Thursday, May 3, 2012

Akashic Records (from "Atem´s Notebooks") IV

February 1997
(location: upper most polar regions,(Greenland?), approx. date: 15000 BC -probably during last glaciation)

I´m seeing Earth from space. The position of the lands do not resembles at all  the image my mind still keep into the memory while I'm watching.
Right in the middle it seems there is a tongue of sea which separate two blocks of lands, but I can't keep my attention on the details, as seemingly, is not that the reason for the vision, but instead, my attention is attracted by the upper part of the globe, which is covered by huge extensions of ice. Then slowly I'm approaching a region within it, it seems progressively covered by ice but the last southern tongue of it, where some people is surviving. My consciousness slowly zooms in on the southernmost tongue of land of what looks like a big island or a greater piece of land now freezing and covered with ice. I see somewhere remains of what once could have been a forest, dead naked tree trunks strangled by the ice.

It is but a village of solid wooden houses of  assembled trunks, and smoke is getting out of the roofs, it is a village of fishermen, as it is very close to the sea and there are a few solid boats which incredibly resembles that of later Vikings, only, probably a bit smaller.
I´m quite astonished because I believe there are no evidence of human life during the Ice Age, less in that upper polar regions, and much less, a race of skillful sailors  which built solid boats in that peculiar nut-shell shape typical of the Vikings, so that in a sense, or rather in the true sense, those people are the ancestors of the later Vikings.

The Land is almost fully covered with ice, and only this tiny tongue of land seems relatively free from snow and ice, and it is evident they are having very hard times to survive.
Then suddenly they appear. The whole inhabitants of the village are descending towards the sea all covered with skins of animals, and while approaching me I realize they are quite tall and solid people all blond and long haired, I was expecting they would look a bit as hominids, but I'm surprised to be wrong: they look quite as the historical Vikings!
So I wonder how much time that race was there already before it could evolve in almost modern physical type. I get the sound fact that this race is the prototype and ancestor of any blond descendant. I'm astonished of the mysteries of this book of Nature which reveals me such lessons.
They are quite close to me now, an older man seems to impart the last instructions to a small group  of solid men evidently disposing themselves to leave on a boat, as some fellow is already charging and securing the provisions.

Warm embraces and tears in the eyes of some woman, and though I don't understand a word of what they say, yet I'm getting the whole sense of their responsibility and the whole drama of it.
The ice are covering inexorably the land threatening their survival.
This handful of intrepids is sailing towards an unknown adventure in search of a land where all of them may survive.They will see themselves obliged to leave the land they ever inhabited or face death.
Their whole life, the very stream of their race depends from the exit of the mission, would they die in the sea, all of them would die too, and all the race disappear.
So the men feels  invested with the sacred mission to save their race. The only thing they know, as the elder says, is that if they proceed always eastward, they will get again at their sailing place. And is from that direction that all the village will be waiting for their return.
With incredible skill the men set the sail advancing into open sea pushed by the strong favorable wind.
I'm learning it is the first time ever of a circumnavigation of the globe, occurred during the Ice Age with those men. It is an event of relevance in the akashic registers as one of the greatest achievements of this race. As it were a special page with a special mention of this fact, a page to which I'm freely acceding.
Now I see the men sailing  always eastward, never too far from land, which in this occasion is but an interminable series of narrow, threatening fjords that deeply enters into land. But somehow they are sailing forward searching for a sea route and safe land for their people. It is great the determination in their eyes, they are sailing in a difficult trip, but they will sell very expensive their life, and they make such a precious group of solid will that is really moving considering their difficulties.

Time has passed in the village. Every day someone is on guard to see any boat in the distance. They are faithfully waiting for them to appear among the foamy waves.
Then a day, a loud cry breaks the silence of the village, everybody is running out of their house to the shore with smiles and tears signaling each other the dark spot advancing on the sea. I can see the faces of the sailors and their large smiles, and again that of the people on land, reassured of their survival, then everything disappear.

Akashic Records (from "Atem´s Notebooks") V

March 1999
(location: Pacific Ocean, unknown)

I'm a point of consciousness, surprisingly underwater, I'm on the rocky bottom facing huge ruins of an archaic city. When I make an effort to understand when it happened it results in an uncountable number of years, close to twenty thousand. I'm surprised both for being underwater and both for this huge city which is lying somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, as I have a clear perception of its geographical location.
A strange woman is approaching me. She's clearly human, definitely she has a face of a race disappeared forever, I can only think of a mixture of Mongols, red Indians and Toltec, kind of original stream of the race.
That woman has some kind of magic powers which I'm perceiving, she talks as half sleeping, in a monotonous tone which can hypnotize a person and fall under her power, but I sense I have nothing to fear as my degree of consciousness in subtle world keeps me safe from that danger. She has started to talk of that ancient city, and while she's talking, I start to see images at real time of the city when she lived in it above the waters. She told the name of the city was ... ... (don't remember, a name made of two words which meant "Wonder of the Earth"), then told me of its glorious past and the big influence it had at that time over large territories. While she talked I slowly entered in the life of the city as it was, large avenues under the sun, big buildings and temples everywhere in a strange mixture of styles, but overall, the huge mass of human beings which lived in it or, as I felt, there for trading, worship, learning magic, and a large etcetera.
She was telling me, and I was seeing it, of a darker side, in fact, there were sacrifices in great quantity, I could see temples with their floor and stairs covered with fresh blood and I felt they would sacrifice human beings too in a daily orgy of blood and dark magic. Being myself in the subtle body, I could understand the  power of a cast of priests which had a clear control over their subtle body, and were able to control even the  subtle body of the  human victims of the sacrifices, abusing of them and having them bound at their service after their death.
It seems they had a special predilection for the vital essence which abandoned the body of their victim, as they somehow could feed themselves of that essence.
She was telling me how the city had been the model for a number of other city-states over the planet, but it was doomed to perish and disappear, the divinatory arts were there highly developed, and it was not a mystery it would sink into the ocean.
Slowly alarming signal started, and a huge number decided to abandon the city, while but a few decided to perish with it. Well, they were not going to perish exactly, as they could, and decided to, consciously reside in their subtle physical, so that just before physical death, they would set themselves into the subtle physical and continue living there, in the city, sharing forever its destiny.
So it was.
I could see when the day came and huge waves where invading the city and the land was sinking into the sea, they shifted their consciousness on the subtle level and sunk in the depths with the city. She was among them. She told me with a subtle, human irony they had changed the name to the city, (again a name with two words, which meant "Wonder of the Ocean"), but in no moment I had permission to enter nor saw any other person. While she proffered her last words I had the clear understanding that in doing so, they had franchised themselves from the evolutionary thread. As a race, they would not die, but they would not evolve either. They would remain as a subtle group of beings tied there till a superior Will would decide.
Of this strange episode I know that in the actuality fishermen in some pacific islands fear to fall asleep by the sea at night, as they mention some strange spirit which sucks their vital energy. Is this more then a legend?

