Friday, July 20, 2012

The Solid Metatronic

If you were interested in the Vision Sri Aurobindo provided me, you may have noticed one of the initial symbolic elements of the Vision, (see "The Vision" Part II) it was when the Water which flows at the feet of Savitri start to levitate in the Air forming a giant blue solid cube of water surmounted by quadrangular pyramids on all its faces.
It took me little to understand it was a tri-dimensional transposition of the
 bi-dimensional symbol of Sri Aurobindo, especially when Savitri entered in it dancing in an ecstasy of joy and freedom.
I recognize it took me quite a few years more, instead, to understand how it fit with the tradition of the Solid Metatronic.
The reasons why there is a transposition from bi-dimensional to tri-dimensional reality of the symbol of Sri Aurobindo is object of a next article, here I should mention only this peculiar solid of the Vision in relation with the Metatronic one.
First of all, there is the essential need of the Vision to express his teaching under the symbol of a solid geometric, a polygon, which is directly related with the works of the Supermental Light, which in other traditions is called Metatronic diamond, jewel etc. of Light.
This symmetry of teachings is real and was sub-intended in the Vision.
(Just a little mention is needed to say we are referring to the original tradition and not any other speculation or manipulation it may have undergone).

So that the works of the Light are effectively expressed trough polygons, which is the inner semblance of that work, the semblance open to our human vision. That is, when we finally can see it.
It is undisputed that the solid metatronic relates with an Angel of that name, Metatron.
There is no solid metatronic without the presence of the Angel there to vivify it.
Necessarily, the Supermental Light is, at least in the theory, related with that Angel of the Presence of God, which is said to be the closer outer manifestation of God Himself, the first born of a generation of hierarchies of angels which extend till the human beings.  Metatron is the closest Presence to the Source.
Knowing myself that the Vision provided me from Sri A. was authentic, I searched for correspondences and farther information on the Solid Metatronic, though most of it seemed coming from evident speculations on the movement order and position of the pyramids and a confused understanding of their connection with the Elements, with which the solid is strictly related, as the solid is not a theory but the factual manifestation of the work of that Light within the Elements of Nature and Matter.  As much as within ourselves. It is an orderly process related with the positions and movements of the Elements.
Because you have seen  in the Vision that for Savitri entering the Solid, the Element Water which is below has ascended, this means Air has descended, and if Fire descends  Earth rises.
Fire here is the Supermental Fire.
This transposition of Elements is the Supermental manifestation.
Of course, is a bit more complicated than that, and I should try provide you of some elements as far as myself understood them.

Mind, Vision and Ayurveda

Unlike in Occident, mind is considered in Ayurveda an instrument of perception equalled to the senses, so in the vedic system there are six senses and not five as in Occident.
This basic difference is of extraordinary meaning in yoga and self discovery, and was observed by ancient doctors which were themselves yoga practitioners, so that anyway their conclusions are worth a look for any yoga practitioner, especially when reaches the need of a thoroughly understanding of its own mind in order to produce the integration of the instruments of search, integration so wisely envisioned by that ancient realizers.

Later experience with subtle perception would proof the vedic doctors where in the right.
In fact, after the mental ego discovers its limits, and only then, a ray of the inner soul may reach that mind and transform it for its purpose.
In the course of time, which depends only on the opening to that soul at work, all bodily functions are reset, and mind too.
All the super-senses to appear will appear in the mind, because are not productions and transformations of the body but the <natural senses of the soul> of which the physical senses are but a gross reproduction, and they will start to be there while the progressive manifestation of the soul takes place.
Invariably a visionary nature has to depend on such processes, as the Vision is the result of a certain tuning of the mental faculties.
Naturally, a mind which hasn´t realized that inner alchemy, is absolutely unable to understand what a mind infused by its own soul is. And that is the limit of the teaching, as at a certain point there came the need for self-experience. Mere mental knowledge of the process which opens the mind to its inner soul is not equal to effective experience of it, luckily enough, this field is totally free from any unfit mental irruptions.
When things proceed smoothly, to all this transformations which happen at mental level, there is an unperceived progressive establishment, in the heart area, of the soul.
Of course, I´m not theorising or teaching anything, I´m simply offering the result of objective observations, as I just said teaching has its limits.
This is when you get out of theory and you start to need effective experience, then you are in a good position to appreciate my observations.
Somehow we need to know the experiences of other people in this field so to mirror our own experiences, but it is not indispensable, it helps.
Of course, as it seems I have to re-state it again time by time, there is not any personal will in releasing the results of my observations (which I was indipendently keeping for my own purpose of study) but it was as a consequence of a direct request from Sri Aurobindo himself.
I do not have even idea of how they should benefit a reader, I simply answer to that request and do not overcharge my head with speculations.
So if you like you take them if not, just leave them, but they remain objective observations which I lay at His feet.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The conceited mind

