She wanted above all to bring something quite new into this organization, a sort of super-organization which would make all this confusion unnecessary. Finally, as it was impossible to come to an understanding, she had left the room to go on a sort of round of inspection.… She went her round, saw everything, then she wanted to go back to her own room – for it was her room as well – to take some decisive action. And it was then that something rather peculiar began to happen. She remembered quite well where her room was, but each time she set out to go there by one route either the stairs disappeared or things were so changed that she could no longer recognize her way! And so she went here and there, climbed up and down, searched, went in and out…impossible to find her room! Somewhere there was – how to put it? – the administration of this hotel, and a woman who was a kind of manager, who had all the keys and knew where everybody was staying. So the daughter went to this person and asked, “Can you show me the way to my room?” – “Oh, yes, certainly, it is very easy.” All the people around looked at her as though saying, “How can you say that?” But she got up and, with authority, asked for a key, the key of the room, and said, “I’ll take you there.” Then she took all sorts of routes, but all so complicated, so bizarre! And the daughter followed her very attentively so as not to lose sight of her. And just at the moment when obviously they should have reached the place where this so-called room was, suddenly the manager – we shall call her the manager – the manager with her key…disappeared! And this feeling of disappearance was so acute that…everything disappeared at the same time.

It is quite clear in its symbolism, in the sense that all possibilities are there, all activities are there, but in disorder and confusion. They are neither coordinated nor centralized nor unified around the single central truth and consciousness and will. And we come back, then, to…precisely this question of a collective yoga and the collectivity which will be able to realize it. And what should this collectivity be?
It is certainly not an arbitrary structure like those made by men, in which they put everything pell-mell, without order or reality, and the whole thing is held together only by illusory links, which were symbolized here by the walls of the hotel, and which, in fact, in ordinary human constructions – if we take as an example a religious community – are symbolized by the monastery building, identical clothes, identical activities, even identical movements – I’ll make it more clear: everybody wears the same uniform, everybody rises at the same hour, eats the same things, offers the same prayers together, etc., there is a general uniformity. And naturally, inside, there is a chaos of consciousnesses, each one going according to its own mode, for this uniformity which goes as far as an identity of belief and dogma, is an altogether illusory identity.
This is one of the most usual types of human collectivity: to be grouped, linked, united around a common ideal, a common action, a common realization, but in a completely artificial way. As opposed to this, Sri Aurobindo tells us that a true community – what he calls a gnostic or supramental community – can exist only on the basis of the inner realization of each of its members, each one realizing his real, concrete unity and identity with all the other members of the community, that is, each one should feel not like just one member united in some way with all the others, but all as one, within himself. For each one the others must be himself as much as his own body, and not mentally and artificially, but by a fact of consciousness, by an inner realization.

And that is why Sri Aurobindo also says, somewhere else, that a double movement is necessary, and that the effort for individual progress and realization should be combined with an effort to try to uplift the whole mass and enable it to make the progress that’s indispensable for the greater progress of the individual: a mass-progress, it could be called, which would allow the individual to take one more step forward.
And now, I shall tell you that this is why I thought it would be useful to have some group meditations, in order to work on the creation of a common atmosphere that’s a little more organized than…my big hotel of last night!
So, the best use one can make of these meditations – which are gradually becoming more frequent since now we are also going to replace the “distributions” by short meditations – is to go within, into the depths of one’s being, as far as one can go, and find the place where one can feel, perceive and perhaps even create an atmosphere of unity in which a force for order and organization will be able to put each element in its place and make a new coordinated world arise out of the present chaos. That’s all.
He understands symbols of visions, he explains them to his disciples when they have some question, but he never called anyone around a vision as a way to teach and learn, this is typical of Mother only.
We have seen here that Mother takes a Vision and gives a teaching with the very elements of her vision. We have rarely seen Sri Aurobindo doing this, if at all.He understands symbols of visions, he explains them to his disciples when they have some question, but he never called anyone around a vision as a way to teach and learn, this is typical of Mother only.
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