Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Vision of Savitri III Part

(follows from "The Vision II Part)

In the following months the enthusiasm is not decreased. I see private citizens received with concern by the local administrators wishing to know their request for improving some social or environmental aspect of the area; people gather in groups which assume initiatives for any betterment, and a wave of reconstruction makes the world vibrate.

 I start to reach farther images. I can see now as a wave of spirituality has swept the planet all over, people seem entertained with study and spiritual practices, they look  healthier, I understand there has been a general world shift toward a lifestyle based on a  vegetarian diet.
I see new kind of hospitals starts to appear here and there, they are smaller,  of harmonic and warm lines and totally among nature, surrounded by gardens, trees and vegetation.
I learn new healing practices are being held, and the harmonic concept of life starts to influence whole cities which undergo great changes.
I see some cities are altogether abandoned and new cities with newer and healthier concepts being built over the planet, everywhere is evident a wave of progress into a more sustainable and harmless technology and way of life.

Then, the Woman appears again.
I can see a closer image of her divine face, half of it silvery shadowed by the moon and the other golden shadowed by the sun, of such divine beauty impossible to resist, to see her and fall in love with her is but one thing,  to love her and rejoice of her presence upon earth is but one thing everywhere she goes.
  Large masses of people follow her wherever she goes.

She is the ancient Promise to the souls incarnating on earth which said:
-... but will came a time when She will be among all of you, and from then on, the life of men will advance not anymore from tribulation to tribulation but from perfection into ever more perfection.
 They all seem to remember the Promise now, she is received everywhere with great reverence and cherished while she taught the divine teachings.

Earth is submerged by a great wave of spirituality, a general uplifting of human life is evident everywhere, man is at peace with man and nature, the old environmental problems have disappeared centuries before, most of the cities are so integrated into nature that some of them are difficult to identify. Nature has conquered again lands , and is spreading everywhere luxuriously and healthy.

The horizon of the events now has expanded further more.
I can see people on earth has become immune to illness, it has been a progressive process, but now they have acquired an immunity which do not proceed only from knowledge of material causes,
the whole communities seem composed of beings of considerable attainment and inner knowledge.
Farther in time, Death itself is conquered.
Now, human beings walk on earth as immortal gods, a new immortal race has ascended from the previous humanity, which makes of Life an harbor for farther, unthinkable discoveries for the divinity of the assembled humanity, the single being of humanity.
The Sky pletoric with the Presence of an immense invisible divinity, Earth itself, but an extension of the Sky.

The  last image is a peaceful green spot in nature among fresh shadows  where Sri Aurobindo, dressing a white dhoti sits at a table pen in hand  writing..I wonder which new epopeia of Savitri is putting down on the paper.....

End of the Vision
(This vision is more than a decade old , when there was no trace at all of citizens' movements).


The effort to sustain the concentration on the several levels of the vision has been so intense that I abruptly fall back again into the physical.
The body is shaking unrestful and all wet in a cold sweat, yet the subtle connections with the Master and the vision have not altogether disappeared, the supermental images have showered on me so intensely that affect  my nerves with the intensity of that psychic energy still circling within me.
My first thing is to get back to the vision and review all that I have seen.
I discover that many images are fading away and I have no means to hold the whole of that supermental vision so I immediately start to register all that is still adhered to my memory.

The Consciousness
Seen in the long course of the centuries ahead, the history of the earth appeared to be the history of the Consciousness evolving on it.
An evolution of Consciousness within the human beings till the full manifestation of its involved possibilities was the evident purpose in Nature. But the vision said it was a divine purpose from high.
What the vision disclosed most was the growing steps of this awareness into the human beings. At first their answer had been rather unconscious.
Man moved in history without really knowing the true reasons for many of its happenings. There was a planetary soul for the planetary humanity as much there was an individual soul for every individual. By answering individually to his soul, and having this answer extended among humanity, at the same time humanity was answering to the call of its planetary soul.
A super-self of humanity. A self in touch, receiving already the transforming spiritual energy of that planetary soul.
And that planetary soul and its workings went exactly in the direction Sri Aurobindo indicated.
An ascension into more subtle and diviner circles of existence, and a progressive expression of that Consciousness down in the very physical body, which underwent such a glorious possibility of immortality.