Surrender is an arduous task for a conceited mind.
A mind proud of its brilliance has already gone out of the limits it has to impose on itself, it is already walking on thin ice, and the colapse may be at sight, soon or later.
For such mind it is onerous to surrender its brilliance and the sense of mental pride which covers it all, rendering it unpenetrable to the rays of the Grace, and invisible and unperceivable to itself.

I´m not enouncing a spiritual truth, it is simple common sense, but it  has been proved by the Rishis of the Ayurvedic method of healing, which says that Air is the last colapse after that of Fire and Water.
Mental pride is in fact considered an ilness in Ayurveda.
As mind and its ilnesses in Ayur. are related with the Air element.

If you light a fire and put water to boil on it, you have the vapour, this secuence is Ayurveda, and you have the three elements perfectly located. Earth and Water are considered as one element, as water needs a container which is earth.
Earth is the pot where you put the water to boil.

No colapse of Air may be produced till a substantial unbalance in the Water humor, which has been preceded by an unbalance of Fire, almost invariably due to unfit and irregular diet, which alters the gastric fire and starts all the process.
Such people should increase the consumption of fresh fruit and row vegetables, and have long solitary walks in nature observing the little life around.Tai Chi would be a useful tool to increase fluidity.
 Being Air the last of the secuence Fire-Water-Air, an ilness already reaching Air it has something of a cronic process, and such signals should not be ignored. Cronic air condition are typically accompaigned by adversion to natural parfumes and essence of flowers, which will result irritating because of the concentrated fire of the parfume.
The evaporation of Water due to excess of gastric Fire produces a progressive inner and outer dryness, even mental dryness, which evidently  is an unbalanced condition as to be regularly sustained: the colapse is the last resource the body has to drastically limit the Fire.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Prophecy

We know prophesycing always linked with any given human group, as much at small local level as with the indigenous of the Amazon or among the red Indians, or any other culture.
Some of them have became more famous, but a greater number is surely unknown.
Premonition is what links  ourselves with prophecy and prophetic activity, which in some cultures where farther developed and became the oracular tradition of which we have briefly envisioned some points, in my post on sleep.
So that we can say, prophecy can be a reality in the sense it is enough proven by study and experience.
Of course, it do not eliminate the possibility of fraudulent activity, in such a sensible field which easily awake the interest of many.
So we explain ourselves the wide acceptance any prophecy about end of the world has in our modern society.
It was predicted around the 1000 A.D. and again the 2000 and a few more times in between, and we approach other such date and prophecy(either true or false).

Probably were the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation of S. John the Evangelist the widest known and probably the most authoritative, as it is unlike it is a mystification.
In connection with a number of heavily symbolic happenings, we may safely conclude they refer to an apocalyptic (revelatory) time  over the head of humanity
at some moment in history, and it would be a farther revelation of the Christic Light and the beginning of a new world.
If we assume John´s prophecy as real and not false, and standing on the point it would be for the earth and humanity a mayor event of the manifestation of that light-consciousness, we may ask ourselves if such light and consciousness John saw, may have any connection with other mentions of such superior light-consciousness, as in the writings from Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
John could not use the term -supermental- because it had not been invented yet -if there and then would have made any sense- and anyway with the physical presence of the Master there, was much more easier and understandable as christic light-consciousness.
But what remains as a fact is the almost certainty that both John and Sri Aurobindo mentioned one same light-consciousness.What today is widely called Supermental Light.
So, a bridge can be extended between two great references which connect them each and human history sequences. And what we know for sure, as it was only recently written by Sri Aurobindo himself, that a factual supermental light was ready to manifest on earth and it would have brought with it a radical transformation of the conditions of life on earth.
So if we assume John´s christic light and Sri A.´s supermental light culturally connected, then they have to coincide at some moment on earth.
 The experiences and words of Mother, Swami Ramalingam, Dharma Sangha among others, the interconnectedness of Sri Ramakrishna´s and Swami Vivekananda yoga with that of Sri Aurobindo, it only add more positive information to what we know and are considering here.
What is currently known as "The Six Visions" of Mother offer, almost in the same language than John (heavenly Hosts in the sky and the vision of a huge cross and impending darkness over humanity, together with a divine figure) shows us that the perspective we are facing hasn´t changed significantly from John to Mother.