Akashic records (from " Atem´s Notebooks") III

October 2009
(location: Egypt, no date established)

It is a stepped pyramid of modest dimensions in a sea of small yellow dunes.
Now I can see the entrance, there is a little path from which the sand has been removed, I realize the Pyramid is partly covered by the sand which made it look smaller. It must have been built in very remote times, as its steps are deformed by the erosion. One of its walls is directly facing the sun which suggests me to be oriented with the Cardinal Points.
Without solution of continuity I found myself within the Pyramid. It is a large room summoned in the shadows. The walls are totally covered by a tick black layer of dust and smoke everywhere, even the floor, exception made for a narrow path where it had been brushed out.
I´m giving my back to the entrance, so the sunny wall of the Pyramid is at my right. So at my right I see among the shadows a large number of Boats of Horus, they must have got out of use hundred of years before and abandoned there, the closest to where I am are bigger and looks of relative recent fabric, of painted wood and about two meters long, but  the older, equally covered by the same dust, looks quite primitive, just bunches of steams and some piece of wood, and are noticeably smaller then the other.
On the opposite side of the room, a stone pathway descends in the depths of the Pyramid. The deep silence of the place is broken by the sound of feet walking on the stone floor, so I turn towards the entrance to see the new comer.
My heart jump with delight! Is the same Pharaoh of few days before, I appreciated a lot his person and was worried to have lost (akashic) contact the previous time, and I am immensely glad to see him again! He do not seem to perceive me, so I look at him openly while is approaching.
Poor Pharaoh! He is aged now, and walks slowly, but his firmly looking in front of him.
He doesn't have any sign or symbol of his status, he wears an old cloth and is bare feet, his head perfectly shaved. Astonishingly enough, demonstrating to me the great humility of the Pharaoh, the cloth seems the only thing he possess. I know it is a secret language to the Great Doer admitting his own littleness, and assuming himself as the last of the server.
The Pharaoh is indeed a great figure and I´m moved in perceiving the greatness of his heart.
While he advances he gets out of the pathway reaching the Boats of Horus close to where I am. If I want I can touch him, but still he seems not perceiving my presence. He looks to the boats for a long while and me too with him. Really that boats are representing the steps in the evolution of their culture, from a nearly shepherd's to a more cultured and artistic expression.

But now, the silence is broken again by sounds of bare feet on the floor. The Pharaoh do not even bother to turn himself and continue watching the boats, but I turn with curiosity towards the entrance.
A priest shaved-head and but a small orange tunic till is knees, is somehow heavily taking is way down the stony depths. It is evident he has not make any renounce as the Pharaoh, his belly wrestling with the tight tunic deletes his predilection for food and soft life.
He has a bowl with water into his hands and is followed by a little group of adolescents which orderly form a file behind the priest.
They are totally naked but for a little perizoma and the whole of their body is painted in lively colours with big flowers and green leaves. Each of them is carrying green leaves and freshly recollected flowers of different kinds.
The priest do not even salute the Pharaoh, instead, a moment before he disappears in the depths, he turns towards the elder expressing with his eyes a deep resentment and a clear opposition, together with a sense of petulant superiority. Then he disappears followed by the youths with their nice ornamental drawings.

The Pharaoh has not moved at all, totally absent to the little procession evidently directed towards an inner sanctuary. But it seems as the eyes of the priest have launched a poisonous arrow, as I see him suddenly vacillate and hold himself by the boat, and there, as appeared from nowhere, the therapist of the previous vision is there as well, holding his Master avoiding him to fall into the boat. The therapist is older as well, he looks now on his fiftieths, head shaved as always and wearing a little tunic but this time is yellow with drawings of flowers on it. It must be a special  seasonal recurrence for the large presence of flowers.
The man is thinner then the last time I meet him, and I can see in his eyes a deep devotion for the elder and a great concern for his health, but I seem to read as well, in a corner of his eyes, the unavoidable next disappearance of the great Pharaoh.
(comments to be followed)

The Master of Wisdom and the Apprentice visionary (III)

That night, as soon my body fell asleep, I found myself awake on the "other side".  I only lost consciousness for a few  moments while the physical body fell asleep, because I hadn't  acquired yet the necessary skill to keep conscious the whole transition, but from that moment on, the physical body continued sleeping while I remained awake. At all the effects, I had never fall asleep.
I was, as to say, a body of consciousness, my mental faculties where all there intact in the transition, and more: now I had a conscious acquaintance and access to a limitrophe condition of being and space of existence.
I would call it a mental body, in a mental space or level.                                                   
This necessary introduction doesn't make any justice to the speed of the process because within moments  as soon as I was aware of the transition, I started a spontaneous ascent into that blue mental atmosphere charged with a whitish fog everywhere, till I remained suspended in the middle of nowhere. 
I concentrated all my attention around me and through that fog, but there was nothing else than that fog. 
Then, an inner injunction alerted me to increase attention, and when I did an invisible swirl at the level of my eyes pierced that fog, and suddenly I saw them. 

