Friday, June 8, 2012


Vision.2005 (Satprem)

While the body is sleeping suddenly my subtler form starts sinking into the deep waters of the ocean, though I'm surprised, yet I'm not alarmed.
While descending I can see bubbles of gas leading towards the surface.
When I reach the bottom, there´s a man with me.
He is Satprem.
I don't know why I know his name because he hasn't said  a word. I just know it and that's all.
Even, he is dressed in his favourite manner, in white clothes covered with a black robe on top of them.
We silently observe the bottom of the ocean for a while, somewhere not too far from where we are there is the origin of the bubbles I´ve seen before.  
"Here is where originates the oxygen for the Earth". He says.
(I found it strange affirmation to say so, because everybody knows the oxygen is not generated in the depths of the ocean... so, what is he trying to convey me? And yet at that moment it seems logical, and whatever he is trying to tell me in that symbolic manner must have a truth of its own).
We are now entering a small white grotto with its walls and ceiling fully covered with symbols in black. It  looks as an hermit were living in that place and in the course of the years had been tracing  the symbols on the white walls during its long permanence there.
I'm surprised, especially from the fact that the grotto is dry and the water makes a transparent curtain at the entrance, as a force kept it out of the grotto.
There inside all is dry and full of oxygen that we can freely breath.
We are staring at the symbols on the wall, some of them are planetary symbols, I recognize the one for Saturn and the one for Jupiter, but most of them are of unknown origin and meaning.
For a while he shows me some of them and explains me their meaning, he certainly has a deep knowledge of them because he goes from one to another with ease, but then, at a certain point my consciousness starts whirling  and I'm aware I'm losing attention...then all disappears and I found myself back into my physical body, awake in the middle of the night.
My mind keeps a fresh memory of the happening and I get back on it specially grateful of having had the opportunity of meeting Satprem: during the previous months I had the chance of meeting Sri Aurobindo several times, but now my heart is extremely delightful to make subtle acquaintance too, with one of his most outstanding disciple and one which is very dear to me, the one who acknowledged me about Mother and Sri Aurobindo and introduced me to integral yoga in my youth.

Uncatalogued pages I (english)

Vision. April 1999 (Water)

It´s morning time and I´m by the shore of a river, something has altered its course, I can see it, the water seems to herald a full, and when I look upstream of the current I see an impressive, gigantic wave which is approaching.
The reaction is...because I suddenly understand that even if that huge wave is not "material", yet it is "real" and really exist or will exist...
Strangely enough, rationally I know quite well that if I want to put  me safe, all I have to do is getting away from the river, and yet, when I look back to the waters I see at my right hand a little artificial island, and I understand that to be really safe I should be on that island even if -as it seems-, the reason says that the approaching huge wave will completely submerge it.
The island seems built by human hand, made out of blocks of stone and buidings in stone too of which I ignore the function.
It all seems ensambled with great skill, and the island seems to be there since remote times, absolutely perfect in its simplicity.
I wonder how the approaching great wave has not alarmed the dwellers of the island, as none seems to be there noticing the wave which yet is supposed to have a great impact on that tiny island between the current.
The vision of the approaching wave is so definitive, that I wake up
in agony...but...what I´m seeing?...what is happening?... no, no, I must get back to the island before the wave comes.
I fall asleep again. And I´m by the river again. (I´m surprised a bit, the vision is back to the same point it was interrupted).
The huge wave is now dangerously close...I notice a small little bridge which brings to the island, which I didn´t noticed before, but I should be in a hurry now as the level of the water is rising menacing to fully submerge it.
I stear at the island, a group of women and men is there now, someone among them wears large tunics and have large hair.
Though the approaching wave, all of them seem quite peaceful.
I harry up towards the bridge but some vegetation has grown which is empeaching me to freely procede, but I follow up till I´m on the island with them.
They are all so...incredibly serene...the persons with the tunics seems to be Hierophants.
And now... the water is arrived, but we are immersed within a deep unpenetrable peace and bliss, the huge wave has just reached the island, but surprisingly, instead of submerging it, it opens in two at both side of the island, the water overflowing but a little portion of the little harbour.
It is a moment of supreme peace.
We all feel united by a deep, deep link, and we all are stearing at the sky, where among grey clouds, suddenly shines a single ray of sun which kisses the island and ourselves with its Light.
It is not only a sun...but the very Presence of God Father blessing us...