Prophecies beside, today not even the most optimistic scientific conclusions says we haven´t endangered our own survival and that of many species, togheter with a growing pollution of land, water, air, and we surely will have to pay some consequence for it.
Not prophetic consequences I mean, just plain and material reactions which are presently being studied in order to prevent -if possible- any mayor treat for human survival.
So that at least we have one of the features, for its dark perspective that shine sinister as a treat to humanity, and by our own hands, which can surely fit within John and Mother message.
We have only to add the cultural, social, moral, economical and political disruption to consider all of them certainly too the  greatest challenge humanity had to face in its history.
And certainly in direct relation with the prophecies we are analyzing.
If the world needed any sombre scenery in which the Apocalypses had to occur, we may easily conclude the present times are one of the worst scenery humanity could offer, as the treat is not only at physical level but at any of the level just signaled.
Should we not forget that Apocalypses means Revelation and the revelation is of the Flame, the Christic/Supermental/Maitry Light-Consciousness, so it is a hope for the Light, even, the certainty of its victory.
In order of time, Dharma Sangha mentioned at the very beginning of his spoken teaching  -in a memorable first speech- the dangers humanity was presently facing,
and said it with no less dramatic tones then John or Mother.
So we may came to the conclusion, a sufficiently consistent conclusion, that all that moments mentioned in John, Mother, Dharma Sangha, are not that far ahead.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


In my last post on the "Yoga of the Vision" (Sleep? Highways to Knowledge) in the first lines  I´ve written: "Your aim is to be conscious along the day, etc."
And as this blog is about Yoga and Vision and not speculations or worthless mental operations: what do we mean with "conscious"?
Because one can say: -Well, anybody is conscious everyday just because is alive isn´t it? So what´s wrong with it-?
True, we somehow drag our consciousness all along the day to fall into an unconscious sleep just to awaken again at some level of that consciousness and proceed again better or worst along the day and so on for several years if not a whole life.
What we generally describe as <to be conscious>  is an amalgam of different levels of attention (and distraction) depending on a series of reasons, mainly our own interests and motivations.

What we describe as useful for the Vision is a linear unmotivated attention, which is in itself meditation, which can be effectively installed into daily activity, but which is absolutely indispensable in Yoga and the Vision.

Physical activity is an impelling necessity for any living creature, but considering the case of humans, it has been created a dissociation between inner spiritual world and outer material world, and sitting meditation as the mean to reach that spiritual world.
Such an important fracture from inner and outer world, real and illusory world, spiritual and sinful world, it has been the root on  which any doctrine has based itself.
But it has started from a dividing attitude which is the signal of a lower mind at work,
of a mild attitude of spirit at the moment of considering the mind its processes and its functions.
Mind was successful in signalize what was spiritual and what sinful, but not in determine its own spirituality or sinfulness...

Back to sit in meditation, even when we know Enlightenment achieved sitting in meditation, this can´t be true in every and each case and not as an absolute, because meditation is unbounded by methods. We cannot imagine that we can resolve the complexity of spiritual understanding just sitting somewhere with closed eyes.
There must be something else, and in fact, there is something else.
Meditation is absolute freedom and absolute freedom of learning, and do not depend on any mental method and exercises we may ideate or others may ideate for that purpose, as meditation has to be alive, a living creation of the moment.

I was amused in learning Mother explain she never saw Sri Aurobindo sitting cross-legged! Should we infere by that he didn´t meditate?
I prefer how Krishnamurty would put it: he was himself meditation.

The fundamentalist mind

We may easily observe how much separation is created just by pretended spiritually minded people.
The behaviour observable is always the same: after reading a lot on spiritual matters such people starts to syndicate who is wrong and who is right, who has more light or lesser light or no light at all.This people seems not to notice that factual, true spiritual realization do not came by simple gathering information about it. And when one has true spiritual realization, he/she has no need in judge anything or anyone but release them to their own freedom of being either in the right or the wrong.

We know quite well of the Supermental reality as a progressive manifestation going on at this very moment on earth, as we can assume it from the writings from Mother and Sri Aurobindo, assuming too that the process was not interrupted with their desappearence.
But in the conviction of many, the process can´t be interrupted and is going on.
So the worth question: Where is the Supermental Light today?

