Thursday, July 18, 2013

Clarifying the Vision: Auroville

The night was warm in Auroville while we seated on the floor of the little terrace,
we smiled each other, I finally could talk with dear friends which could give me an advice on the whole matter of the Vision and my unexpected visit to Auroville in my subtle body.
I confided in their large years of study and their evident spiritual development, moreover, I knew they should possess the key.

-So, tell us, what happen?

I mentioned them my unexpected contacts with the Master, the Vision he showed me, and how later I resulted very affected hosting the terrible doubt I had been victim of a feverish hallucination, and I continued: -The following night, as soon the body fall asleep I found myself in the subtle body feeling the peculiar sensation of being travelling at incredible speed, ending up in Auroville.

I literally appear in a room, a few meters behind a man sitting at a table, from the open window I can appreciate the luxurious tropical vegetation and the refreshing shadow of the trees. I´m quite surprised, but my first feeling is of uneasiness, I don´t feel comfortable by invading in such a manner the private space of someone else, and I´m thinking fast for what reason and why I´ve landed there, and what I´m supposed to do there.

Then suddenly the beloved Master appear at my right, my surprise is even greater now and I open my mouth with a torrent of questions in my mind but he silently put a finger on his mouth, as asking me silence. He is not in that glorious supramental shape of the previous night, and is wearing a simple white dhoti.

But my heart is silently dancing in my chest with delight for seeing him again and have the privilege to be with him.
Then, as answering to my questions, he silently indicates the man, as inviting me to investigate.

In all this, the man has not perceived our presence and I´m quite surprised he has no  reaction at our sudden appearance at his back. He continues unmoving reading something, I can appreciate he has a solid figure and curly hair. As I feel with permission to investigate I get closer to the man slightly at his left bending over his shoulder to see what is reading and I almost jump with surprise again!
He is actually reading an article of mine!

-The article on integral yoga appeared on a magazine, I said looking at my friends, and you probably remember that I send it to you by post.
-Yes, I remember it, I still have somewhere a couple of issues of the magazine, but please continue your story.

-Well, as I told you I´m quite surprised, but even more because I can perceive a psychological atmosphere which surrounds the sitting man, it is a kind of dense and stiff aura which probably has impeached him to perceive at any rate our presence, and especially his Master just behind him. I´m astonished how that can be!

I´m aware the man is reading the article from a pretentious position, as he were entitled in judging the value of the article and he his searching for some heretic proposition of mine, and in a very inquisitive way. This attitude is producing that almost unbearable aura which surround him. I´m almost sick in perceiving the aura.
I turn myself and I look to the Master, his eyes are sweet, but looks deeply into mine.
Then, he makes silently a gesture with his right hand as to say: this is what it is.
A few moments later we depart from there and I found myself again in my body and my house, at thousands of kilometers from here.

-Could you describe me the man? Did you see his face?
- From where I was I could only see a part of his face, he was definitely a south European, sun tanned face, a man with a solid body, bearded face and curly hair.

-Yes, he said, you are describing X, he was here as a guest, I myself gave him the magazine as it was written in his language, I perfectly remember it. He is still here, he stays now at Y.

We silently stared at each other for a long while, communed by the special atmosphere which surrounds who has suddenly discovered something of a great spiritual value,  I felt as my heart was suddenly free, I could have no doubts anymore, my experience with the Master had been real, finally I had a positive proof of it, and from now on I could answer to the request of the Master with the commitment of my  whole being.

That night, alone, I was wandering why then the Master choose me for the Vision, what did he see in me so worthy of trustfulness when even myself could not have any better consideration of my numberless faults, but for this I had no answer at all.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Clarifying the Vision: related facts

The Vision (of Savitri and the future earth) is of about two decades ago, beside Savitri herself, the great protagonist was the people, thousands and thousands of people on the streets of every city in the world, protesting against the great social problems, they were not parties but common people self organized and representing themselves, the voice of the people.
At large that very movement was to bring one of the most incredible social changes at planetary level one could ever dream of.

Twenty years ago there was not any trace at all of such popular movements, and if people protested in the streets it was mainly under the patronage of some party to which all were affiliated. But in the Vision I could see real everyday people of any condition getting together peacefully protesting but firmly requiring.

There where huge crowds everywhere in the world. It was in modern actual time, not much far off, and I´m surprised how the recent popular movements do reproduce what I could foresee.
I´m much impressed in discovering that the times of the Vision are now,  I will not die without seeing realized at least a part of the Vision showed me before hand.
I can finally see how a Vision I always trusted deploys itself under my very eyes,
and my heart is full of gladness for the great changes it anticipate.
The detail of the Vision are elsewhere in this blog.
I divided it in two parts, the symbolical part which I saw at the beginning, and the historical happenings I could witness.
The symbolical part is analyzed in different articles too.