Uncatalogued pages IV (english)

Vision. 2007 (Satprem)

I'm looking at Satprem, I'm certain about it, but...where are we?...
It is is a world of green and blue Light and Glory...there´s anything else then this Light and Glory everywhere...such impressive depth...and Satprem...looks as him,... but he seems within a Body of Glory, enveloped as he is, with a green-blue robe at the guise of ancient gods, and the robe itself seems made out of that same light...He has a beautiful radiation around himself...all is so unexplainable that I'm result somehow confused, but  in some deep part of myself I feel united to this beautiful  person from which I perceive a warm and friendly effulgence...He is irradiating me with his Presence...this is, I understand it...
Then all has disappeared.

Uncatalogued pages IV (italiano)

Visione. 2007 (Satprem)

Sto vedendo Satprem, ne sono sicuro, ma dove siamo ... è impressionante ... è un universo di luce e gloria verde-azzurra ... non c´è nient'altro che questa Luce con una impressionante profondità, non é statica, é una Luce viva ... e Satprem ... è come trasfigurato ... è lui, peró come in un "corpo di gloria", ed è avvolto, come degli antichi dei, da una tela dello stesso colore di quel mondo ... anzi si direbbe proprio fatta di quella stessa luce ... ne sento irradiare...è bellissimo ... é tutto così insolito che ne sono in parte confuso... non capisco realmente che cosa sto vedendo...
ma in una parte del mio essere sono unito a questa bellissima persona dalla quale sento effulgere una profonda amicizia verso di me....Mi sta irradiando con la sua presenza...ecco, ho capito...
E poi tutto è scomparso.

Uncatalogued pages III (italiano)

Visione. 2005 (Satprem)

Sto scendendo nelle profondità sottomarine, ne sono sorpreso, ma non allarmato.
Mentre scendo verso il fondo vedo bolle di ossigeno gorgogliare sotto di me, e quando raggiungo il fondo c'è un uomo accanto a me. È Satprem.
Non so perché lo so, perché non me lo ha detto. Lo so e basta.
Anzi, va vestito come piace a lui, di bianco con una tunica nera sopra.
Stiamo guardando le bolle di gas che provengono da qualche parte laggiù sul fondo, e tutte insieme si dirigono verso la superficie.
- Qui è dove ha origine l'ossigeno della Terra.
una strana affermazione, in quanto so bene che l'ossigeno non si produce nel fondo del mare ... quindi che cosa mi sta dicendo?... Ma in quel momento mi sembra logico che sia cosí, e qualsiasi cosa stia cercando di dirmi in simboli, deve essere certamente vero ed avere un suo senso).
Ma adesso siamo entrati in una piccola grotta bianca con le pareti tutte ricoperte di simboli in nero, quasi disegnati da qualche eremita che ne avesse risieduto a lungo.
Ne sono sorpreso, anche perché, stranamente, la grotta è libera dall'acqua ed asciutta mentre la liquida cortina si ferma all'entrata senza poter irrompere.
E così siamo lì all'asciutto e possiamo respirare liberamente.
Stiamo osservando i simboli insieme, qualcuno è un simbolo pianetario, riconosco quelli di Saturno e Giove ... me ne sta indicando altri e me ne sta spiegando il significato ... ma la mia coscienza si sta facendo turbinosa ...sto perdendo attenzione...
tutto scompare.

Uncatalogued pages II (italiano)

Visione - Aprile 1999

Sono su una spiaggia sotto un bellissimo sole, altri individui o gruppetti sono sparsi lungo l'interminabile sponda sabbiosa, tutti tranquilli.
E poi...una terribile onda cresce d'improvviso, immensa, ma anche bella nella sua gigantesca mole acquamarina illuminata dal sole, sappiamo che nessuno potrà mettersi a salvo e ci sommergerà, eppure non vedo nessuno veramente allarmato, neanch'io lo sono.
Ormai non posso far altro che osservare rapito quella immensa mole d´acqua che si avvicina sommerge ... ne siamo coinvolti ... ne siamo sballottati ... ma risulta invece essere un'onda d'aria sottile, o luce, energia, ed ha sommerso tutto, ne sono cosciente ... ne sono un po' stordito però sto bene ... sento che non è per me una minaccia definitiva...

