Monday, May 31, 2021


During my experiment I was able to remain conscious in "conscious sleep" and as a result of it I was conscious too about my consciousness being an independent and autonomous center of perception that I called at that moment a "mental body", in other words, I made contact with the subtle physical, and as for my own experience at least, that mental body was at the same time or could wear a subtler body when in need of it.
It was in this subtler body that I often met Sri Aurobindo, but I'm convinced that the Master did a lot to help me, and after all "He came to me" unexpectedly, I was not thoroughly able to control my subtler experiences, it was a new set of experiences and I had not even idea that I could or would meet Sri Aurobindo.
In the course of my experiment I realized that sometimes there would be some kind of superimposed perception of the subtler body during the wake condition, it was not necessary anymore to have the physical body sleeping in order to feel the subtle body, but subtler perceptions would happen rather suddenly and unexpected with a previous quite condition of mind, a meditative attitude.
In the course of time this subtler perception grew steadily, it was possible living in the material realm having a subtler perception of it. I used to think of Sri Aurobindo as an "anchorage", whenever I focused my consciousness on the Master I was able to enter into a subtler perception of reality. I often used this means to understand the how and why my personal relation with the Master, and this subtler perception led me to remember how and when I met and served as a disciple at His feet.
In "Atem´s Notebooks" I present several akashic registers, in Number 2 and 3 I describe a Pharaoh. That Pharaoh was Sri Aurobindo in a previous life, and you may notice how concerned He was in trying to awake the real cult into the common people. My subtler perception explained me that I was (the soul in me was) the therapist which shows in both akashic registers: at that time a fervent disciple of the great Pharaoh.
While recalling to my memory my previous lives at His service, I realized I was again one of his disciples during Middle Age in Europe.
At that moment the Master was known as Stephen Harding, a saint hermit which is considered the founder of the Cisterciensis Order. But his greater work remains unknown and undervalued.
The facts are worth a closer look.
Stephan was a celtic soul, much like Bernard de Clairvaux, one of his disciple. Though Stephan was a monk of the official christian church, as a Celt he was grown up with the idea of a merciful Mother of the Universe, generous and caring with Her creatures. This belief was deeply rooted in Stephan´s soul, and was antithetical to a God depicted by the church at that time as a vengeful and angry masculine god. A divinity which everybody had to fear rather than love. 
Through Bernard de Clairvaux (his main disciple) Stephen was able to insert the cult to the Merciful Mother into Christianity contra posed to the cult to the vengeful god. 
Suddenly the cult to the Merciful Mother spread all over Europe, but the person at the root of this cult was the humble saint Stephen Harding.
When the Pharaoh asked what to do in order to awaken the real cult into the plain mind of his people, his next purpose as Stephen Harding was to awaken the real cult (the cult to the Supreme Mother) in Occident.
 He was back in Orient, and as Sri Aurobindo he awakened there the real cult to the Mother, so that both Occident and Orient received the message to awaken to the reality of the universal  Mother. In fact, the whole of Sri Aurobindo teaching is centered on the existence of a divine universal Mother, which is the Mother of Yoga.
The very center of Auroville is the Matrimandir, the Temple of the Mother. So is the divine Mother the center of Sri Aurobindo's teachings.
In this way, the ancient Pharaoh united both Occident and Orient under a same cult, it was the natural unfolding of the purpose of the Pharaoh wishing to establish the real cult on earth. And the real cult could only be one: the cult to the divine Mother.
The ancient therapist was born again as Bernard de Clairvaux, again at the service of his Master.
Bernard was not only a server of his Master, but a server of the divine Mother too.
He came back on earth at Her service in an indian body known as Ramakrishna, a very known disciple of the divine Mother. Ramakrishna´s work about the unification of religions is well known to get into it here.
The divine Mother said to Ramakrishna that he would reborn again in Europe towards the middle of the XX century. Ramakrishna himself revealed it to his closer disciples, and his words were registered.
But how strange! Could the divine Mother and Sri Ramakrishna be both wrong on that point?
Nobody has ever heard Ramakrishna be here again, in Europe, in the XX century.
If that happened, this time he probably came unnoticed, doing his work at Her service but completely unknown. At the same time he would hold memories of being one of the long term Sri Aurobindo´s disciples and surely get in touch again with his Master.
This same person will reborn in Italy again, and will erect the first Ziggurat of the Modern Era.
These are not mental speculations, are soul truths which I pass onto you. It is my work to lift a bit the veil, and it is my work because in several lives I've been working and dealing with the faculty of Vision, a Vision which is amplified by the contact with Sri Aurobindo´s Consciousness. It is this training which allowed me to receive, hold and transmit the Vision which is at the base of this blog. When you open your door to subtle perception there is not any need anymore to trust me, you will know it all by yourself. You may surely meet Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical, but to do that you need your own perception of your subtle body. Later on you will not need any longer to actually "see" Him, whenever you get in touch with "that consciousness" you will be with Him.