The most current mistake of precipitous readers is to assume that the Supermental Light is a new light. (of course it is a new light, or does the divine light grow old? it is always new because it is always divine).

It was not the light to be new, they were -its possibilities- that were new.
But Sri Aurobindo "followers" (broadly speaking of course), thought believing the Supermental process in expansion, cannot give any trace of it after Mother and Sri Aurobindo departure.
There is an unexplainable limb in between their lives and our.
We may presume they where not looking toward that light, otherwise they would have seen it.
Are they expecting thousands of reproductions of Sri Aurobindo and Mother populating earth all by a sudden?
It is not them we are waiting for, it is ourselves, and whomever has realized that light and gave it the name he/she choose.
So, Great Masters have been on earth after their(of M.and Sri A.) passing away, but, lost in our self-conceptions, we have failed to recognize, per example, the gigantic stature of a Jidddu Krishamurty, and have been unable to link him with that same light (or was he referring to some other light?...)
And the list would be a long list.
But more recently in history,  we could witness such another case of complete misunderstanding and lack of proper means to connect him with that same manifestation of the Supermental Light.
I´m referring to Dharma Sangha case.
As usual, his followers ( only broadly speaking) after receiving his all-inclusive message, have started to make the accustomed differences between "their Master" and "other Masters", the sublimity of "his" message against "other" messages even when, as in the case of Dharma Sangha, was left sublimely clear that his Maitri Consciousness could be no other than the Supermental Consciousness of Sri Aurobindo  and the same consciousness Krishnamurty spoke of without attributing to it any name at all. If not Freedom and Universality, perhaps.

After a few attempts, I renounced to call the attention on this point on a number of mailing lists, as I had sadly to recognize it was worthless any farther attempt.
I´m not here to convince anyone, as we each have discrimination to proceed alone.

 As we expect integral yoga readers would be more attentive on such cases,
 we would have expected a faster reaction from Sri Aurobindo readers about the presence on earth of Dharma Sangha, which so astonishingly recall the boy in the Visions of Mother.
And yet, as it seems, the silence is absolute all along the line, because they are expecting I don´t know which kind of miracle or presence or light, but certainly not this light which even now is acting on earth.
Dharma Sangha followers did not react better: they were unable to understand that the light-consciousness spoken of by D.S., was essentially one with all the other lights. In doing this, they have lost whatever contribution Sri A. Mother and Krishnamurty may have brought to a wider understanding, undervaluing the important meaning of their passage on earth.

So, there is an approach of the mind, of a fundamentalist mind, which is worthless in seizing the process earth is living even now,  because of  this separative attitude which is the main feature of a fundamentalist mind. A mind which separate and classify in order to understand.
It is only fun, when not sad, that the main danger Mother, Sri Aurobindo, Krishnamurty and now Dharma Sangha have signaled is exactly the fictitious separation the mind can create, and how much all such "followers"  are primarily insisting just on this very separativeness.

Such people would often ask: "But when the Supermental Light will transform everything"? But they are not willing to do any effort in changing themselves in order that Light to produce a result, not just in the world around them but in themselves.

The soul of a poet

“O soul, my soul, we have created Heaven,
Within we have found the kingdom here of God,
His fortress built in a loud ignorant world.
Our life is entrenched between two rivers of Light,
We have turned space into a gulf of peace
And made the body a Capitol of bliss.
What more, what more, if more must still be done?”
("Savitri", Sri Aurobindo)

The soul of a poet lives on its aspiration toward the Beauty and the supreme Good,
but here the Poet affirms with letters of fire, is a Realizer, is not aspiration anymore.

The <body> a Capitol of bliss?
Who can say this?

But should we prefer lower and safer flights,  he wrote what he meant in prose too:

The boon that we have asked from the Supreme is the greatest that the earth can ask from the Highest, the change that is most difficult to realise, the most exacting in its conditions. It is nothing less than the descent of the supreme Truth and Power into Matter, the Supramental established in the material plane and consciousness and the material world and an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter. Only a supreme Grace can effect this miracle.

<<the descent of the supreme Truth and Power into Matter>>,
<<the Supramental established in the material plane and consciousness and the material world>>
<<an integral transformation down to the very principle of Matter>>

This is a program for this planet Earth, there is no mention of "somewhere else".
Here in the very core of Matter.