The Vision of Savitri II Part

During the whole vision I kept heart-contact with the Master, I was fully aware it was His Presence which was sustaining me during that continuous output of over-mental images, beyond His Presence and above us I was feeling a vast, immanent Spirit  which covered everything with its Presence, distant within its limb of divinity and yet so close over the impending events. Below us the scene has radically changed. Now I see Earth from space, it is night time on this side of the planet. I'm actually seeing the etheric counterpart of the planet, an astral and more complete vision of earth which adds the subtle and unseen events which take place unnoticed by our ordinary vision.
In the darkness I see luminous streams of spiritual light flowing over the surface of the planet, from a point on Earth shines a beautiful white light. I understand it is the dwelling place of the Woman.
When I focus my attention I recognize India, the region of Tamil Nadu, in the land now occupied by Auroville.  I'm seeing the subtle counterpart of Auroville, its subtle radiance, its presence in terms of energy.
The living and pulsating white light radiates circular waves on the surrounding area which  seams to surrender to the powerful influence. More land is progressively conquered by that light.
From all over the world streams of light increasingly flow to and from the residence of the Woman, wherever they move on earth they leave an indelible "subtle" trace which creates a net of light around the planet, bathing it into that light.  All this light seams growing towards a critical mass having a subtle influence on events on the surface of the planet. 

Suddenly the scene has changed. 
I'm seeing  the map of the western hemisphere with Europe in the middle of it,  I appreciate over the map a significant flow of human beings coming from Middle East and North Africa, they are represented as arrows on the map signing the direction of their flow towards Northern Europe and East and West Europe. The flow of human beings seams to get back on his way in a continuous to and from over and over again, as many individual were involved in the course of time.

Now I see the sunny side of Earth, I fly towards the surface like a meteor, penetrating the atmosphere and the clouds then I stop over the buildings of a large north-European  city. 
From there I can appreciate there are many people occupying the central avenues. There is turmoil in the streets as people is continuously gathering together voicing slogans, the situation is critical, I never saw such a compact representation of the whole sectors of the society, it has all the air of a popular uprising, they  are marching together protesting and claiming for solutions, I understand they are oppressed by the  deteriorating living conditions and are asking for effective solutions.  

At  no time I have lost the perception of the Great Spirit above and of the presence of Sri Aurobindo as it were overlapping mine, and in a such plural perception a certitude entered in my heart, they were not symbolic images.  I was witnessing real pages of the very next future on earth. 

I see the same situation repeating in every city in the world, it is a popular uplifting everywhere and there is no sign it will fade away, instead, it increases in time involving more and more countries much like a planetary uprising.
Earth itself is surrounded by a peculiar mental atmosphere which I can perceive, as every human being were mentally in touch, they seem actuating as a single body everywhere in the world, it is a general positioning of the whole human race against the fallacious policies in economy, social welfare and  environment, people seems quite aware of the degradation and looks determined to put a final point to the present state of things.  

In this tremendous hour it shines for its absence the reaction of the governing powers, they  seem not to exist. Facing such unprecedented situation, those once ready to fill the daily news with pompous economic recipes are now lock in an embarrassed silence.

But the pressure of the citizens is  unremitting and increases in the course of time, the situation is getting worse day by day, tempers are heated and it is clear that their requirements have to be faced with an unprecedented disposition by the governing powers.

Now I see the Eastern countries of Europe, probably Russia.
There is a special aura over these countries, as a relevant historical event had taken place in that region in the past, which  had left a shining spiritual halo.
I understand that the special halo is connected with the white light of the Woman and the strife for freedom of the people of that countries.

I'm seeing huge crowds in a big square of a city which I believe Moscow.
I understand they are in the same place of another historical popular uplifting, the square and the people are bathed in that light, they are marching together and the situation is dangerously approaching a real popular uprising.

There is a supernal beauty in seeing the common determination in the face of this people marching and claiming for social justice and freedom, there are evident glances of impotence in the eyes of the policemen called to control the crowd, they are aware they cannot physically retain such huge mass of people from marching even over them if they resist the advance. The two forces look fiercely at each other. The whole world seem retaining the breathe in that hour, as people everywhere in the world had  felt the great tension in Eastern Europe.

Then I understand that right in that moment and that place  a battle has been definitively  win for the earth.

The image has changed again and now I'm seeing the U.S.A.
There are similar scenes all over the country, there too, people is occupying the central avenues of all the important metropolis, there are huge crowds everywhere and in front of the public buildings.