uncatalogued pages I (italiano)

Visione (Aprile 1999)

È giorno e sono accanto a un fiume, qualcosa ne ha alterato la corrente, l'ho già visto altre volte, l'acqua sembra preannunciare una piena e infatti quando guardo a monte della corrente vedo una impressionante, gigantesca onda approssimarsi.La reazione è ... perché capisco subito che quell'onda non è materiale, però è vera, esiste realmente o esisterà, è quello che so guardandola. Stranamente, quando razionalmente potrei risolvere il problema semplicemente allontanandomi dal fiume, guardo a sinistra e vedo che proprio in mezzo al fiume c'è un'isoletta artificiale, e "so" che se riuscirò a raggiungerla sarò salvo, nonostante la ragione dica che, trovandosi in mezzo al fiume, sarebbe stata travolta in pieno e sommersa dall'onda gigantesca.
Sembra un'isola fatta da mani umane perché costituita da blocchi di pietra e con delle costruzioni, anch'esse, in pietra le cui funzioni mi sono sconosciute. Si direbbe che una grande esperienza ha messo insieme il congiunto dell'isola, che sembra essere lì da molto tempo, perfetta in sè nella sua semplicità estetica.
Mi meraviglia che l'approssimarsi dell'onda non abbia messo in guardia i residenti, infatti non si vede nessuno, nonostante l'onda sia ormai piú vicina. La visione dell'acqua che avanza é cosí...definitiva, soprannaturale, che mi sveglio in preda a una specie di angoscia... -ma che cosa sto vedendo?...-che sta succedendo?..e poi -no no, devo tornare lì sull'isola prima che l'acqua arrivi...
Mi riaddormento. E sono di nuovo vicino al fiume (mi sorprende che la visione si sia riallacciata al punto in cui si era interrotta).
La  gigantesca onda è ormai vicinissima. Non mi ero accorto prima della presenza di un ponticello che porta sull'isola, devo affrettarmi perché il livello dell'acqua che si alza minaccia di sommergerlo. Guardo verso l'isola. Un gruppetto di uomini e donne sono riuniti lì, qualcuno tra di loro indossa tuniche ed ha i capelli lunghi.
Nonostante l'onda stia per raggiungerli e sommergerli, data la sua gigantesca dimensione, sono tutti tranquilli.
Mi affretto verso il ponte, ci sono degli ostacoli, della vegetazione, che mi impediscono di procedere con più velocità di quella che vorrei avere perché l'acqua è al punto di ricoprire il ponte ... mi affretto ... e finalmente raggiungo il gruppo sull'isola.
Sono tutti ... straordinariamente sereni ... quelli con le tuniche sembrano Hierofanti.
Ecco, l'acqua arriva, ma siamo tutti lì in mezzo a una gran pace.
E sorprendentemente, l'onda che avrebbe dovuto o potuto sommergere l'isola si divide in due scorrendo ai due lati dell´isola e limitandosi a lambire le pietre del porticciolo.
È un momento di unione suprema, tutti ci sentiamo uniti da un profondissimo vincolo; guardiamo verso il cielo, dove tra le nuvole grigie é apparso un singolo raggio di sole che bacia l'isola e noi tutti con la sua Luce. Non è solo un sole ... è lo stesso Dio Padre che ci sta benedicendo...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Integral Offering - The surest road to realisation

Alcea rosea - Hollyhock
Medium to large single or double funnel-shaped white flowers with satiny overlapping lobes and a short staminal column covered with loose yellow pollen; borne on tall spire like stems. A tall biennial herb with rough hairy leaves.

Photo Courtesy: The County Clerk

One is not satisfied with himself and sets up a number of practices which would promote peace, bliss and a supposed better living. One doesn't remain with his dissatisfaction but searches, in this movement he takes himself away from the real time. He is not there anymore.
 He will create in the course of time a rupture with himself.
And he will impose to himself something which is not  his own but comes from an authority, it is not his solution, it is a borrowed one, doesn't came from his own understanding.
And he follows a religion, a spiritual practice, even wears exterior garments and uses objects which are said to be efficacious or necessary, as yellow or brown clothes, ashes, vajiras.
They become followers of a spiritual practice that is not their own, but comes from a millenarian tradition, which,  as wise that could be, never changed anything in the world. It all remained the same in spite of the numerous religions and spiritual practices all over the world and all along the history.
But it never changed anything, and things, as we see around us, are even getting worst.
And the reason is that it was not the real thing.
"That", had to be born spontaneously within the human heart.
Had to be a personal solution.
There, was the mistake.
The emphasis that should have been on this basic truth of personal discovery was substituted by an external authority.
Authority played a role and it all became established under certain rules that had to be repeated exactly the same manner for obtaining a result.
It would made copies of it.
Not real human beings in all their independence of discovering.
We are not interested in all the subsequent distortions, with opposition between believers, religious wars etc:.. we know that quite well.