It was a circle of beings not far from me.
They were handsome.
They looked all male, with black hair till the base of the neck, all dressed with a blue robe which left their right arm uncovered as the Buddhist monks, or rather,  as the ancient gods in Renaissance paintings or Greek representations.
 The color of their skin was of a pale shade of blue. 
They looked like gods or higher beings of some rank, certainly of a very noble nature, and seemed at ease levitating in the middle of nowhere.
At first I felt somehow embarrassed to present myself there uninvited, and for a moment didn't know what to do, but the next moment I heard a warm, unison telepathic welcome and the invitation to join the group.
In that fog, I had not many options left but join the unfamiliar circle of six or seven, sharing a common telepathic channel and taking part in their activity.
In that new condition of perception, I could appreciate that in spite of their physical similarity, inwardly they each had quite a different and exquisite personality.
Their main interest was an object floating in the middle of the circle.
At first sight it looked like the seed of a plant, big as a dish and open in two halves.
Soon my attention was attracted by one of them saying something like: "At this point, we should say too, that...(don´t remember anymore the whole sentence), in so saying he  uplifted his right arm making a gesture as taking the whole mental concept as "from high", then his arm descended toward the seed with a mudra of his fingers, placing the concept into the seed.
"But then", said another one, "if we say this, we should also say..." (again don´t remember the whole sentence), but he does the same gestures as the previous one, till a number of them give their opinion.
At that point it had become clear that these beings were mental beings of some sort and they were dealing with thoughts and concepts, they could create coherent lines of thoughts, while seeming to have access to some kind of  invisible "mental reservoir" of concepts of different kind, dealing with them with an absolute coherence which I can clearly follow, and then putting them into the seed.
At that point the seed itself attracted  more my attention and I focused on it.
What did look like a seed, looked now a typewritten sheet of paper with sentences on it, and for a few moments I asked myself how was it possible that in such perfection of beings and concepts, things could not be better arranged than presenting a paper seemingly written with an old typewriting machine with some letter out of line. Me too had one such machine with that same regretful defect.
I made an extra effort in order to focus exactly on the sense of the whole writing, but then, I could not avoid a sudden and deep surprise!
The written page was exactly an article of mine on certain aspects of the integral yoga (of Sri Aurobindo) which I myself was writing at that moment! And the defects I detected on the page were those of my own typewriting machine!
That sudden, incredible awareness made me literally fall badly down back into my body again, waking up immediately.
I went to the table, the sheet of paper was still on the roller in all similar, even in the defects of imprints, to the one I just saw. 
That morning, when I sat again to my table in front of the typewriter with the intention to conclude the article, my mind went again to that unknown fellows of the mental world, I asked myself if they were around me invisible and I tried to reflect their observations, which after all was mine as well because I started writing it even before knowing of their existence.
I believed to be the only author of the article,(it was one about the future abolishing of physical death) but now it seemed as other beings had taken part in styling it, only one thing was not clear at that moment: if this happen with any people concentrated and writing on "spiritual matters", or it was a more punctual relation.

For their look and behavior, and for the situation in itself, later I found a mention of similar beings by  Mother (Mira Alfassa) when she mentioned a bluish being at Satprem´s back (citation needed), which she identified as a Muse, incidentally Satprem was at that time writing a book on integral yoga.
This curious association of my article with mental bluish beings  doesn't end here, and it has an incredible follow, since it became the very only physical element I had to verify if my encounters with Sri Aurobindo were real. 
In fact, not much later, I started to have a series of contacts with Sri Aurobindo while being into my subtle body at night. 
The experiences with the Master had been of such a tenor, that I hardly believed truly happened.
On one occasion, he showed me images of a far future,  and even if a part of me firmly believed,
I admit the rational part had severe doubts, it had been such an astonishing experience that I rather tough I'd fall into some great hallucination.
But it ought not to be so.
At the following night, as soon as the body fell asleep and I recovered my mental body, I experienced a sudden fast movement as I were traveling or moving through space at incredible speed.
The travel ended up in India. I immediately recognized the light that lights the Indian noons. I had been there physically several times before, and there was nothing that could have mis-leaded me.
I landed in a room with a window open on a patio with a typical Indian tree and abundant green vegetation.
A man was sitting at a table by the window giving his back to me.
The man was evidently alive and immersed in reading something.
I was at a time surprised to be there and ashamed of being there without the man noticing my presence into his room, as I felt I had invaded his own private space without announcing myself. The next moment Sri Aurobindo appeared at my right side.
My surprise grew in size and I was almost to verbalize it when the Master made a silent gesture to keep quite and observe what was happening.
So I did.
I could perceive a psychological atmosphere surrounding the man, and from where I was, I could see enough of his face to be quite sure he was European. I became aware we were in Auroville.
What attracted me mostly was that peculiar mental atmosphere that surrounded the man.
I could clearly perceive he was of an inquisitive mood, rather critical of the work he was reading, I could clearly sense he was searching for "heretic thinking", as he had invested himself with the authority to decide whether the writing was an orthodox or  an heretic one.
But it resulted a vitiated way of judging since the start, as it spread around him the mentioned  mental atmosphere that was really unpleasant to perceive, and in addition to it, though he seemed quite bent to intellectually recognize a high value to the teaching of the Master, he had no perception at all of the presence of the Master at his back, as he never demonstrated any degree of perception of it but continued undisturbed in his activity.
I turned my eyes a moment toward Sri Aurobindo as for assuring myself I was giving attention to the right things he had call my attention on, then I leaned over the shoulder of the man in order to see what he was reading, and...oh surprise!
He was reading the same article which I had written months earlier when I had had the experience with the mental beings intervening in my article.
I had quite a lot to be surprised with!
I had literally my mouth open but no sound coming out of it, too many questions at a time.
I stood silently observing the Master, waiting for a clarifying answer, but he didn't say a word, only made a gesture with his fingers and the hand as to say: this is how things they are.
At the next moment I wake up again in my body. In Europe.
My article had appeared on a review which I sent to a friend of mine in Auroville. Supposedly, he had given it to the European man to read. I had only one thing to do. Get there physically and ask my friend if such and such a man had any chance to read my article. And if he was in Auroville, try to see him.
And I did. I took a plane and went to Auroville decided to shed some light on the subject.
Having familiarity with my friend, I informed him of my experience in my subtle body in Auroville with the Master, and my need of discovering if the experience had been authentic or was just pure imaginations.
You may understand that the "European man" of my subtle visit had the keys to many of my doubts.
Then my friend asked me to describe the man reading the article.
"Oh, yes", said him after the description, "you have described X. In fact X has been here as a guest, and I gave him the review with your article. I perfectly remember this. He is now at"... (and said a locality in Auroville)...