Now my consciousness is projected  within an office: a small group of young lawyers which seem animated by noble ideals is discussing the situation, they are quickly resolving to support the requirements of the people by formally and legally representing them in different instances.

I see again the little group of lawyers, they are now reunited in a room and talking with the President, they plead in favor of the requests of the people, but I see an unmovable indifference in the face of the aged politician,
 I understand he is determined to not offer any ear at the requirements of the crowds, but the young lawyers have not surrendered in spite of the negative to react.
They are now in the building of the United Nations and urge for an interview with the General Secretary.
They are reunited in an office, and the Secretary too is worried and seem to support their cause, he his admitting that the situation is extremely serious and requires a definitive intervention.
They have resolved to convene urgent meetings with representatives of all the countries forming study groups to evaluate solutions, they all agree that the unprecedented situation requires rapid implementation by the world leaders.

In a relative short time meetings have been held and founded accurate solutions to the problems and requests of the people, than during a General Assembly the General Secretary direct his voice to the media in a message to all the citizens of the world.

I see now images of different countries and their citizens, all reunited around the televisions in public places and all listening in silence to the words of the Secretary.
He is admitting a misconduct by international bodies, politicians and governments, guilty of lack of interest and unable to see and intervene to relieve the situation.
He says that definitely, actions must be taken to channel a new course for the future of the human society and its legitimate welfare.
He is saying that the world leaders have unanimously determined to take urgent actions and thoroughly favour all the requests of the people.

 In a moment I'm projected on higher levels of the earth's atmosphere, from where I can hear a cry of joy from all over the world.  Then I'm back again and see people in the streets of all the cities of the world, they are all smiling and cherishing each other, there are dances and celebrations, and a great cheerfulness everywhere.

(follows with "The Vision III Part)

The Vision of Savitri I Part

(follows to "The Night of the Vision")

I see a grandiose vision of the Earth and instantly perceive the eternal presence of a fathomless Spirit above, and yet bent and caring upon the divine event.

The sky covered with clouds are on the point to disclose upon a secret Epiphany,  the Revelation of the Divine Light on Earth.

There stood a Woman, naked at the shore of the Ocean, her eyes fixed on the horizon.
Gentle waves at her feet seamed wishing to caress her, the Creature.
I see the great sleeping mind of the Ocean and the Spirit above,  they tell me of an ancient dream of the watery womb to give birth to a Being from her depths, Her Creature, I see its extended pregnancy of numberless years alone, with only the Spirit above.
And finally in a stupendous hour the Creature  is here, and the Ocean stretches its watery arms as to caress the feet of the long waited Daughter.

Now the Woman is surrounded by the luxurious vegetation, at her feet a rivulet of pure water founds its way between the grass.
The woman is divinely beautiful, a living god from diviner lands.

Suddenly the water leaves its accustomed shores and rises levitating in the air while slowly forming a geometrical figure, a huge blue-water cube with quadrangular pyramids on all its side.
It levitates in the air and the Woman looks at it with intention, then with a jump flies within the cube  and starts dancing a dance of freedom and sacred joy.

In her ecstasy she flies out and dance  as a free happy bird in the air.
The mountains seam wishing to have arms to protect her flight.

(follows with "The Vision II part")

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Night of the Vision of Savitri

The night I met Sri Aurobindo and knew of His Vision the shift to conscious sleep had been specially smooth and easy: as soon as the body slept I was back in that peculiar condition in which one is completely awake but without the physical.
I recognized around me the now familiar blue of the mental world, a world without forms but hues of blue and sparks of white light, but this time at my side yes there is a form: alone in that deep blue a beautiful tower in stone like those of the Middle Age, and while looking at it I start levitating towards the summit.

In a few moments I am in a circular room with  an arched window on that mental sky and by the window an Indian Master  and a little group of disciples. Were not for their robes it could recall me Jesus Christ surrounded by his disciples for the evident divinity of the Master and the great reverence of the men.
The Master is bare feet and wears a doti, has long black hair and a body "magnified" that looks extremely healthy and strong and has the natural appeal of the divine manifesting in a human form, the disciples look at him with great deference,  some four or five young men, all occidentals.
They all seam entertained in a conversation which I interrupt with my sudden irruption, all turn smiling to me but the Master, which stares impassive into my eyes.
He is Sri Aurobindo,  in a form never captured by a photograph. 

