Two visions concerning Auroville characterized the days following the main Vision already described:
1) They appeared at once in front of my inner sight while awake in the subtle body at night, while the physical body slept. It was a group of about 30/40 people evidently aurovillians, the image was at real time: they were as alive in front of me, and I could appreciate any single detail of them, it looked as they were posing for a photograph at open air.
Yet, they did not form a single compact group because a very thin space among them divided the group into two smaller ones.
At my left there were mostly younger people and some older one, as soon as I looked them in their eyes (they had very beautiful eyes and a deep expression of their face) I thought of the words of the poem Savitri:
I have seen... The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn...
It was clear, far too evident that they represented the new lymph and the hope of Auroville and the world. I was deeply moved by the sight.
At their side, another smaller group: mostly older people and very few younger ones.
Their eyes had not the brilliance and depth of the previous group but rather looked as tired, as a mental veil was obstructing their vision. I could sense their deep concern and the frustration for their fruitless efforts, as a veil of sadness covering their eyes.
At their sight I felt a sudden warm solidarity, they made me a bit sad on my turn because I could sense the despair within.
I stared a while at both groups passing from one to the other, as drinking the subtle message the vision pretended to deliver me, then all disappeared at once.
2) It is the first hours of the afternoon in Auroville, I can see houses but no people around, the scene is illumined by the sun and by a peculiar light which seems to proceed directly from the objects, as they were half-luminous by themselves.
What I'm seeing are low houses surrounded by peaceful gardens but no humans or other living beings.
I can see all the houses creatively connected by any sort of object with the function of a pipeline carrying water to all of them.
It looks graciously chaotic as there are pipelines made out of bamboos, concrete, stones, metal pipe and other items which makes it quite an original and assorted waterway through which a clear water runs into and off the houses.
Somewhere there are clay pots intended to gather water, and some leaking all along the pipeline.
But I can see siding the older and provisional one, a brand new pipeline is in installation process, it looks a professional work, with same sized metal tubes all well painted in orange antioxidant paint and rationally placed as to bring water to each houses, though at the moment, it look as not connected yet to the source of water.
Yet, it looks as it had been tested already, because I can see drops of clear water falling from the new pipes and new green grass has kept growing outside the tubes where the drops fall on the earth.
I keep looking at the peaceful sight permeated by the meaning of the vision, because it is clear it do not refers at ordinary water, then everything suddenly disappear.