Back in Europe, I was confronted with some facts of which I could not negate the evidence.
If the last experience with Sri Aurobindo in Auroville was authentic, and it was because the man existed, then all the other experiences with the Master had been authentic, as they all happened during a sequence of some fifteen days or so, and all happened while I was in my subtle body, and as a consequence, my perception of the subtle body was authentic too, though  difficult to prove. 
And If the experiences with the Master were true, then also what he showed me (the future of the earth) had to be considered true and meaningful, as well as what Sri Aurobindo told me in that occasion.
In fact, a moment before to show me the images of the future earth, he told me: "I wish you do something for me".
And was exactly these words I had the most urgent need to verify if they were my hallucination or were true.
But I had not alternative left then believe all had been true.
So that truly the Master had invested me with a requirement.
He had set up a personal relation with me!
But he never told me in clear words what he expected me to do for him.
He left me some clue: the article was a recurrent item in different experiences, I had nowadays a tendency to write, so possibly it could be related with his request.
The very experience in the subtle body in Auroville with Him at my side, had alerted me somehow of how my writings could be received by certain people in the occurrence I would make them public. If I was going to write something about integral yoga, I had not to aspect always a warm indiscriminate welcome.
I also believed to understand, that my writings received some kind of assistance in unknown mental levels I happened to have unconscious access.Who were that bluish beings in the middle of nowhere?
Why they had a relation at all with my writings?
Were they kind of guardians or residents or even gods of higher mental levels whom I happened to meet? A predestined meeting? A purposeful meeting?
I hadn¨t yet all the answers, but the few I had convinced me to continue investigating on the reasons to meet Him and the nature of His wish.        

The Master of Wisdom and the Apprentice visionary (II)

The final message of "a work to be done" of the invisible fellow had not been clarifying  on the nature of the work, but as I was absolutely awake during his visit, and seen the considerable effect of his touch on my whole body which I could not ignore, it made me absolutely incapable of imagining whatever.
A series of seemingly fortuitous circumstances led me just in that place, isolating myself into a wild nature, and opening a parenthesis in my laboral life which I tough I owed to myself anyway, so I took the determination to continue alone there and see what happen and rejoice of nature around me and the opportunity.
Beside of conducing a very healthy life, without electricity or gas, my nights started to get full of events in which I made acquaintance of my subtle body and its functioning.
While my physical body would continue sleeping, I would get unexplainable awake in consciousness into my subtle body and led to experience in several manners with that body, most of the time with some instructor and together with a small group of other people which I interpreted as receiving a similar training.
This group which was sometimes smaller or bigger where taken into places in the subtle world where is released instruction.
Other times the whole group would be taken at the subtle counterpart of physical places on earth to show us some points of an instruction, other we where taken in places with extraordinary inventions, namely, one of them was the subject of our instruction.
I would say it was a subtle replica of some invention which would later appear on the material plane. The one in question consisted in belts and electrodes connected to a screen, when a person sat, the screen would devolve a visual colored aura of the emotional sphere located in the heart area.
The teaching in itself was not on the apparatus but on the different aura we where shown illustrating what meant the differences.
The last example was of a young woman.
In this last case the area was totally black and refractory to any color, we could not appreciate in the face of the woman any visual indication of that fact, she seamed a rather current person, and yet, her heart zone was totally obscured, as she had taken the decision at a moment of her life to willingly shut herself from any heart expression.

At a certain date the group was required to join in a larger group which formed a wide subtle circle in the air. I saw a number of souls ascending within the circle and understood they were women and children mostly which lives had been abruptly severed in earth right then and needed our support to mitigate the consequences on them of that tragic happening. We surrounded all of them in their way up in a warm circle of love.
Later on I learnt that an American missile had exploded into a bunker in the Iraq war, and a big number of women and children had been killed.

Such kind of unconscious training went on till a day I had a pavorous accident which came to put a point to that idyllic condition.

I shouldn't lose by sight why I´m informing you about this, so of this accident I prefer to say it was a pretext.
Only a person whom underwent a similar experience may fully understand what happened at that moment.
It has been called the Night of the Soul.
Sri A. referred to it in Savitri

Learning by means of Visions

 Mother never doubted about her visions as she new they were true.
It was impossible to confound them as mere dreams.
For that, one needs an inner perception which tells you at any time if that experience is a premonitory vision, a prophetic or revelatory one, a wholly symbolic, an akashic vision, or just a dream.
She knows always which kind is it, and so any visionary nature, because visions were not limited to Mother only but is a human possibility.
So the visionary, either a man or a woman, not only has visions but at the same time the certitude it is true and the inner knowledge able to interpret it.

That certitude was built by a number of life dedicated to inner introspection and spirituality, it is not something to achieve in a single life, so that we may say that one has or has not the power of vision, but can´t be built over a single life span.
And normally, the visionary remembers  previous lives or pieces of them of special relevance, and has quite a certainty that his/her soul-story truly embraces thousands of years.
They have glimpses of such an expanded life, which is to them their own way of learning.
But in the vision are two the elements most important, not only one: there is the observed (the vision), and the observer.
The observer is there a complete conscious entity, and even superconscious, but never sub-conscious, the possibilities of a dream are null, because it happens in a conscious or overconscious sphere.
When the vision happen during sleep, it is only the physical body which is sleeping,because  the consciousness needs to be totally awake, so that a vision transforms necessarily sleep into "conscious sleep".
Being in that condition, the person perceive himself as a mental being in a subtle, mental body, and in this condition founds himself well equipped to explore the subtle reality and the mental world.
Premonitory,prophetic,revelatory visions: Mother testifies that such kind of visions are possible because in the subtle world happenings seems to precede what later will happen on a more material plane,

Teaching by means of Visions

Beside the interest which always Mother's visions have because they are always related to earth transformation or collective spiritual realizations, I have taken here this vision just to show how different the teaching between Sri A. and Mother. It is not that they talk about different things, their teaching is fundamentally the same, but the peculiarity of Mother is that she teach trough visions, but let´s follow this one and all will became clear.

Last night (smiling) I had a symbolic vision of our collectivity... It was the image of a kind of – how to put it? – of an immense hotel in which all earthly possibilities were accommodated in different rooms. And all this was in a state of constant transformation:fragments or entire wings of the building were suddenly demolished and rebuilt. There was order, organization…and there was the fantastic chaos I have described... somewhere in the center of this huge building, a room was reserved – in the story, as it seemed, it was reserved for a mother and her daughter. The mother was a very old lady, a self-important matron with much authority and her own views on the whole organization. The daughter had a sort of power of movement and activity which made it possible for her to be everywhere at once even while remaining in that room which was…well, a little more than a room; it was a sort of apartment, and its main feature was to be right in the center. But she was in constant argument with her mother. The mother wanted to keep things as they were with the rhythm they had, that is, with precisely that habit of demolishing one thing to build another out of it, and then again demolishing another to rebuild another one – which gave the building an appearance of frightful confusion. And the daughter didn’t like that and had another plan.

