night, as soon my body fell asleep, I found myself awake on the "other side". I only lost consciousness for a few moments while the physical body fell asleep, because I hadn't acquired yet the necessary skill to keep conscious the whole transition, but from that moment on, the physical
body continued sleeping while I remained awake. At all the effects, I had never
fall asleep.
I was, as to
say, a body of consciousness, my mental faculties where all there intact in the
transition, and more: now I had a conscious acquaintance and access to a
limitrophe condition of being and space of existence.
I would call
it a mental body, in a mental space or level.
necessary introduction doesn't make any justice to the speed of the process
because within moments as soon as I was aware of the transition, I started a spontaneous ascent into that blue mental atmosphere charged with a whitish fog everywhere, till I remained suspended in the middle of nowhere.
I concentrated all my
attention around me and through that fog, but there was nothing else than that fog.
Then, an
inner injunction alerted me to increase attention, and when I did an invisible swirl at the level of my eyes pierced that fog, and suddenly I saw them.
They were handsome.

The color of their skin was of a pale shade of blue.
They looked like gods or higher beings of some rank, certainly of a very noble nature, and seemed at ease levitating
in the middle of nowhere.
At first I felt
somehow embarrassed to present myself there uninvited, and for a moment didn't know what to do, but the next moment I heard a warm, unison telepathic welcome and the invitation to join the group.
In that fog, I had not many options left but join the unfamiliar circle of six or seven, sharing a common telepathic channel and taking part in their activity.
In that new
condition of perception, I could appreciate that in spite of their physical
similarity, inwardly they each had quite a different and exquisite personality.
Their main
interest was an object floating in the middle of the circle.
At first sight it looked
like the seed of a plant, big as a dish and open in two halves.
Soon my
attention was attracted by one of them saying something like: "At this
point, we should say too, that...(don´t remember anymore the whole sentence), in so saying he uplifted his right arm making a gesture as taking the whole mental concept as "from high", then his arm descended toward the seed
with a mudra of his fingers, placing the concept into the seed.
then", said another one, "if we say this, we should also say..." (again don´t remember the whole sentence), but he does the same
gestures as the previous one, till a number of them give their opinion.
At that point it had become clear that these beings were mental beings of some sort and they were dealing with thoughts and concepts, they could create coherent lines of thoughts, while seeming to have access to some kind of invisible "mental reservoir" of concepts of different
kind, dealing with them with an absolute coherence which I can clearly follow, and then putting them into the seed.
that point the seed itself attracted more my attention and I focused on
What did look like a seed, looked now a typewritten sheet of paper with sentences on it, and for a few moments I asked myself how was it possible that in such perfection of beings and concepts, things could not be better arranged than presenting a paper seemingly written with an old typewriting machine with some letter out of line. Me too had one such machine with that same regretful defect.
I made an
extra effort in order to focus exactly on the sense of the whole writing, but then, I
could not avoid a sudden and deep surprise!
The written
page was exactly an article of mine on certain aspects of the integral yoga
(of Sri Aurobindo) which I myself was writing at that moment! And the defects I detected on the page were those of my own typewriting machine!
That sudden, incredible
awareness made me literally fall badly down back into my body again, waking up immediately.
I went to the table, the sheet of paper was still on the roller in all similar, even in the defects of imprints, to the one I just saw.
morning, when I sat again to my table in front of the typewriter
with the intention to conclude the article, my mind went again to that
unknown fellows of the mental world, I asked myself if they were around me
invisible and I tried to reflect their observations, which after all was mine as well because I started writing it even before knowing of their existence.
believed to be the only author of the article,(it was one about the future abolishing of physical death) but now it seemed as other beings
had taken part in styling it, only one thing was not clear at that moment: if
this happen with any people concentrated and writing on "spiritual
matters", or it was a more punctual relation.
For their look
and behavior, and for the situation in itself, later I found a mention of similar beings by Mother (Mira Alfassa) when she mentioned a bluish being
at Satprem´s back (citation needed), which she identified as a Muse, incidentally Satprem was at that time writing a book on integral
This curious
association of my article with mental bluish beings doesn't end here, and it has an incredible follow, since it became the very only physical element I had to verify if my encounters with Sri Aurobindo were real.
In fact, not much
later, I started to have a series of contacts with Sri Aurobindo while being into my subtle body at night.
experiences with the Master had been of such a tenor, that I hardly believed truly
happened.On one occasion, he showed me images of a far future, and even if a part of me firmly believed,
I admit the rational part had severe doubts, it had been such an astonishing experience that I rather tough I'd fall into some great hallucination.
