Thursday, May 27, 2021


 The reader of this blog should know that it was not by my own will but Sri Aurobindo wish that I share the information here contained. The skeptical attitude of mind is not a yogic attitude, in yoga there is not any need of a skeptical attitude because that belongs to the lower mind, the yogic attitude allow us to know by "identification", and that identification can be so deep that we can almost live the experience as it were our own, or at least to connect with the same level of consciousness. If you have read enough from Mother and Sri Aurobindo you know I'm not telling you nothing new because they often said exactly that.

 Basically, I was asked to share what the result of a prolonged contact with Sri Aurobindo consciousness, and that too was not by my own will or aspectative: it happened that I was the witness and the subject of a series of encounters with the Master, and during these I received information to share. The informations are of a different kind: some of them concerning historical akashic events of a very ancient time, in which we can appreciate how the human consciousness acted in several events, some of them bordering extinction of a whole human kind.

Other pages describe akashic registers of the future, I recollected them under the title "The Vision of Savitri". They are actual events to happen in a very next future or in a very far future, and that too related with the arboring of a new planetary consciousness which after a long period of planetary regeneration will give birth to the new, immortal kind of human being.

You should not consider that I was freely gifted by Sri Aurobindo of such plentiful series of visions to share with you: the necessary conditions required to witness and bear them had to be set with many efforts and during a considerable length of time.

Some pages describe exactly which kind of meditation allowed me to get into "conscious sleep" and finally into the perception of the subtle body,  that too was meant to be shared for your own interest and research. There are several pages concerning conscious sleep and subtle body, mental body or subtle physical. In all of them I describe my own experience of the subtle body, the only one I can describe in details. 

The reason for that is, that we need the perception of the subtle body to have the opportunity to meet Sri Aurobindo in the Earth´ subtle physical.

At this regard you should remember that before leaving his physical body in 1950 Sri Aurobindo said to Mother that He would not leave completely but remain accessible in the subtle physical. In 1969 Mother described how often She would meet Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical, and She assured us that Sri Aurobindo was very active there, in the subtle physical. You should not think that Sri Aurobindo is less active today then He was in 1969, and this blog demonstrates that Sri Aurobindo is still quite active, asking me to share the content of several visions.

 This planet and the humanity with it is to undergo a period of a great crisis, much heavier than today, the visions that I share with you are a warning: be careful because the planetary crisis you are experiencing today is only the beginning of a much deeper crisis which will lead to the final disappearance of the previous model of unsustainable planetary growth.

 A new consciousness need to be born in the humanity and for that to happen, humanity needs to be on the very verge of extinction before it realizes how dangerous it is to continue on the path of unsustainable living. We can only be grateful to Sri Aurobindo that his Presence is still here with us, unknowingly intervening in the manifestation of that new consciousness and avoiding the disaster to be of such magnitude to lead to effective planetary extinction. 

What I'm sharing with you is relevant information Sri Aurobindo wanted you to know, I don't claim to be the message, I'm only the messenger and if something you owe me is the guarantee that whatever I describe I did as faithfully as I saw or heard from the Master. 

For the italian reader but of general interest you should know that Sri Aurobindo has kind of special interest in that country.

In the next future in Naples it will be edified the very first Ziggurat of the modern era, it will be the first of his kind on the planet and this will be deeply connected with the subtle, unknown activity of the Master leading to a full manifestation of a divine Consciousness on Earth.

The concept of the whole building will be symbolized in its three pyramids superposed: the concept of an integral and harmonious healing and integration of Body, Mind and Spirit. This building will be edified at the very entrance of the old Naples, out of Portalba, it will occupy the space of the old hospital now functioning. The presence of the Ziggurat right in that place is also related to the esoteric activity it has traditionally taken place in that area, where famous or less known alchemists and Initiates had shelter and associated there, being the "Cappella di San Severo"  but an example of that activity or the house where Goethe was guest during his visit to Naples in 1787. At that time that whole area was an effervescence of new ideas or the sharing of esoteric truths among students and initiates.The city of Naples was a point of reference in Europe and a destination for esoteric studies, under the name of Partenope the city was since ancient times a crawl of knowledge and civilizations, together with their initiation rituals and sharing of esoteric knowledge. With the Ziggurat, Naples will regain that ancient protagonism it had during several thousand years, being again like a lighthouse on the european territory. Blessed will be that times for Naples, Italy and the whole Earth. 

The Ziggurat will mean a further manifestation of Sri Aurobindo´work at a more concrete, physical level and at a wider range than a community (Auroville), it will be the first time ever that a municipality and a State enter into a conscious service to the purpose of the Mother, and in its layered symbolism the Ziggurat will be the temple of the Mother, much alike as the Matrimandir is the centre of Auroville: it will be a place of healing, where all knowledge regarding body mind and spirit will be reunited to favour the growth and health of a new humanity and a new meaning about our presence on Earth, it will facilitate whatever mean in order to re establish the health of the individual: acupuncture, yoga, ayurvedic or tai chi among new and old remedies will find a place there and will be used to restore health depending on the individual and his needs. In the three section of the Ziggurat  will be facilitated whatever needed at physical, mental or spiritual level in order to ensure an harmonious growth of the individual. 

As Mother described, at subtler levels there is a different perception of time: past events have not fully disappeared and future events are already there anticipating their next manifestation. For this reason we can witness future events, because at the highest level all History melts into an eternal Now. Be merry, the Victory of the Light is already winned in the Mind of God, take care.

If I were to give an advice to the present and next generations I would suggest you to get out of the cities and try to be as much independent as you can about food, energy and shelter, it may come a day when you really need it. People in the cities may face harder times at this regard, and though not everybody may easily leave the cities, those in the countryside will be better prepared to face scarcity of food or energy lockdowns. The knowledge you get on intelligent surviving may be shared with other people in need of it when there will be a more relevant exodus towards the countryside and the need for a life in touch with Nature.

  Be sure that whatever sincere step you take towards Sri Aurobindo, He will take steps toward you preparing the day of your final encounter with Him in the subtle physical.