She wanted above all to bring something quite new into this organization, a sort of super-organization which would make all this confusion unnecessary. Finally, as it was impossible to come to an understanding, she had left the room to go on a sort of round of inspection.… She went her round, saw everything, then she wanted to go back to her own room – for it was her room as well – to take some decisive action. And it was then that something rather peculiar began to happen. She remembered quite well where her room was, but each time she set out to go there by one route either the stairs disappeared or things were so changed that she could no longer recognize her way! And so she went here and there, climbed up and down, searched, went in and out…impossible  to find her room! Somewhere there was – how to put it? – the administration of this hotel, and a woman who was a kind of manager, who had all the keys and knew where everybody was staying. So the daughter went to this person and asked, “Can you show me the way to my room?” – “Oh, yes, certainly, it is very easy.” All the people around looked at her as though saying, “How can you say that?” But she got up and, with authority, asked for a key, the key of the room, and said, “I’ll take you there.” Then she took all sorts of routes, but all so complicated, so bizarre! And the daughter followed her very attentively so as not to lose sight of her. And just at the moment when obviously they should have reached the place where this so-called room was, suddenly the manager – we shall call her the manager – the manager with her key…disappeared! And this feeling of disappearance was so acute that…everything disappeared at the same time.

To help you to understand this riddle, I could tell you that the mother is physical Nature as it is and the daughter is the new creation. The manager is the mental consciousness, organizer of the world as Nature has made it until now, that is, the highest sense of organization manifested in material Nature as it is now. This is the key to the vision. Naturally, when I woke up I knew immediately what could solve this problem which had seemed absolutely insoluble. The disappearance of the manager and her key was a clear indication that she was quite incapable of leading to its true place what could be called the creative consciousness of the new world.  I knew it but I didn’t have the vision of the solution, which means that this is something which is yet to be manifested; this was not yet manifested in that building – that fantastic structure – and this is precisely the mode of consciousness which would transform this incoherent creation into something real, truly conceived, willed, executed, with a center which is in its true place, a recognized place, with a real effective power.
It is quite clear in its symbolism, in the sense that all possibilities are there, all activities are there, but in disorder and confusion. They are neither coordinated nor centralized nor unified around the single central truth and consciousness and will. And we come back, then, to…precisely this question of a collective yoga and the collectivity which will be able to realize it. And what should this collectivity be?
It is certainly not an arbitrary structure like those made by men, in which they put everything pell-mell, without order or reality, and the whole thing is held together only by illusory links, which were symbolized here by the walls of the hotel, and which, in fact, in ordinary human constructions – if we take as an example a religious community – are symbolized by the monastery building, identical clothes, identical activities, even identical movements – I’ll make it more clear: everybody wears the same uniform, everybody rises at the same hour, eats the same things, offers the same prayers together, etc., there is a general uniformity. And naturally, inside, there is a chaos of consciousnesses, each one going according to its own mode, for this uniformity which goes as far as an identity of belief and dogma, is an altogether illusory identity.
This is one of the most usual types of human collectivity: to be grouped, linked, united around a common ideal, a common action, a common realization, but in a completely artificial way. As opposed to this, Sri Aurobindo tells us that a true community – what he calls a gnostic or supramental community – can exist only on the basis of the inner realization of each of its members, each one realizing his real, concrete unity and identity with all the other members of the community, that is, each one should feel not like just one member united in some way with all the others, but all as one, within himself. For each one the others must be himself as much as his own body, and not mentally and artificially, but by a fact of consciousness, by an inner realization.  
That means that before hoping to realize this gnostic collectivity, each one should first become — or at least begin to become – a gnostic being. This is obvious; the individual work should go on ahead and the collective work should follow; but it so happens that spontaneously, without any arbitrary intervention of the will, the individual progress is controlled, so to speak, or held back by the collective state. Between the individual and the collectivity there is an interdependence from which one can’t totally free oneself, granting that one tries. And even a person who tried in his yoga to liberate himself totally from the terrestrial and human state of consciousness, would be tied down, in his subconscious at least, to the state of the mass, which acts as a brake and actually pulls backwards. One can try to go much faster, try to drop all the weight of attachments and responsibilities, but despite everything, the realization, even of one who is at the very summit and is the very first in the evolutionary march, is dependent on the realization of the whole, dependent on the state of the terrestrial collectivity. And that indeed pulls one back, to such an extent that at times one must wait for centuries for the Earth to be ready, in order to be able to realize what is to be realized.
And that is why Sri Aurobindo also says, somewhere else, that a double movement is necessary, and that the effort for individual progress and realization should be combined with an effort to try to uplift the whole mass and enable it to make the progress that’s indispensable for the greater progress of the individual: a mass-progress, it could be called, which would allow the individual to take one more step forward.
And now, I shall tell you that this is why I thought it would be useful to have some group meditations, in order to work on the creation of a common atmosphere that’s a little more organized than…my big hotel of last night!
So, the best use one can make of these meditations – which are gradually becoming more frequent since now we are also going to replace the “distributions” by short meditations – is to go within, into the depths of one’s being, as far as one can go, and find the place where one can feel, perceive and perhaps even create an atmosphere of unity in which a force for order and organization will be able to put each element in its place and make a new coordinated world arise out of the present chaos. That’s all. 
We have seen here that Mother takes a Vision and gives a teaching with the very elements of her vision. We have rarely seen Sri Aurobindo doing this, if at all.
He understands symbols of visions, he explains them to his disciples when they have some question, but he never called anyone around a vision as a way to teach and learn, this is typical of Mother only.  

