Friday, July 6, 2012


Outward self consciousness coexists with inner Soul-Consciousness.
It is when the  "Night of the Soul" happens that the outer self first recognizes the presence of that Soul and start a process which will end in total identification, fusion, with that inner soul-consciousness.
From that moment one may say the path is not a human path anymore but a Soul-path.
In fact, it can be noted a progressive  spontaneou submission of the human tool as server of that soul-consciousness, and the sadhana it´s not understood as an effort and a strive and a control but rather an opening to the sure action of that soul which the outer self recognize as wiser and superior to himself. That is the reason of the -fusion-, there is no element of our nature to fight or rigidly control anymore as the whole sadhana is overtaken by the Soul and under its ways.

At all the effects the "Night of the Soul" is a, momentary, obscure overshadowing of our whole nature, not only of the Soul but of the outer self as well. As it were, in the absolute darkness the being has to discover and rely only on its own light, but that light do not appear at once, there is such thing as a temporary space, psichological space or inner space of absolute, sacred darkness before it remitts into a first settlement of that light-process. It is symbolized in many traditions, and in the christian is related with the three days the Christ spent in the sepulcre before the Resurrection.

It has remined definitely clear that this Death and Resurrection process is not only something related to christian church, and not only peculiar to Jesus Christ,  but a cosmic process of  the manifestation of the Light which has been called at times Christic Light and Supermental Light, Maitreya Light and as more recently, the Galactic Wave.
What is known as the Coming of Christ or of Maitreya refers to one same happening which is true at individual level as much at mass-consciousness level, or as an objective coming, as much the sidereal transformations needed to host this greater Light within it.


Coming into the Here and Now makes of an individual an observer.
Living into the Here and Now makes of that observer an impartial, objective witness,
and starts spontaneously a process of Fusion.
There is nothing to control, to fight with anymore, the struggle is progressively replaced by the perception at first unclear that is someone or something else to lead the process and the growing conviction that all one can do is open to that force at work.

In moments of deep fusion is realized the alchemy which revers the self into the Self.
The process of spontaneous fusion is a healing process, a loving process and an integrating process.
There is nothing to fight with because there is none who can fight anymore, because that one has been caught into a process of absorption and sublimation, a natural re-assessment of all the living functions, an integration of all of them for the purpose of that force at work, which is integrative and inclusive, accepts and transforms rather then excluding and eliminating.
Truly it is Soul at work. A healing, caring and loving process not only towards oneself but outwardly directed, as the process were double oriented, a pan-healing process which includes oneself and everything and everyone in an ever widening process in which the coordinates as -self- or -Self- are subject to deep modifications when not even in the field of a no-identification and no-entity.
Because the final purpose of that process is total identification of the self with the Self.
What becomes clear at a certain moment is that a perfect alignment of self and soul has been created.
What is not clear at the beginning is that on that imaginary line of asset, the soul itself is coming under alignment with a Greater Self then itself.
So there are three points on this imaginary line of inner growth, but of the third point we basically do not know nothing. It is the soul itself the intermediary, and we -as separate individual- are never meant to receive that power but if not integrated into the soul-self.
This process also implies a constellation of  unnumbered experiences leading to understand such healing process, which is the discovery of the "understanding of the heart", or understanding because one loves.
So it is a discovering into the Fields of Love.