Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The fundamentalist mind

We may easily observe how much separation is created just by pretended spiritually minded people.
The behaviour observable is always the same: after reading a lot on spiritual matters such people starts to syndicate who is wrong and who is right, who has more light or lesser light or no light at all.This people seems not to notice that factual, true spiritual realization do not came by simple gathering information about it. And when one has true spiritual realization, he/she has no need in judge anything or anyone but release them to their own freedom of being either in the right or the wrong.

We know quite well of the Supermental reality as a progressive manifestation going on at this very moment on earth, as we can assume it from the writings from Mother and Sri Aurobindo, assuming too that the process was not interrupted with their desappearence.
But in the conviction of many, the process can´t be interrupted and is going on.
So the worth question: Where is the Supermental Light today?

The most current mistake of precipitous readers is to assume that the Supermental Light is a new light. (of course it is a new light, or does the divine light grow old? it is always new because it is always divine).

It was not the light to be new, they were -its possibilities- that were new.
But Sri Aurobindo "followers" (broadly speaking of course), thought believing the Supermental process in expansion, cannot give any trace of it after Mother and Sri Aurobindo departure.
There is an unexplainable limb in between their lives and our.
We may presume they where not looking toward that light, otherwise they would have seen it.
Are they expecting thousands of reproductions of Sri Aurobindo and Mother populating earth all by a sudden?
It is not them we are waiting for, it is ourselves, and whomever has realized that light and gave it the name he/she choose.
So, Great Masters have been on earth after their(of M.and Sri A.) passing away, but, lost in our self-conceptions, we have failed to recognize, per example, the gigantic stature of a Jidddu Krishamurty, and have been unable to link him with that same light (or was he referring to some other light?...)
And the list would be a long list.
But more recently in history,  we could witness such another case of complete misunderstanding and lack of proper means to connect him with that same manifestation of the Supermental Light.
I´m referring to Dharma Sangha case.
As usual, his followers ( only broadly speaking) after receiving his all-inclusive message, have started to make the accustomed differences between "their Master" and "other Masters", the sublimity of "his" message against "other" messages even when, as in the case of Dharma Sangha, was left sublimely clear that his Maitri Consciousness could be no other than the Supermental Consciousness of Sri Aurobindo  and the same consciousness Krishnamurty spoke of without attributing to it any name at all. If not Freedom and Universality, perhaps.

After a few attempts, I renounced to call the attention on this point on a number of mailing lists, as I had sadly to recognize it was worthless any farther attempt.
I´m not here to convince anyone, as we each have discrimination to proceed alone.

 As we expect integral yoga readers would be more attentive on such cases,
 we would have expected a faster reaction from Sri Aurobindo readers about the presence on earth of Dharma Sangha, which so astonishingly recall the boy in the Visions of Mother.
And yet, as it seems, the silence is absolute all along the line, because they are expecting I don´t know which kind of miracle or presence or light, but certainly not this light which even now is acting on earth.
Dharma Sangha followers did not react better: they were unable to understand that the light-consciousness spoken of by D.S., was essentially one with all the other lights. In doing this, they have lost whatever contribution Sri A. Mother and Krishnamurty may have brought to a wider understanding, undervaluing the important meaning of their passage on earth.

So, there is an approach of the mind, of a fundamentalist mind, which is worthless in seizing the process earth is living even now,  because of  this separative attitude which is the main feature of a fundamentalist mind. A mind which separate and classify in order to understand.
It is only fun, when not sad, that the main danger Mother, Sri Aurobindo, Krishnamurty and now Dharma Sangha have signaled is exactly the fictitious separation the mind can create, and how much all such "followers"  are primarily insisting just on this very separativeness.

Such people would often ask: "But when the Supermental Light will transform everything"? But they are not willing to do any effort in changing themselves in order that Light to produce a result, not just in the world around them but in themselves.

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