Here I wish to explain how just before the Vision the Master favoured a perfect identification of Himself with me (at that moment in my mental body), and how that contact accompanied me all along the Vision sustaining me in the great mental effort it represented, because I was aware I was seeing supermental images with layered meanings in rapid succession and it represented an enormous mental effort to seize the meanings and follow on at real time, in fact at a certain point I simply collapsed, luckily enough at the end of the Vision, I heavily fell down in the body founding it trembling in a nervous excitement and completely wet in cold sweat.

It was a painful day that one.
An important part of me firmly trusted what had happened, but somewhere lurked the doubt of the reason which was telling me it was impossible, I had been victim of a great hallucination.
A very painful day.
When I finally got asleep, I mean, as soon as the physical body did, I found myself immediately awake in my subtle body feeling as I was flying at incredible speed.
A few moments later I landed in Auroville with Sri Aurobindo at my side.
There, it happened something which erased once for all any doubt at respect.
Two dear friends in Auroville had the key to solve the doubt, when I met them and explained all the incredible story, they discovered they in fact, had the key, being surprised on their turn and coinciding with me the matter had to be treated as really happened.
I will develop what happened in a next paper, together with two other visions about Auroville I could witness in the following days.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

J.Krishnamurty and Sri Aurobindo

Both Jiddu Krishnamurty (1895-1986) and Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) demonstrated that their was a "demolishing"  yoga.They unfairly ended up with traditions and older structures disposing the yoga in terms of actual, dynamic and meaningful issue.
They shared some fifty years on earth and yet it seem they never existed for each other! How could it be!
They never mentioned each other.

But their purpose was exactly the same!
Krishnamurty, a great achiever and a great yogi, was that revolutionary as to never mention the word "yoga" which in his view could be simply substituted by the word "life", which was to him an accustomed alternative.

But even without mentioning each other, Sri Aurobindo, not too far, was stating that
"All Life is Yoga".
That was the reason for Krishnamurty not to mention the word "yoga", because for him too, life was yoga.
From the most complex to the most simple, in them was realized the synthesis of thousands of years of spiritual search.
As mirror of each other they shared  the knowledge of yoga and life, Sri Aurobindo synthesizing the Yogas and Krishnamurty synthesizing life itself.
They never mentioned each other because they where but one thing.

They unified thoughts and events.
Life, -had- to be yoga.
It was not a quest anymore. It was a verification.
We finally understood irrelevant -where- to practice yoga and search for the Spirit, as yoga was everywhere much as life was.
We were immersed in a life which was yoga we new it or not!
Planets or plants and seasons were already doing their yoga, it was only "us" the problem.
So it was only question of awareness.
Not a search, a quest, a discipline, a religion, a going far at the end of life with immortality, but a change, a shift, that could be possible here and now.
More, it could be only possible into the here and now.
Not everywhere else. That simple.
They resolved thousands of years of spiritual quest into a trip that never started, because it was all into the here and now.
Only superficial observers would consider their teachings different or in opposition, Sri Aurobindo put the final word about the intricate matter of yogas and synthesized them into a new version, and Krishnamurty added what remained unspoken. A vision of life so simple that could only be true.
So what´s the difference between Krishnamurty which never spoke of supermental light as he never spoke of yoga too, and Sri Aurobindo?
You convene with me, none.
Because the Teaching has to be intended as a -synthetic- teaching where each true Master add a new perspective of but one same Truth.
They are opposed only in our mind.
The Synthetic vision is not a new invention of my own, it started when Sri Aurobindo and Krishnamurty synthesized Life and Yoga, so we can but follow on this evolutionary path of the consciousness.
It is an inclusiveness of sight able to discern the truth in each,  not the differences, as the differences are exactly what makes realization a fundamental personal option and possibility depending on personal tendencies.
A man of action may not be inspired by a life of contemplation, but  his action worth that of the other as they fulfill their own tendency and necessity of expression.
It seems there is a record of a desfavourable comment made by Sri Aurobindo about Krishnamurti.
I´ve never seen it personally, I could not found more references, but on what I remember it was made in 1940.
I wish to state here a few things.
I´ve often observed that the disciples around Sri Aurobindo presented a different register of a same conversation held at a given day at the Ashram, sometimes words or phrases are completely different, and I do not consider this comment on Krishnamurti supposedly said by Sri Aurobindo was:
1) actually said by himself
2) with that same words
3) it was words put in the mouth of Sri Aurobindo by some disciple which had not a fine feeling towards Krishnamurti
4) Sri Aurobindo had discontinue information about Krishnamurty