But it took away the individual from the necessity of a self discovery.
And that discovery were to be faced individually, counting with the elements that one has, which will be different for each one.
Conditions absolutely unrepeatable. As different from each other as a human face is among all the others.
It is -our- search and under our conditions.

But yes, all face the same problem, they don´t like what they are and search refuge in religion or whatever.They don't face themselves.They don't live with their pettiness but pretend to change it.
But how pettiness may change itself to grandeur?Is it really there the secret? That movement of escape from himself is totally wrong. It can´t be the solution. What remains when we don't do it?
What remains if we don't do any movement of escape but remain what we are, without any movement, just a presence there, a witness? An impartial witness?

 That is the soul.
That is the Being you are looking for.
And you do not need to do anything in order for it to be there.
Because it is always there.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Simple Sincerity - The beginning of all progress

Aster amellus - Italian aster
Small single compositae flower with narrow white ray florets and a centre of tiny yellow disc florets; borne in corymbs. An attractive perennial herb.

Photo Courtesy: Northeast photography

The question we ask is "Why we are here", on this planet.
And we had time to give numberless reasons, scientific explications, religious approaches, meditations, and an incredible number of strategies in order to answer or achieve that answer.
Which after all is a very simple answer: We are here to live.
There is no other purpose in life.
Whatever has been invented as an answer, is already out of route.
There is no explication to what we are here for.
We only know that we are here in a life that ask of us to live it. To live it fully.That is the purpose of life that every creature answer at its best.
To  live we need such an openness of mind, such a direct and deep perception that we need to be empty of whatever preconceived idea.
We can´t afford life knowing what it is and will be, it needs to be fully lived in the instant.
And leave behind such precious theories, such complicated rituals, such long litanies and strange meditations that take you out of life in order to explain you what life is!
How do we pretend to understand what life is if we don´t live it?
To be there, at the moment, is all what one needs.One do not need any heavy baggage, any intellectual or religious superstructure to be interposed between oneself and life. What for?

What do I need to be here now?
The structures we have built came from the fear of life.
Karma, is for us a precaution to avoid bad consequences, a manual of morality with a delayed effect. We even try to avoid living in a bad karmic condition in future.
We are using this moment in life, to built a better karmic moment in the future, and in so doing, we forget the essential thing of here and now.
Here and now means no future.
If we were living that moment fully, we wouldn't have the need to built a future karmic better moment, because it would be  already a wise condition. It would built a better karmic future by itself without our intervention or worrying about.
We don´t need to built anything for a better karmic  future.
The present, with all its plenitude has already a lot to say us.
And if we do not remain still and void we can´t contain the whole of it.
Because life is a large phenomena.
Made up of many individuals, many animals, insects, plants, all claiming  to live.
That is the thing.
We discover that not only I am alive, but many more entities of many kind, a pulsating life everywhere, it seems that life needs but a little pretext to appear. We have discovered life in the most unthinkable places.
Life is everywhere, to demonstrate us that we are part of that life.
We are not separated, we are but one thing that lives in many bodies.
We are Life, and Consciousness.
It is so much so that we belong to life, that we can´t even decide how long we stay here.
It´s out of our capacity and control.
And to recognize that we need courage.
Because all that is the product of fear.
Whatever we have built, we have done it out of fear.
It is the only problem.
We do not need to build any discipline for this.
We can´t preview what we´ll be tomorrow, what life will make of us, it is a jump in the unknown and uncertain, and that is what one can´t stand.
And that is fear too. So we built safe anchorages in time, but we can´t stand just naked against the unknown.
Being just nothing.
A perception. A stream of perception, which is all what is required.
Because if life is attention to the moment, then it is every moment too. A continuum, a stream of perception.
And that would be enough to answer all the questions.