(location: Pacific Ocean, approx.date: unknown)

A strange woman is approaching me. She's clearly human, definitely she has a face of a race disappeared forever, I can only think of a mixture of Mongols, red Indians and Toltec, kind of original stream of the race.
That woman has some kind of magic powers which I'm perceiving, she talks as half sleeping, in a monotonous tone which can hypnotize a person and fall under her power, but I sense I have nothing to fear as my degree of consciousness in subtle world keeps me safe from that danger. She has started to talk of that ancient city, and while she's talking, I start to see images at real time of the city when she lived in it above the waters. She told the name of the city was ... ... (don't remember, a name made of two words which meant "Wonder of the Earth"), then told me of its glorious past and the big influence it had at that time over large territories. While she talked I slowly entered in the life of the city as it was, large avenues under the sun, big buildings and temples everywhere in a strange mixture of styles, but overall, the huge mass of human beings which lived in it or, as I felt, there for trading, worship, learning magic, and a large etcetera.
She was telling me, and I was seeing it, of a darker side, in fact, there were sacrifices in great quantity, I could see temples with their floor and stairs covered with fresh blood and I felt they would sacrifice human beings too in a daily orgy of blood and dark magic. Being myself in the subtle body, I could understand the power of a cast of priests which had a clear control over their subtle body, and were able to control even the subtle body of the human victims of the sacrifices, abusing of them and having them bound at their service after their death.
It seems they had a special predilection for the vital essence which abandoned the body of their victim, as they somehow could feed themselves of that essence.
She was telling me how the city had been the model for a number of other city-states over the planet, but it was doomed to perish and disappear, the divinatory arts were there highly developed, and it was not a mystery it would sink into the ocean.
Slowly alarming signal started, and a huge number decided to abandon the city, while but a few decided to perish with it. Well, they were not going to perish exactly, as they could, and decided to, consciously reside in their subtle physical, so that just before physical death, they would set themselves into the subtle physical and continue living there, in the city, sharing forever its destiny.
So it was.
I could see when the day came and huge waves where invading the city and the land was sinking into the sea, they shifted their consciousness on the subtle level and sunk in the depths with the city. She was among them. She told me with a subtle, human irony they had changed the name to the city, (again a name with two words, which meant "Wonder of the Ocean"), but in no moment I had permission to enter nor saw any other person. While she proffered her last words I had the clear understanding that in doing so, they had franchised themselves from the evolutionary thread. As a race, they would not die, but they would not evolve either. They would remain as a subtle group of beings tied there till a superior Will would decide.
Of this strange episode I know that in the actuality fishermen in some pacific islands fear to fall asleep by the sea at night, as they mention some strange spirit which sucks their vital energy. Is this more then a legend?
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