Thursday, January 29, 2015


Oh, yes, they have read the books, they can make smart distinctions between Masters, as they were entitled to judge, they can make you a perfect diagram with all the levels of the being, they sit meditating but do not found peace, and they don´t found peace because they are at war with themselves and the rest of the world.

Communion, they don´t know what it means, they talk of the Mother, but they have never trembled in all their fibers for Her Presence, have never enjoyied Her closeness and care, never fall on their knees overwelmed by Her Greatness and Migthy, nor had their hearts filled with a subtle joy which is the result of her sweet that joy they would embrace the world and every single being in their embrace, would feel the love of a caring mother for her creatures, would sanctify life because life is holy, would consider himself the last of Her servers.
They do not want Her to work freely on their mind and their heart, at most, they mentally made a request, expressed a wish, but are not willing to submit to the transformation She proposes, they say they do, because they don´t have means to know what is a real submission, they uses the same words, but these are empty of feeling, submission becomes a mathematical formula with all the other terms on use. Just mental operations, which never gives the same result.

Not to speculate but to realize what was written, that was the aim of that books, their primordial aim.
Then, while realizing, you would understand there are no lines of separation in a human being but a pulsating unity varying its focus all the time, not by pen and words you can undertake that task.
Dig hard with the shovel of your sincerity, indeed, is the only tool you have.

The question is not to have clear the levels the Master mentioned, the question is to have Him within as a living presence,  your soul shaped by his touch, high-raised by the perception of his silent presence... a speechless love and adoration of the soul too deep to describe...surrendering to him till seats on the seat of the soul.

I´m not carrying you words, I´m the witness of his operations and work on my soul, on my whole being, he has taken the lead, he conduces me, somewhere I produce resistance, but he colonized already the greater part of my human territory. It is important you to understand you can have him within you as a living presence, it is part of his teaching, he has come to be you, to seize you completely for his work.

In a sense, I´m a precursor. I´m a living proof that he can willingly come and accept your being for his work, that is the meaning, one of the lectures of the Vision of Savitri, you do not need to believe in me, but in your own possibilities, you have to conquire him, he surely will come at the due time. I hardly can describe you the swetness of knowing he has taken care of the work, with his charriot he made bridges on separed lands and discontinuos road, intimately, he is at work forever.
We have hardly imagined His Greatness,,,