My subtle perception is increased and without uttering a word I understand they were waiting for me, called or admitted there, and the reason concerns a plan which the Master is laying down to the attention of the presents in the room. I feel welcomed and live in full plenitude the privilege to be there. 

In that moment the Master leaves the group  approaching me, while he does I can better appreciate the divine beauty of his "body of glory" which was not so evident at the beginning.
When he stand close to me he has a glorious divine shape emitting such an intense radiation which has a deep impact on  the very atoms of my body, they seem as frightened by this unknown, tremendous source of energy and are trying to subtract themselves from its powerful influence.
I clearly feel that had the Master approached me a bit more my body would be disrupted and evaporate in a cloud of atoms.

I felt for some moment all the weight of that painful physical sensation, then the Master smiled and all the atomic structure is instantaneously re-polarized, now my atoms seem wishing to fuse with that energy and stirr their orbit as to get as close as possible.

His body, towering over me is somehow bigger then normal, and I can appreciate every single detail of his face and his black hair over the neck graciously entwined  with grey and white hair.
His eyes absolutely divine, his face expressing all the power of the transmutations he underwent, I can guess in his features the divinized man which has won many battles and can lead whole generations, I felt one could follow him in any enterprise with blind faith in a safe outcome and a victory. 

When he spoke I distinctly heard his voice as coming from both outside and from within he was asking  me about facts in my life which supposed he was fully aware of my personal life.
I felt an intimate deep connection while we silently stared each other in the eyes, then he spoke again saying:- I wish you do something for me.

My reaction is so instantaneous that he smiles under his moustaches: he didn´t finished his words that I have already innerly joined both hand in a silent acceptance.

He could have asked me anything, even my life if necessary and have me ready to lay it down for him, I only wanted to fulfil his wish.

"I had a dream", he continued, and while he said this I started to see the images of his dream. A powerful vision which narrated of the evolution of the consciousness on earth till a distant future, when the planet is fully populated only by Initiates.

Being the Vision too long I divided it in two parts, Vision of Savitri I and II 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Hour of the Toiling Gods

(follows to "The Hour before the Gods Awake")

The article* on Sri Aurobindo I mention in the previous post  had the strangest story an article could have. Beside that it required a subtle visit to Auroville together with the Master, it acted like the dissolvent for all my doubts and restorer of my peace of mind, moreover it was born in such unusual way deserving to be counted because it shows some of the activities we can entertain with in the mental world, and testifies on the existence of mental beings on such a level, as Mother repeatedly mentioned to Satprem.

One night, as soon as my body fell asleep, I "woke up" on the other side.
I only lost consciousness for a few moments while the body fell asleep, from that moment on, the physical body continued to sleep while I remained awake. At all the effects, I had never fall asleep. I knew exactly who I was, I didn't loose any cognition of my identity. I was as to say, a body of consciousness, my mental faculties were all there, intact in the transition, but now with an additional conscious acquaintance and access to a limitrophe condition of being and space of existence.  The mental world. 

Though not familiar with that condition, I knew already enough for not fearing it, I had grown accustomed to it.

This necessary introduction doesn't make any justice to the speed of the whole process, because within instants, as soon as I was in conscious sleep I unwillingly started to ascend within a blue mental atmosphere charged with a whitish fog everywhere, till I remained suspended in the middle of nowhere. 
I concentrated all my attention around and through that fog but there was anything else but that blue mist.
Then, an inner injunction as a silent voice alerted me to focus better.
I didn't know it could be possible to focus better in that conditions but I did. For a moment there was something as an invisible swirl at the level of my eyes which pierced the fog, then suddenly I saw them. 

It was a circle of beings not far from me.
They were handsome and seemingly entertained in some unknown activity of their own because they were not distracted by my sudden appearance.
They looked all male, with long black hair till the base of the neck, all dressed with a blue robe which left their right arm uncovered as the Buddhist monks, or rather, as the ancient gods in Renaissance paintings or Greek representations. Even the color of their skin was but a whiter shade of blue. 

They looked as gods or higher beings, certainly of a very noble nature, and they seemed at ease levitating in the middle of nowhere.
At first I felt somehow embarrassed to present myself uninvited, and for a brief instant I didn't know what to do.
But a moment later I heard a warm telepathic welcome from all of them at the unisone and the invitation to join the group.

