Friday, July 20, 2012

The Solid Metatronic

If you were interested in the Vision Sri Aurobindo provided me, you may have noticed one of the initial symbolic elements of the Vision, (see "The Vision" Part II) it was when the Water which flows at the feet of Savitri start to levitate in the Air forming a giant blue solid cube of water surmounted by quadrangular pyramids on all its faces.
It took me little to understand it was a tri-dimensional transposition of the
 bi-dimensional symbol of Sri Aurobindo, especially when Savitri entered in it dancing in an ecstasy of joy and freedom.
I recognize it took me quite a few years more, instead, to understand how it fit with the tradition of the Solid Metatronic.
The reasons why there is a transposition from bi-dimensional to tri-dimensional reality of the symbol of Sri Aurobindo is object of a next article, here I should mention only this peculiar solid of the Vision in relation with the Metatronic one.
First of all, there is the essential need of the Vision to express his teaching under the symbol of a solid geometric, a polygon, which is directly related with the works of the Supermental Light, which in other traditions is called Metatronic diamond, jewel etc. of Light.
This symmetry of teachings is real and was sub-intended in the Vision.
(Just a little mention is needed to say we are referring to the original tradition and not any other speculation or manipulation it may have undergone).

So that the works of the Light are effectively expressed trough polygons, which is the inner semblance of that work, the semblance open to our human vision. That is, when we finally can see it.
It is undisputed that the solid metatronic relates with an Angel of that name, Metatron.
There is no solid metatronic without the presence of the Angel there to vivify it.
Necessarily, the Supermental Light is, at least in the theory, related with that Angel of the Presence of God, which is said to be the closer outer manifestation of God Himself, the first born of a generation of hierarchies of angels which extend till the human beings.  Metatron is the closest Presence to the Source.
Knowing myself that the Vision provided me from Sri A. was authentic, I searched for correspondences and farther information on the Solid Metatronic, though most of it seemed coming from evident speculations on the movement order and position of the pyramids and a confused understanding of their connection with the Elements, with which the solid is strictly related, as the solid is not a theory but the factual manifestation of the work of that Light within the Elements of Nature and Matter.  As much as within ourselves. It is an orderly process related with the positions and movements of the Elements.
Because you have seen  in the Vision that for Savitri entering the Solid, the Element Water which is below has ascended, this means Air has descended, and if Fire descends  Earth rises.
Fire here is the Supermental Fire.
This transposition of Elements is the Supermental manifestation.
Of course, is a bit more complicated than that, and I should try provide you of some elements as far as myself understood them.

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