It is known to me that Sri Aurobindo was a bit critical about the necessity that european people had to rapresent the wisdom of Asia (Theosophical Society, Olcott etc.).
Surely Sri Aurobindo did not know personally Krishnamurti but rather read about him on the press, a press that at that time did not look at English people with a favourable eye, and what Sri Aurobindo did read was certainly critical about the "cooperation" of Krishnamurti with the Theosophical Society.
Eventually Sri Aurobindo did not approve Krishnamurti as was presented by the Teosophical Society, but that must have been a consideration born by a discontinue information about Krishnamurti, which in 1929 had already dissolved the Order of the Star, while the comment of Sri Aurobindo seem to be given in 1940. And possibly Sri Aurobindo had not any more recent news about Krishnamurti.

Sri Aurobindo died in 1950 and Krishnamurti in 1986, from the date of the comment 1940) till the death of Krishnamurti there are 46 years.
This is almost half a century, and I wonder what an integral yoga follower would say if someone said that he or she would not make any progress in his/her spiritual development for half a century.
Would be that even possible?
What I mean is that people take often commentaries has something granitic and unmovable only because said by a reputed person, as if there was not any possibility that Krishnamurti would advance a single step in half a century.
Now, I rather think that Krishnamurti since the dissolution of the Order of the Star has done a great work, to be traced into his memories, the memories of people close to him (Mary Lutyens), his talks and the foundation of the schools.
If someone, after reading about Krishnamurti´s life and his teaching thinks that this man has some problem with his own ego, well, I say that this person would be a complete ignorant and unable to grasp the spiritual value of anything at all.


The Spirit of Synthesis and the Kalki Avatara

We could drive a line from the Baba of Shirdi promoting tolerance among Hinduists and Muslims, passing from Ramakrishna preaching the fundamental unity among creeds, Sri Aravinda Ghose who synthesized the yogas into one integral yoga,  Satya Sai Baba who accordingly promoted  tolerance and unity among religions, Jiddu Krishnamurti which made of the Self in all the only religion and finally Dharma Sangha himself renewing the message of peace and tolerance among religions men beasts and gods, and we can have a clear example of how the Spirit of Synthesis is progressively working on earth, while in his proceeding steps farther embraces all spirituality on his way towards a  supreme synthesis.

The Kalki Avatar, the great Avatar of Synthesis of the vedic tradition which the devotee awaits to see in the sky on a white horse, will never appear because it is a symbol, what we have seen instead, it is that the workings of the Spirit of Synthesis are not to locate in a distant future but already started a few centuries ago with the progressive chain of Masters and the progressive input into the minds of the devotees and into the consciousness of humanity concepts of  reciprocal religious tolerance and fundamental unity of all the paths as leading to the one God.
A synthetic concept in its wider acception. Which is the work of the Avatar of Synthesis.

So that the Spirit of Synthesis can work as a plurality or as a single being (or even a bipolarity as in the case of Sri Aravinda and Myra Devi).
On earth, it has never existed an Avatar with head of herring,  as never will exist one coming from the skies on a white horse. (The White Horse would be a symbol of a complete supramental manifestation, as much the White Lotus -Integral Supermental Realization).

As Sri Aurobindo signalled, Mhatsya avatara represents the consciousness conquering firm land proceeding from the water, a symbolic figure as much as  Kalki, which similarly may not represent  a single personality, but a whole consciousness raising, not necessarily just -one- single individual.
To Mhatsya Avatar would follow a series of symbolic figures corresponding to the progress of the consciousness into mammalians, hominids, humans.
The concept of Avatarhood which in itself was scientific, we have seen has been corrupt in the centuries by an unquestioning  devotional attitude which led to believe the symbol the true thing. This basic misconception led to a more general one at the moment to pretend to have it fixed into a congruent canon.
But, as we have seen the concept of Avatarhood is of primary importance in Sri A. writings, we need to know why was it so.

First of all because it links with evolution, but, as the Rishi understood far more clearly then the scientist, evolution was basically of consciousness and not only, but it presented a divine plan, a scheme of development which sounded true to Sri Aurobindo.

In this scheme the Kalki Avatara would be the last of an original series of ever expanding, ever inclusive, beings and concepts which first announce the beginning of each stage, each cyclical growth of that consciousness. (At any level, whether individual or collective, as it has -always- this double meaning).