In that fog I had not many options left so I joined that unfamiliar group of six or seven, sitting among them within the circle while discovering I had instantly acquired the faculty to be in telepathic contact with each of them.
In that new condition of perception, I could appreciate that in spite of their physical similarity, inwardly they each had quite a different and exquisite personality.

Their main interest was an object floating in the middle of the circle.
At first sight it looked like a seed of a plant big as a dish, open in two halves.
But soon my attention was attracted by one of them saying something like: "At this point having we said that, we  should also say...(don´t remember the exact words), and while talking, he made a gesture with his right arm uplifted and "taking the mental concept from high", descended the arm toward the seed and with a mudra of his fingers he placed the concept into the seed.

"But then", said another one "if we say this, we should also add... (again don´t remember the exact words, but he does a similar gestures as the previous one, till a number of them expresses their opinion).

At this point it had become clear that these beings were mental beings* and were dealing with thoughts and concepts, they could create coherent lines of thoughts, they seemed having access to a kind of invisible "mental reservoir" of concepts of different kind, dealing with them with an absolute coherence which I could clearly follow, and then put them into the seed.
So at that point the seed itself attracted my attention, and I focused on it better.

What had looked like a seed, looked now a typewritten page, and for a few moments I asked myself how was it possible that amid all such beauty and perfection, things could not be better arranged than presenting a page seemingly written with an old typewriter with some letter out of line!
Me too had an old one with that same regretful defect.
I made an extra effort in order to focus exactly on the sense and meaning of the written page, but then, I could not avoid a sudden and deep surprise!

The written page was exactly an article of mine on certain aspects of the integral yoga (of Sri Aurobindo) which I myself was writing at that moment! And the letters out of line I detected on the page were those of my own typewriter!

That sudden incredible awareness made me literally fall down quite abruptly back into my body again, waking up immediately with a jump.
I ran to my article, the page was still on the roller of the typewriter in all similar, even in the defects of issue!

That morning, while I sat again to my table in front of the typewriter with the intention to conclude the article, my mind went again to that unknown fellows of the mental world, I asked myself if they were invisibly around me.
Till then I believed to be the original and only author of the article, but now it seemed other beings had taken part in writing it!  
*I was asked if the article is still available and which was the subject. I don't think it is available anymore nor I own any copy of it anymore, but I remember it faced the argument of death as optional in the development of the supermental consciousness and I advocated for a future immortality.

*For their look and behavior and for the situation in itself, later I found a similar reference from Mother (Mira Alphassa) when she mentioned a bluish being at the back of Satprem (see Agenda), which she identified as a Muse, incidentally Satprem was at that time writing a book on integral yoga.

The Hour before the Gods Awake

Slowly the sun set and the shadows of the night grew darker, and with the night, the restoring sleep to put a parenthesis to my doubts.  At least,  that was what I expected.
The night before, I had seen Sri Aurobindo and he did show to me a great vision, and the most rational part of my mind was corroded by the doubt it had only been a powerful hallucination. 

As soon as the body fell  asleep I  found myself in the subtle body experiencing as  fast moving, as moving through space at incredible speed.
The travel ended up in India, I immediately recognized the light of  the indian noons, I was  physically in India several times before and nothing could have me wrong on that point.
 Moreover, I knew with certainty I was in Auroville, though  nothing could avail such foreknowledge. 

My subtle body had just appeared in a room at the back of a man sitting at a table by the window. 
 I was at a time uncomfortable to violate his privacy while quickly thinking why I was there at all.  The next moment, Sri Aurobindo appeared at my side.

I was extremely delighted and surprised to see the beloved Master so soon again, and opened my mouth to welcome him  but he put one finger on his lips  while silently signaling the man.

Feeling authorized to investigate I moved at a side and over the shoulder of the man.  Must have been south-European. He was reading.
In approaching him I immediately perceived an unpleasant psychological atmosphere surrounding the man, a suffocating aura that made me almost sick in spite of being in my subtle body. I immediately realized how harmful could be for the defenseless mind of a child being in touch with that invisible, though poisonous aura. 
I telepathically learnt he was analyzing an article on Sri Aurobindo, and somehow his aura appeared overcharged with a great self-esteem, he made ostentation of a high mental appreciation of the Master -and- of himself as unerring interpreter of the Master's  thoughts. 
He actually had a quite inquisitive reading of the article, searching for incriminating sentences to condemn.  He was visibly not interested at all in the ideas there presented but only interested in what could be wrong and heretic in his opinion. 
It clearly appeared a more than erroneous approach because  it spread all around him that insufferable mental atmosphere.