But it ought not to be so.
At the following night, as soon as the body fell asleep and I recovered my mental body, I experienced a sudden fast movement as I were traveling or moving through space at incredible speed.
The travel ended up in India. I immediately recognized the light that lights the Indian noons. I had been there physically several times before, and there was nothing that could have mis-leaded me.
I landed in a room with a window open on a patio with a typical Indian tree and abundant green vegetation.
A man was sitting at a table by the window giving his back to me.
The man was evidently alive and immersed in reading something.
I was at a time surprised to be there and ashamed of being there without the man noticing my presence into his room, as I felt I had invaded his own private space without announcing myself. The next moment Sri Aurobindo appeared at my right side.
My surprise grew in size and I was almost to verbalize it when the Master made a silent gesture to keep quite and observe what was happening.
So I did.
I could perceive a psychological atmosphere surrounding the man, and from where I was, I could see enough of his face to be quite sure he was European. I became aware we were in Auroville.
What attracted me mostly was that peculiar mental atmosphere that surrounded the man.
I could clearly perceive he was of an inquisitive mood, rather critical of the work he was reading, I could clearly sense he was searching for "heretic thinking", as he had invested himself with the authority to decide whether the writing was an orthodox or an heretic one.
But it resulted a vitiated way of judging since the start, as it spread around him the mentioned mental atmosphere that was really unpleasant to perceive, and in addition to it, though he seemed quite bent to intellectually recognize a high value to the teaching of the Master, he had no perception at all of the presence of the Master at his back, as he never demonstrated any degree of perception of it but continued undisturbed in his activity.
I turned my eyes a moment toward Sri Aurobindo as for assuring myself I was giving attention to the right things he had call my attention on, then I leaned over the shoulder of the man in order to see what he was reading, and...oh surprise!
He was reading the same article which I had written months earlier when I had had the experience with the mental beings intervening in my article.
I had quite a lot to be surprised with!
I had literally my mouth open but no sound coming out of it, too many questions at a time.
I stood silently observing the Master, waiting for a clarifying answer, but he didn't say a word, only made a gesture with his fingers and the hand as to say: this is how things they are.
At the next moment I wake up again in my body. In Europe.
My article had appeared on a review which I sent to a friend of mine in Auroville. Supposedly, he had given it to the European man to read. I had only one thing to do. Get there physically and ask my friend if such and such a man had any chance to read my article. And if he was in Auroville, try to see him.
And I did. I took a plane and went to Auroville decided to shed some light on the subject.
Having familiarity with my friend, I informed him of my experience in my subtle body in Auroville with the Master, and my need of discovering if the experience had been authentic or was just pure imaginations.
You may understand that the "European man" of my subtle visit had the keys to many of my doubts.
Then my friend asked me to describe the man reading the article.
"Oh, yes", said him after the description, "you have described X. In fact X has been here as a guest, and I gave him the review with your article. I perfectly remember this. He is now at"... (and said a locality in Auroville)...
Back in Europe, I was confronted with some facts of which I could not negate the evidence.
If the last experience with Sri Aurobindo in Auroville was authentic, and it was because the man existed, then all the other experiences with the Master had been authentic, as they all happened during a sequence of some fifteen days or so, and all happened while I was in my subtle body, and as a consequence, my perception of the subtle body was authentic too, though difficult to prove.
And If the experiences with the Master were true, then also what he showed me (the future of the earth) had to be considered true and meaningful, as well as what Sri Aurobindo told me in that occasion.
In fact, a moment before to show me the images of the future earth, he told me: "I wish you do something for me".
And was exactly these words I had the most urgent need to verify if they were my hallucination or were true.
But I had not alternative left then believe all had been true.
So that truly the Master had invested me with a requirement.
He had set up a personal relation with me!
But he never told me in clear words what he expected me to do for him.
He left me some clue: the article was a recurrent item in different experiences, I had nowadays a tendency to write, so possibly it could be related with his request.
The very experience in the subtle body in Auroville with Him at my side, had alerted me somehow of how my writings could be received by certain people in the occurrence I would make them public. If I was going to write something about integral yoga, I had not to aspect always a warm indiscriminate welcome.
I also believed to understand, that my writings received some kind of assistance in unknown mental levels I happened to have unconscious access.Who were that bluish beings in the middle of nowhere?
Why they had a relation at all with my writings?
Were they kind of guardians or residents or even gods of higher mental levels whom I happened to meet? A predestined meeting? A purposeful meeting?
I hadn¨t yet all the answers, but the few I had convinced me to continue investigating on the reasons to meet Him and the nature of His wish.
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