The distinctive character of Kalki would be reflected in his very name:
the avatar of -Synthesis-.
But synthesis of what?
A supreme synthesis would be the One in the Many.
As that seems the highest point described by the trajectory of Sri A. writings.
A consciousness conscious of itself in the many would be the definition he gave for the Supermental manifestation.  

"The Supermind in its supreme status is the truth-consciousness of the Infinite, the inherent light and power of self-knowledge and all-knowledge of the Supreme who is the self of all, the living eternal truth of all that is and of whom all objects and beings, all the universe and motion of things and happenings in time is a partial continually proceeding manifestation".

A supreme synthesis which do not allow anything -out of itself-, self-containing and
all-containing, else, no exclusion possible.
So the message of the Avatar (of synthesis) is all-inclusive, and here the concept of inclusiveness has become in the course of time that of religions and creeds, that of the yogas, that of the many different approaches possible all within a parity of conditions.
A growing concept of consciousness, similarly, from a more personal level towards a wider and inclusive concept of consciousness as existing in itself, as a general mode of growth, and yet, within the mode of a perfect individuality of realization.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Clarifying the Vision: Conscious Sleep

The experience of conscious sleep has been told a difficult task, and certainly one has to agree with that.
I went in it almost spontaneously and without great efforts, and being myself an observer I realized that were not for certain given conditions it would have been almost impossible to achieve.
In fact I realized that whenever that conditions changed, the capacity to experience
conscious sleep changed automatically.
To start with, before experiencing conscious sleep I had resided some three years in a natural environment. A convinced macrobiotic, my diet was basically vegetarian and used water from a local spring, I was active and often took sun bathes, exposing the body to the action of the elements, earth included under the form of clay.
This promoted a process of constant regeneration which I felt as an almost inexhaustible physical energy, a conspicuous peace of mind and emotions, and even my sleep changed, I could sleep four or five hours and feel completely restored, waking up with an extremely clear mind and a calm strength of the body.
Due to a fortuitous accident to an eye I applied Aloe Vera and I would quite often end by rubbing my body with the remaining pulp of the plant and even eating it.
I discovered that eating the pulp of the plant increased my clearness during sleep,
it had an evident influence in promoting lucid dreams, as I had become somehow more conscious during sleep, at wake could easily recall in full details any dream I had.
Farther researches in Ayurveda and elsewhere corroborated my assumption that the plant could have a beneficial influence on the brain and in all its conscious or subconscious activities, and I wonder if it could be beneficial in such cases as Alzheimer.
Obviously one doesn´t need to repeat exactly the described conditions, but whenever I tasted meat, had alcohol or increased the use of industrial food, it proportionally increased a certain dumbness of mind before sleeping and at wake, coming to the conclusion that the use of such substances may be a serious obstacle in the way of experiencing conscious sleep or the sensibility to the subconscious activity during sleep. In fact I could remember not only the dreams but that there had been spaces among them or a complete absence of any subconscious activity, a condition in which I was purposelessly conscious.
I was quite intrigued by those episodes in which tough sleeping, I suddenly become conscious during sleep, so I decided to investigate though I had not any method for it.
I concluded I should be more careful to the process of sleep itself and how it happens, I used to observe the process of the mind while I was falling asleep.
I observed that between the vigil and the sleep there was a third condition, a kind of
 no-man´s land among them, it lasted only few brief moments before falling totally unconscious.
Subsequently I tried to be more aware of that third condition, trying to remain conscious of the process and somehow colonizing it, increasing the time I was conscious in that third position.
Invariably I would shift in dumb consciousness, but in a memorable occasion I clearly noticed that my whole consciousness had shifted through the process without any loss,
my physical body felt asleep, but instead of falling into dumbness I found myself perfectly conscious.
At first I had not a clear control over it, some night I would just fall unconscious and/or with sudden and short episodes of consciousness.
Knowing the positive influence on the brain of the affirmations, before sleeping I mentally repeated myself that I wanted to be conscious of the whole process, and I noticed that the combined affirmations and my conscience directed on and through the third condition, effectively produced a result because some time later I had no need anymore of such practices, shifting instead effortlessly through the whole process and while the physical body would fall asleep, I would found myself perfectly awake, not without surprise at first, but later I got used and it become just another ordinary activity.
This condition did not at all influenced the routinary restoring process of sleep of the physical body, nor had influence either on the subconscious activity in form of dreams, I was standing in between as a third power, a third condition: a mental being perfectly conscious in its mental body.
I consider that especially gifted individuals or having a peculiar strength of mind may easier succeed in experiencing conscious sleep, but for the average people is probably needed a purifying diet, reasonable activity and exposure to the elements.