Ironically, even if he appeared quite bent to intellectually recognize a high value to the teaching of the Master, he had no perception at all of the presence of the Master at his back, and in no moment did he show any degree of awareness of our presence, he continued instead undisturbed in his activity.

I turned my eyes toward the Master to assure myself my perception were correct and I was concentrating on the things he wanted to call my attention on: silently reassured on it  I leaned over the shoulder of the man in order to see what he was reading, and...oh surprise!
He was reading the same article  I had written months before!
I had quite a lot to be surprised with!
I had literally my mouth open but no sound coming out of it, too many questions crowding on my lips at the same time.
I turned again and stood silently observing the Master in his beautiful eyes waiting for a clarifying answer, but he kept his gaze into mine without uttering a single word, only, he made a single gesture with one of his hand as to say: "This is what you have here". 
At the next moment we departed and I woke up in my body again in Europe.

My article had been published in a new age magazine which I sent to a dear friend in Auroville. I had to suppose he gave the magazine to read at  the questioning european man.

If I wanted to solve my doubts about the Vision, now with this subtle visit to Auroville the Master himself was giving me a good chance to verify it.

I had only one thing to do: get physically to Auroville and ask the friend of mine if such and such a man had had any chance to read my article, and if he was in Auroville, try to see him. If that man did not exist then I could quite forget all the story and put at the same time a final point to my spiritual researches as evidently useless and harmful to my mental welfare, but if the man existed, I was  one of the protagonists of the most incredible story I ever imagined to mix with.

So I did.
I took a plane and went to Auroville decided to shed some light on the subject.
Having familiarity with my friend, I informed him of the visits of the Master, told him about the vision of Savitri and how much it had affected my mental tranquillity with the suspect I was growing insane, and I finished relating the experience in my subtle body in Auroville with the Master, confiding him my extreme need of discovering if the experience had been authentic or it was just pure imagination.
Then my friend asked me to describe the man reading the article.

"Oh, yes", said him with a large smile after attentively listening to my scrupulous description of the individual, "You described X. In fact, X has been here as a guest, and I perfectly remember to give him the magazine with the precise purpose  he could read your article, which was written in his own language.  He is now at Y... (and said the name of a community in Auroville).

I felt immediately released by the heavy doubts which had been constantly drilling my mind during the last months, and a wide peace installed in their turn. I was not crazy after all or suffered from hallucinations, I could continue to trust my spiritual experiences and now I had a surprising task ahead.  

Back in Europe, I was confronted with some facts of which I could not negate the evidence anymore: if the last experience with Sri Aurobindo in Auroville was authentic, and it was because the man existed, then all the other meetings with the Master had been authentic, as they all happened during the same period at the watermill. 
 Beside the first one, which had been quite a physical meeting, all the remaining happened while I was in my subtle body, and as a consequence, my perception of the subtle body was correct and authentic too, though difficult to prove objectively. 
And If the experiences with the Master were true, then also what he showed me (the future of the earth) had to be considered true and meaningful, as well as what Sri Aurobindo told me in that occasion.
In fact, a moment before to show me the images of the future earth, he told me: "I wish you do something for me".
And were exactly these words I had the most urgent need to verify: really the Master wanted me to do something for Him? I would not imagine I could be of any help, how could a perfect unknown render a service of such a kind when there were more famous commenters or disciples in the Ashram or in Auroville that would have been more easily trusted on. Why then expressly me?
But no alternative remained but to accept the facts as they were. 
So that truly the Master had invested me with a requirement.
He had established a personal relation with me!
The gladness melted my heart any time I thought of it, and yet he left me without saying exactly what he expected me to do for him, I guess I had  space to decide.
He left me some clue: the article I wrote had been a recurrent item in different experiences, I had nowadays a tendency to write, so possibly it could be related with his request.

The very experience in the subtle body in Auroville at the side of  the Master  had alerted me on how my writings could be received by certain people in the occurrence I would make them public. If I was going to write about the Vision I had not to wait always a warm and indiscriminate welcome.

(follows with "The Hour of the Toiling Gods".)