(I part) Russia in The Vision

Humanity has a debt with the citizens of Russia, it was the first time ever in the long march of the evolution of the Consciousness on Earth that a whole people acted as a single will.
In that, they represented a due evolutionary step in that progress toward collective planetary consciousness. The stress here is on the single will itself, not on the historical circumstances or results, which evidently were anyway related.
 We have seen as historically the evolution stress was followed by the answer of people in other countries in a period of revolutions bent to balance the need toward a more harmonic growth.
It is perfectly true that it was preceded in time by a previous step which was realized in North America with the War of Independence, but it was not yet the will of a whole people, which undoubtedly leaves to them anyway heralding the process in the modern times and with large number of individuals.
As a student of subtle processes for this my own unwanted access to akashic records,
I´m not surprised that a number of prophecies points to Russia, or akashic visions as those of Edgar Cayce, as myself too have constance of the same thing.
In my akashic vision there was not any doubt that the citizens of Russia where going to harbor again a new important, decisive step for the humanity.
As it was due to them honoring again such new farther step for their previous unconditional answer and their own achievements in that growth into collective consciousness.
As for the circumstances above exposed, it was in North America where this step soon followed, leading to the world declaration of the Secretary of the O.N.U.
This is what a subtle lecture reveal.
In my vision of Earth I was always conscious of a Divine Purpose above which secretly led all the historical happenings on earth, and the answer of the people of Russia shined with a mystical light, as representing in the human groups that Divine Will at work.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Akashic Records (from " Atem´s Notebooks") II

October 2009
(location: Egypt, no date established)

It is a room of thick walls oriented to South,  the noon light is entering through  a large unframed window. By its side are seats and a rectangular table around which a small group of women and men sit, as taking part in an important reunion. All of them seem to belong to the Royalty but even so they make not any ostentation of it, and most seems wearing gems with therapeutic and astrological purpose only. Just below the window sit two young couple, one of them just a bit older, the women are dressed one in green and the younger in a deep blue cloth, both men wear clothes of a neutral ocher. Notwithstanding their young age both couples give the impression to be quite austere and dedicated to some kind of spiritual discipline. The seats at the opposite side of the table is occupied by four men, they look like counselors and their dress is equally austere as the previous, least one of them, evidently a therapist, with shaved head, bare breasted and just a short orange tunic to his knees.
The gathering is presided by an elder man which stands by them and to whom all look with great respect. He looks like a renouncer, an ascetic and thin figure covered with a white-old cloth clean but gray for the use, bare feet and shaved head, not even a single ring and yet I understand they are facing the Pharaoh in person. It is evident he is a man whom has undergone an austere spiritual discipline, and rather as their Pharaoh they look at him as their spiritual Master of whom all seem disciples.
Notwithstanding his austere look, the simple and mild endeavor of the Pharaoh allow certain familiarity to the gathered, which seem not affected by his high status were not for their eyes, that denote a great respect for the elder not so much for being their Pharaoh but for the evident greatness of his spirit. It results evident that only the Pharaoh has realized the perfect Renounce, and his authority is naturally consented by all for his high spiritual attainments, and yet he endeavour as a father among them.
Presently, the conversation is related with the cult. For some reason I'm perfectly able to understand what they say and their thoughts are clear and unmistakable. They are considering that the cult among the common people has became an exterior form without any inner meaning. They are analyzing the situation. To the Pharaoh and the little group, quite learned figures whom can write and read and have access to the Annals and the different teachings, the cult is not a mere devotional attitude or superstitious beliefs, to them is the filial respect they nurture for the Great  Conceiver in discovering through the exact science -mathematics- some fundamental law which rules the Cosmos. It is a mathematics of divine origin applied by them to the sky and the earth, symbolized and revealed by them, the Revealers.

Great sages for thousands of years before them had look to the skies deciphering the stellar hieroglyphics. The universe revealed them the Great Doer and they were mere spectators and interpreters, it was not a superstitious cult, it was an authentic recognisement of a Great Presence.
In these words the Pharaoh posed the terms of the talking, and he continued:- But our people has not the power to understand these laws. They are simple minded, uncultured, they can't read, and cannot get any benefit from the Chronicles or from our scientific-religious writings.
At some moment in our history, it became necessary to enhance with anthropomorphic symbols these truths. Even so, during the centuries that shapes became void of any meaning and lost their importance among the people. The public sacrifices to that anthropomorphic truths, were at the beginning able to drive the emotion of the people evoking some kind of religious feeling. In the actuality they have ended up as something to which almost nobody concur, and to the few they fail anyway in evoking any devotion nor do improve the intellect or the ethic of the people. At this moment, this is the situation.
So, the question is: "What to do in order to awake a true interest of the people for their Creator"?
The gathered express their opinions. They debate their theories among themselves exposing the respective weak points in an increasingly perfecting way till a certain point, in which everybody stills and look the Pharaoh in the eyes. After his introductory exposition he has taken part in the conversation only for brief moments, sometime to rectify an historical date or a fact, others, to lead the talk with just a few words.
He remains in silence as resuming all were said, trying to get a definite sense to the question and the opinions released around the table. When he speaks, he does it in a very mild manner. He's leading them to consider that  the true cult only can be realized by a cultivated heart.
-A well cultivated and exercised mind- he says -can reach to conceive the Great Doer, to whom, just because of this understanding, would love-.
-Somehow the essential thing is Love. Some day- he continued- the idols of the cult will not be anymore idols of the mind but idols of the heart.
They will emphasize the qualities of  love more then that of understanding. He refers to astronomical calculation and prophecies in the Annals which foresaw a combination of stars cross shaped aligned with the sidereal horizon. According to the Annals that will be the announcer of the next forthcoming in the Cosmos of a great spring of Love and divine Knowledge.
-The ancient Annals are safeguarded in a temple and are not among the texts of more frequent consultation, anyway, the calculations are there-.
The two young couples  as seems the case now and then) openly dissent on the opportunity there to undust ancient prophecies either authentic or symbolic since in the whole, they say, religion has taken to the present situation. They consider that whatever decision has to be taken starting from the present moment, and renouncing once for all to the tradition.
Some of the counselors keep silent, another one and the therapist seem bent toward the opinion of the Pharaoh to review the calculations before taking any decision, but the majority seem not to be of the same opinion. It is decided to form a commission presided by the Pharaoh as main councilor, since he is the most prepared among them for the revision of the documents.
When the commission ends its work the Pharaoh order a translucent lens(1) of about 1mt in diameter to be installed in the little tower on the roof of the palace.  The tower looks like a little telescope in bricks. One night, the leather which covers the lens is removed and the Pharaoh take sit inside the tower.
I can witness how in the lens some constellation reverberate as points of light which have incremented their brilliance.
And there at the lowest part of the lens appears the cross, four stars that shine more then others, with the longer segment  perfectly aligned with the horizon. The revision of the calculations has proved the authenticity of the ancient predictions, assuring at the same time the next coming of that Great Consciousness, as correctly interpreted by the ancient astronomers. I see as the Pharaoh gets up as willing to let the others witness his discovery, but then I lost contact. (A few days later I had another vision which indirectly explained what later happened).
(1) I´m not an expert on optics, I´m a scribe which only registers akashic visions, and for a certain time I believed this part of the vision to be wholly symbolical, as I could not make up my mind ancient Egyptians had astronomical devices as lens etc.
Not much later someone advanced that ancient people could have made lenses out of ice, reason for which lenses cant be found. I don't know if such a thing is possible, but the Greeks had big lens which could burn up the enemy ships. It seems reasonable they made them out of ice, as even a small lens made out of ice may light a fire if focused with the sun. Greeks learned a deal from Egyptians, and possibly they came to the knowledge of how to produce big ice lenses.

