Small single compositae flower with narrow white ray florets and a centre of tiny yellow disc florets; borne in corymbs. An attractive perennial herb.

The question we ask is "Why we are here", on this planet.
And we had time to give numberless reasons, scientific explications, religious approaches, meditations, and an incredible number of strategies in order to answer or achieve that answer.
Which after all is a very simple answer: We are here to live.
There is no other purpose in life.
Whatever has been invented as an answer, is already out of route.
There is no explication to what we are here for.
We only know that we are here in a life that ask of us to live it. To live it fully.That is the purpose of life that every creature answer at its best.
To live we need such an openness of mind, such a direct and deep perception that we need to be empty of whatever preconceived idea.
We can´t afford life knowing what it is and will be, it needs to be fully lived in the instant.
And leave behind such precious theories, such complicated rituals, such long litanies and strange meditations that take you out of life in order to explain you what life is!
How do we pretend to understand what life is if we don´t live it?
To be there, at the moment, is all what one needs.One do not need any heavy baggage, any intellectual or religious superstructure to be interposed between oneself and life. What for?
What do I need to be here now?
The structures we have built came from the fear of life.
Karma, is for us a precaution to avoid bad consequences, a manual of morality with a delayed effect. We even try to avoid living in a bad karmic condition in future.
We are using this moment in life, to built a better karmic moment in the future, and in so doing, we forget the essential thing of here and now.
Here and now means no future.
If we were living that moment fully, we wouldn't have the need to built a future karmic better moment, because it would be already a wise condition. It would built a better karmic future by itself without our intervention or worrying about.
We don´t need to built anything for a better karmic future.
The present, with all its plenitude has already a lot to say us.
And if we do not remain still and void we can´t contain the whole of it.
Because life is a large phenomena.
Made up of many individuals, many animals, insects, plants, all claiming to live.
That is the thing.
We discover that not only I am alive, but many more entities of many kind, a pulsating life everywhere, it seems that life needs but a little pretext to appear. We have discovered life in the most unthinkable places.
Life is everywhere, to demonstrate us that we are part of that life.
We are not separated, we are but one thing that lives in many bodies.
We are Life, and Consciousness.
It is so much so that we belong to life, that we can´t even decide how long we stay here.
It´s out of our capacity and control.
And to recognize that we need courage.
Because all that is the product of fear.
Whatever we have built, we have done it out of fear.
It is the only problem.
We do not need to build any discipline for this.
We can´t preview what we´ll be tomorrow, what life will make of us, it is a jump in the unknown and uncertain, and that is what one can´t stand.
And that is fear too. So we built safe anchorages in time, but we can´t stand just naked against the unknown.
Being just nothing.
A perception. A stream of perception, which is all what is required.
Because if life is attention to the moment, then it is every moment too. A continuum, a stream of perception.
And that would be enough to answer all the questions.
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