Wednesday, January 13, 2016


DAVID BOWIE 1947-2016

Mother in the Agenda mentioned "this crazy people" which were somehow the hope of humanity,  it surprised Satprem and they both made some hilarious comment about it, later agreeing to keep the conversation private so not to "scandalize" the asharamites!  
She was referring to the colorful generational up lift mainly promoted and agglutinated by the music, as in Occident during the 60-70ies. 

David Bowie, as many artist-musicians of his generation, had an enlightened vital, that is why he powerfully  attracted masses, especially  individuals of his own generation, which, -because of a generational, collective turn- shared his vital enlightenment at some extent. 
This shows how the Mind of God,   or Supermind, works in its progressive  self-revelation. 

Modern  musicians have often this capacity, acting with their music as amplifiers  in levels of the vital and releasing them, as the music were a kind of  mantram of the vital world, unconsciously or subliminally acting on the mass, so to say the planetary vital. 

Sharing identity and  consciousness means sharing the vital of the race too, so it makes of it a general implication, tiding the individual to the collectivity, the unavoidable connection  mentioned by S ri Aurobindo: this is not our yoga, this is the yoga of the earth. 

Generational turns make many individuals of a similar age  answer to and share a common evolutive progress, which manifests itself and is manifesting always, whether we are conscious of it or not. 
Evolution has not reach an end, generation after generation the species keeps presenting new features and prerogatives of the race, a more evolved concept of life and relation with the environment, whether a natural or a social one. Of late we can observe a generational shift towards healthier habits of life, a healthier environment, society and healthier governments too.

 The process, thanks to the highways of communication  takes place almost at real-time, as in the case of a common empathy towards who leaves representing, as Bowie did, a generational discomfort and dissatisfaction with a degraded and suspect moral, and the searching for  newer fields of expression and experimentation.
Often Bowie took it to a very extreme "mis en scene", a paroxysmal spectacle,  where everything could be questioned, even a male-sexuality, as in his androgyn look, or the  futuristic projection of his music as a breaking off with the past. 
A questioning circus tied to reality and individuals by means of an excellent music and interesting experiments. 

Enlightenment, whether in the heart, the mental or in the vital has always an innate power of attraction, because the human being is "codified" to sense  it consciously or unconsciously, empathy is innate to humans, a direct perception which has been called "knowledge by identification" (SA, M,) when is consciously perceived, but it is effective in both cases. 
All such things that empathy awakes,  do not necessarily need to be conscious, they can actuate simply by "resonance", as the individuals of a given generation were connected to what we can call a collective identity, all sharing at some extent similar experiences and information.
Liberation, release or enlightenment of the vital takes to a re-dimensioning of it, making at the end a more disciplined instrument for the individual and for the collective soul of humanity.

The below  transcription of a vision in the Agenda about that same years shows how authentic is the concept of a generational up lift, and gives an idea of the beings and forces involved in subtle levels:    
(Mother): I was seeing that tall being from above, like a great transformative power in the vital. A huge being, very calm and powerful - with no violence in it of course, but utterly indomitable, and: " Enough waiting, enough shilly-shallying, enough vacillating: IT IS TIME." June 23, 1962