Akashic Records (from " Atem´s Notebooks") I

(approx. date 1964)
( location: Atlantic Ocean, poss. Canary Islands area, no date could be established)

I´m a point of bodiless consciousness suddenly appearing at the side of a stone shelter on the border of a road made of large blocks of white polished stone.
In front of me there are low naked hills and a supernatural silence everywhere, there are no sounds of birds or insects, nor any visible life around me but for weak plants which seems suffering from an obstinate drought, there is no any sign of water on that dry land.
A kind of intuitive knowledge tells me I'm watching the planet earth at  unmemorable time, a page of earth history lost in the past. I'm trying to perceive something else beside the monotonous surrounding, but nothing else is calling my attention. The road is a long thread which cross the country from NE to SW, the blocks are skillfully assembled and give the impression of being there since thousands of years.

Then something breaks the silence appearing suddenly from the far NE. It is a large group of people proceeding along the road among unfamiliar wagons pulled by oxen. I'm full of expectancy to see who they are, or understand why I'm here, but especially, to see if I'm visible to them, because I know yet little of this new condition and do not clearly understand if I am an invisible observer or people do actually see me with a body(1). The sound of the wheels on the road is increasing now and I can start to hear the steps of the people around the wagons as they approach, in spite of the noise I can't hear human voices, they proceed in an absolute silence.
There is a clear tough invisible mental atmosphere(2) surrounding the group while it advance and is about to reach me. Something threatening is happening ahead the road, something which endangers their own life and obliged them to leave their lands, the regret, the insecurity to save their life, even an anthem on that whole race is so thick in the air that I unfailingly perceive it in all its tragedy.
And now the noise is so great while the huge wheels screeches on the stones, a few men precede the group and two big molosses(3) on their side, the wooden wagons have all two unusually big wheels, and some women with newborn and other elders and children sit on the top with serious semblances, one after the other men dogs oxen and wagons pass at my side but none seems to notice me.
All the people has black hair and white skin, there are no blond or brown hair, they have all solid and strong bodies and most of them wears Andean-type hats with wings sheltering the ears, I'm noticing all their dresses are from a white ocher to brown, but no black or white or coloured as yellow red or blue, I'm asking myself if their eyes can actually -see- colours as we see them now. The dogs and oxen of large horns are all of a grey colour, dogs are big and strong, some even carry goods on little sleds tied to their shoulders, as I´ve seen horses carrying goods among red Indians. None is proffering a word. Even new born keep silent and don't cry as feeling the dramatic atmosphere. I perceive they are directed towards the Capitol ahead the road which I can't see from there, but I can grasp some mental image they have in their mind, a wide populated city at the border of the sea with harbor and ships. There they presume may found some security.

Then all of them have passed along the road, one or two hundred people and some twenty wagons, and I´m alone again. Now I unwillingly start moving  displacing myself along the road as flying at a couple of meters on the air. I'm preceding towards the land they have abandoned, kilometers and kilometers of flat land and low hills with absolutely no trees in the whole landscape.
From the borders of the road starts cultivated land but the crops and the land seems have suffered from a prolonged drought which has left its signal on the weak steams.

Then, after a group of hills the scene opens on an horrifying spectacle. At a distance, a series of  volcanoes are in eruption at the same time, they must be three or four, and it seems if the very doors of  hell have opened shut wide.
Huge clouds black, white or grey with fiery borders are invading the skies, the volcanoes are vomiting a relentless flow of fire and lava and destruction everywhere and the upheaval is so strong that whole peaces of the volcanoes breaks up and precipitate in a disastrous avalanche of stones and fire either on the land or into the sea.
Then something even tremendous takes places as in a giant cry the hugest of the volcanoes erupts an incandescent flow of lava and broken almost in two halves, one of them ruinously sliding at a side. The scene is so frightful that I even fear for my life, which seem the very reason for the vision to disappear and I'm in the body again.
(1) it is a frequent condition in akashic vision not to be able to situate exactly oneself in relation with what is seen, as an observer or an actor.
(2) mental, or psychological atmosphere surrounding persons or events is frequent in akashic vision and in subtle perception. From there it is possible to extract additional information which is latent and not explicitly at view.
(3) the dogs had an extraordinary resemblance with the actual Canary Dog, muscled and strong headed, but they were even a bit taller, tremendous and powerful animals.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Collective Consciousness

We are not here to discuss the sex of the angels. We try to lend information which we -sense- useful but of which there isn't a lot of literature about, because it is -the Collective Consciousness- a growing phenomena which at this -very- moment is internally preparing a fuller manifestation of itself outwardly. A new and unrecorded phenomena, so our effort is to consider it objectively, without any doctrinal prism, as much as a scientific investigation would be held.
The fact here, is that it is based a lot on inner perception, and it has a reason to be so because after all, collective consciousness itself is growing towards inner perception.
But we cannot say there is not any outer, visible progressive manifestation at all and all is inner, because it is not true. The facts are there even on a material level, if we look at them.
We need to have some leading coordinates, and we have to assume the concept of evolution as "evolution of consciousness". We have to assume too that evolution is a dynamical thing which is affecting us at this very moment, and it has not reached already its happy conclusion. I'm only conveying on this point the opinion and knowledge of Sri Aurobindo and Mother themselves.

In the mechanic of things, an individuality cannot start a reconnaissance of collective consciousness till it has reached at least a certain degree of reconnaissance of himself. The degree enough to see that there is a relation between individual and collective consciousness, an invisible, even subtle relation, but not totally unobservable as to affirm it do not exists, in fact, all single consciousness is linked in a mass of collective consciousness, but it goes on unperceived, subliminal, as the flow on information would be so conspicuous to completely saturate our mind.
Even senses acts many time in this way, sublimating parts of the whole perception so to not overcharge the brain. Or else the brain filters the amount of information.

