actual experiences of God. The scientific method can be useful in discriminating what's true from what's not, although it has its own limitations.
Below I will try to relate my spiritual experiences without interpretation. The process turned out to be less of a memory recollection than a reliving of the actual experiences. You will find that I would switch to present tense when I am reliving those moments. However, the period before my major spiritual experience (my awakening or enlightenment experience), I relive those moments more as a bystander, perhaps due to my enlightenment experience being such a life-changer that I am no longer the girl that I was before the experience. Here's my story:
A 5 or 6 year old girl that I was finds herself being troubled and saddened by all the news about war and suffering she sees on TV. She does not want her sadness to affect her family, so she would cry quietly by herself when she takes baths. While she sits in the warm bath, she would sometimes look at her small arms and hands from somewhere behind her eyes, from somewhere calm inside her and finds it fascinating that she has such small arms, that she can move them about, manipulate them at that particular moment in time, in that bath tub. There are also vague remembrances of other times of such clarity in her mind, such as this particular moment that I am typing these words - now.
The 5 or 6 year old little girl is outdoors on school ground being lined up for class photo. A question crosses her mind: 'What is a class photo that gets this moment etched in time that I can look back at later in life?' Immediately a realization comes upon the girl, and her consciousness rises above and expands further and further out. A love and kindness toward all beings envelope her.
As the girl grows up, she is still saddened by all the bad news she sees on TV, and frustrated that she cannot do anything about them, or understands why they happen. She gets depressed. The depression gets so bad that she wants to kill herself. Ending it all seems such an easy way out. But she can't. She cannot bear doing that to her family. She also remembers the Christian teaching at school about killing oneself, and the Buddhist teaching about people having to come back lifetime after lifetime to resolve matters. What if these teachings are right? Seeing no other way out, she feels more trapped and depressed. So she sits. Everyday she does her duties - go to school, come home and study. And then she sits, pondering. From pondering to reading books about philosophy, she finds no resolution. But she finds that she feels less depressed just by sitting here watching her own breathing. And so she starts checking out books from the library about meditation as well, and begins her amateurish way of meditation.
The girl is now a teenager. She has experienced a few more epiphanies, such as the realization that all people are equal inside, from the most admired to the most despised in society. So she tries to treat everyone equally with respect.
Then one calm night while I was a teenager I have my awakening or enlightenment experience. I have been studying physics for an exam, and find myself absorbing the material better than normal. Time seems to be under my command, and so passes by slowly or rapidly at will, allowing myself to absorb the material fully. My hearing is also very acute, and I can literally hear the sounds of silence all around, which is a slight buzzing sound. And this buzzing sound seems to penetrate afar. When I hear this sound I feel that I am connected to far away beyond the stars in the sky.
After studying, I go to bed as usual. And being used to meditation by now, I automatically focus my attention on my third eye in order to relax. The third eye is the area between my eyebrows. Light appears to my third eye as usual. But this time it is different. The light intensifies and I am pulled into it. I allow myself to follow it, and immediately the buzzing sound I have been hearing all night magnifies many folds and becomes the sound of a million roaring bees. At the same time I find myself traveling at tremendous speed toward the light. It feels like traveling through a tunnel, since many visions and places pass by my two sides in a blur. I know I have but one goal - I want answers to all the big questions in life. And that lies forward, in the light.
At the time of this experience, I have been skeptical of all religions, yet remain open-minded to all of them. And so I am not expecting any religious experience in any shape or forms, or any religious experience at all. But somehow I know that I can get some answers by going toward that light.
The light intensifies to billions of times brighter than any light I have ever seen or could ever imagine. I have awakened or arrived at this place of no limit. The Light is everywhere. The Light is bright, clear, without limit, blissful, loving, and full of clear intelligence. The love and bliss are also billions of times more intense and richer than any I have ever experienced. There is also a presence about the Light. A presence without form, but of pure clear light and love and bliss and intelligence. And I realize that I am also this Light. For the first time in my life, I have an awakened feeling that makes all my previous waking hours feel like a big sluggish slumber. I am this Light. I am without limit and am everywhere and everything at the same time. Everything is one and all. I am this Love, and I love all. I am this deep Bliss. I am this immense Intelligence, and know everything without explanation or any need of explanation. Everything is perfect as they are.
Note that all these happen at the same time, or that time is not an element here. At some point, I am back in my bed. I can still feel the intense bliss and love, and carry with me the knowledge without words that I have touched. I beam and beam in bed for a while and then let myself fall asleep. Although I feel very much awake from my awakening, it is not the regular kind of awake that prevents me from falling asleep. It is more like an intensified awareness. And so I have no problem falling asleep afterward.
That awakening enlightenment experience was very much a life-changing experience for me. My depression was gone in a flash. The effect was lasting. I also found myself having talents gradually emerged that I previously did not have, such as arts and music, healing and spirit travel, etc. I think this is all due to my change in awareness and perception after my enlightenment experience. For instance, after the experience, I can see natural landscapes as beautiful dancing specks of light which are alive and communicating with each other. And so I put this on canvas. And in music too. Looking at some of Monet's paintings having little specks of paint covering the whole canvas makes me think that maybe he saw some of what I see too, that everything is made of light.