In its first collective experiences the individual base them on emotional links, as the familiar, and is in the family where first is experienced some degree of collective consciousness. Which evolves and enlarges in time including a group of individuals which share common language and a series of other factor which sums up to a national identity or identification. The individual, all the individuals, create this kind of collective soul which is the national identity. This is what historically has happened, from family to clan, to city and nation, the consciousness has grown into a self perception of belonging to a wider self. And the planet has reached a point where nations are, with more or less success,
collective bodies of consciousness, it is not difficult anymore for the individual, to identify itself with a wider national self. So at the moment what we have are those collectivity called nations already formed and an indisputable tendency to create even wider collective groups as the groups of nations. those movements from individuality to collective are not decision taken on the surface.

The consciousness answers to its own purpose and by its own natural laws which are not dictated by the mind but to which the individual is compelled to answer, whether consciously or unconsciously.
And so the societies and nations they grow compelled by that same purpose. The point of the situation seems to be that collective consciousness is growing at present in a wider perception of itself as a -body-, not just a national body or an association of nations but at a larger scale, a planetary one.
The  sum of the consciousness on earth is acquiring perception of itself as a collectivity, which bents it to act as a single will.

This plural will at work we are just witnessing with the Arab Spring, and such other citizen's movements all around the world, which are creating a sense of self-consciousness even out and above the nations themselves, and we see it for the reciprocal support they lend themselves and for the similarity of their requirements. We can really say that humanity is growing into levels of awareness of itself.
And most of it is a subliminal process of which we do not have always a direct and immediate evidence, but needs to be deduced and willingly observe if we want to see it in spite of the seemingly confused direction of modern society.
None could discuss that this growing collective consciousness is at the same time a growth into a more ethical collectivity. In fact this is just what the citizens are asking to the political class. So that this growth into collectivity is a growth into ethical principles in the social, economical and environmental relations.
An awakening to a planetary way of thinking, it is not the nation anymore, or the group of nations, but the  whole planet.
In this, we have unfortunately to admit that the citizens are far more ahead  then the politician.

Mother, on being like a flower

Be like a flower. One must try to become like a flower: open, frank, equal, generous and kind. Do you know what it means?
A flower is open to all that surrounds it: Nature, light, the rays of the sun, the wind, etc. It exerts a spontaneous influence on all that is around it. It radiates a joy and a beauty.
It is frank: it hides nothing of its beauty, and lets it flow frankly out of itself. What is within, what is in its depths, it lets it come out so that everyone can see it.
It is equal: it has no preference. Everyone can enjoy its beauty and its perfume, without rivalry. It is equal and the same for everybody. There is no difference, or anything whatsoever.
Then generous: without reserve or restriction, how it gives the mysterious beauty and the very own perfume of Nature. It sacrifices itself entirely for our pleasure, even its life it sacrifices to express this beauty and the secret of the things
gathered within itself.
And then, kind: it has such a tenderness, it is so sweet, so close to us, so loving. Its presence fills us with joy. It is always cheerful and happy.
Happy is he who can exchange his qualities with the real qualities of the flowers. Try to cultivate in yourself their refined qualities.
The Mother
in "Flowers - Their spiritual significance"
website: Blossom like a flower - Spiritual significance of flowers

The Subtle Body

Mother and Sri Aurobindo spoke quite clearly of the subtle body and subtle world.
But in order to avoid it remain an intellectual knowledge one needs to prove it to himself.
After all it is not about learning but -being- that transformation and knowledge.
So we don´t have any other option then discover it of first hand.
It also means not being afraid to investigate the eventual value of any other useful information.
I found myself a lot of help in the teaching of the Agni Yoga, based almost in its totality on teaching released on subtler levels, with words as "the Subtle Realm" and "the Fiery Realm", which, to a no-discriminating mind may immediately recall its resonance with the "subtle world" and "supermental world" of Sri Aurobindo.
The reason why it ought to be so are evident but is not of our momentary concern, as we are talking of the subtle body.
When I started to experience "conscious sleep", it was evident a number of things.
The first was that the physical body was sleeping.
The second, was that the subconscious as well was dreaming.
If I wanted to, I could see it as a lower mental appendix of my consciousness, attached to me, but with a certain degree of reciprocal independence.
I was not affected at all for the dreams the subconscious was dreaming, I could see them as on a screen if I wanted to see them, but I could just ignore my subconscious and continue with my experiences.
So, I left behind physical body and subconscious.
Then, I found myself as a nucleus of consciousness, a mental being.
I had all the mental faculties of normal wake consciousness  plus this condition of lack of physicality.
But it was not only -who- I was, but also -where- I was.
It was certainly a space, but not a physical space, rather a mental space, without true objects and dimensions but certain basic blue hues everywhere which was not a flat thing but a "space". It was "things" in its potentiality, they weren't there, but at any moment that space would open on something one has to know or remain just as an unseen possibility.
I would not see any subtle envelope of this mental body/mental being which I was, and yet, in some occasion, if the circumstance needed it, a subtle replica of my physical body would be formed, otherwise, the tendency was getting back to formless mental substance.
That subtle body was not a temporary invention, but had a complete reciprocity with the physical body.
Something like you can fold out and unfold at request, but not of an -essential- presence: to be just that nucleus of consciousness was pretty enough for whatever.
It also gained somehow, as it seemed to share some kind of superior intuition, and even subtler senses, which infallibly told the truth of anything happening there.
I normally did not see either a "body of light", or a "nervous body", or any subtle envelope for the circulating prana and the chakras, though this too, would appear in some concrete occasion, otherwise its presence would remain occult.
As a consequence of my own perception, (then having value only for me), had I to make parallelism with the descriptions in the integral yoga, I would say that the mental body or mental being of this yoga, was without doubt my own experience of being that formless consciousness.
The "subtle physical" of the integral yoga, would specifically refer to that subtle replica of my physical body and even that "body of light", which would or not appear as necessary, but the word -subtle body- would not refer to something in itself but -the totality- of these more subtle parts.
So that a -subtle body- in itself do not exist, but refers to that larger compendium.
At least, those my own conclusions.