Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Akashic Records (important note)

The Akashic records contained in this blog are not there to make you believe I´m good in it when I'm not. But they are real.
 I haven't the slightest idea how to have akashic visions nor I have any method to suggest you.  
During some three months I unexpectedly met several times Sri Aurobindo, they were presented  as a corollary to the main "Vision of Savitri":  an akashic vision which starts from the present time till a distant future in which men, will finally be as gods and the purpose of the appearance of the consciousness on earth fully manifested.
Which will not be the end of the story, but the real beginning: imagine that.

 The akashic visions I present here are events really happened in distant pages of the early history of human beings on earth, and all of them have some significant link with the evolution of the consciousness in early history.
The visions constitute a body of information Sri Aurobindo meant worth to know to researchers in the field of the  consciousness: they represent the remote past of the consciousness  and the progressive answers of that consciousness -in smaller groups or entire racial streams- while in the course of time met with different challenges and significant events determining with their decision (the will-power of the consciousness) their continuity or other different possibilities which lay in front of the streams of consciousness, sometimes no-evolutive answers, as in the case of a group of magicians-priests, citizens of an ancient capital.
They decided to sink in the Ocean with their city and are still there in a stationary  condition of consciousness:  they cannot evolve.
Of course, they are there because they could form and in any case control a subtler body. At the moment of their death they could anchor their consciousness to a subtler body and retain it on earth.
 It is quite an interesting case, they escaped full death by applying to themselves what they did to their propitiatory victims: they could manipulate their consciousness and literally feed themselves on the agony of the consciousness of a victim, or make of them their subtle servants after death by controlling the sphere of their consciousness. Not someone you would gladly greet in the street.
(see  Some of those practices still survived in the fleeting stream of the race which left the city-state before the upheaval, they spread in South America and Egypt mainly. 
 The group in S. America was rather prone to human sacrifices and the said, while the earlier Egyptian stream rather opted in controlling the psyche of their victims after death, making of them subtle guardians of the tomb and accompanying host of the monarch. (I mean it literally, in an akashic vision I've not reported yet the deceased queen  had some six or seven maids buried with her, but under a strong spell they could not abandon the mausoleum after their death, I believe they were mesmerized before actual death).

This knowledge I´m transmitting is not my own, it springs forth from visioning the akashic records I report as faithfully as possible, so that you too could awake this subtler knowledge which is the purpose of the Master with the visions you can read.

Try to understand that the visions I transmit you are purposefully meant by Sri Aurobindo to activate in you a momentary step, a link, from the rational circuit of the mind to a more intuitive one.

They represent one of the several ways the Master continues with his teaching, they add to what he said while in life, a further dispensation of His Work and His Teaching.

I´ll try to put it in simple words:
coming from a divine source, Sri Aurobindo's teaching is enlightening by his own power,
it elevates the mind and supposedly, but only supposedly because it depends on the reader, the natural course of the consciousness when you read a book of  the Master is to get ready for a more intuitive understanding: once the mind has been enlightened by his teaching acquires the faculty to elevate itself into the intuitive field of the consciousness. 
At greater or lesser degree this has been achieved already by a significant number of students all over the world which somehow represent the vanguard, they are ready for a further  bestowing of the Grace and Power of his teaching, but this time it is under direct and personal guidance of the Master.
 This fact alone would require an entire book to be fully explained, so try to use your own intuitive knowledge to get the sense of what I'm trying to explain in a few words.  

 Through those information that I pass onto you, you can create your own personal link with the Master, you can do your part and learn by vision, which is how you have the opportunity to continue under discipleship in this new time, in which a new step is ready for certain people.

 This learning by vision, by being directly under guidance of the Master, will become more widely extended in the course of time. It is the teaching which follows what he already taught. Visions are the natural learning tool of the soul, are part of his inherent language, visive symbols are the natural channel of communication between the soul and its human counterpart.

You possibly thought of a deceased Master?
During the meetings I learnt he is quite more alive than a great deal of us, he has not finished with his teaching nor he has abandoned the purpose he had while in a physical body: the purpose of transforming the world  making of life on earth a divine life. 
I nurture the intimate conviction that the Master had reach the possibility of physical immortality but, so to say, it was too early for the humankind, such an immortal presence would be disruptive, could provoke by its mere presence a too fast and chaotic crumbling of the previous structures, he choose instead to hold a subtler physical body and a "residence" at the border between gross and subtler matter, a focal point of his consciousness and his work. 
I was once allowed to be witness of the full power of the Presence of his subtler body and I assure you I could hardly bear the vision, it was too powerful to bear, I literally felt my physical body could disintegrate in a cloud of atoms under the massive influence of his magnetic field.

There is only one thing I would suggest you as a tool on your side, the kindness of the heart and the kindness of the mind are always the required condition for a safe approach to subtle world.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Who -is- Atem?

Many years passed since I could realize that the man visiting me at night during my youth was Sri Aurobindo himself.

He looked like a glamorous Holliwood actor and inspired me such total intimacy and trust that I confidently let him be my guide during my discovering of the subtle world.

I used to practice in my youth many of the exercises which later I discovered Mother suggested, mainly related with retaining in the wake consciousness the dreams and experiences happened during sleep. Unmoving just awake I would hold in my mind any image of my dreams, and I gently but firmly "stirr" it till the previous image would appear, and so on till I had a complete revision of my whole dreams. In that secuence, I discovered there had been experiences which could not be catalogued as dreams, but real subtle experiences, which sometimes involved people and places.

One of my first guided experience in this field was the akashic vision I relate (dated 1964 in Atem´s Notebooks).
I have the impression that my contact with the Master was discontinuous, years would pass without me being conscious of his guiding presence, then, there would be periods very busy in training and experiences.

When at my 20 I read his first written words in his poem Savitri I immediately felt a great attraction for that poet, so much so that I elected him as my Master Poet, but I had not made yet the connection that it was the same person.

I even suspect he saved me from drowning at sea in my youth, but I could never be totally sure and he never mentioned the happening.

It was about 12 years ago when I could see him again in several occasions, one of which was related with the Vision of Savitri I mention.

I understand he was training me for a specific purpose, of which the Vision is only a part.

What I learnt from him at that earlier age was to be absolutely objective and scrupulous in the observation of my subtle experiences, and it probably was related not only with my personal "spiritual" life but also with the task he had planned to offer me several years later.

I have the inner convinction that our relation is extended in time into previous lives in which he acted as my Master, and I do not agree with the common belief he was Leonardo da Vinci, rather, I´m persuaded he was my Master and Abbott in an european monastery aroud that period, but I do not feel talking yet about those memories I hold.

Coming to the present, I know he choosed me as his voice in certain matters,
may be not because of my spiritual realization but because he trained me in this scrupulous attention I now give at subtle experiences, so that his work and purpose, the words he said and even the unspoken words  were absolutely clear to me.

If reading this blog you feel more comfortable doubting of my words you can, it´s not my business, but it will not change what happened in my life. 


I laugh at the narrowness and pettiness of  mind of certain self-retained followers or students of the Masters of the integral yoga.

They are not innocent, if they were humble enough we could concede they are struggling to elevate themselves from the common mud and in need of help, but they are proud of themselves and of the self-supposed brilliancy of their minds.

As the unknown Master of Agni Yoga put it once: you want the spiritual realization without renouncing at your favourite cockroaches.
They judge people and the world affairs from that narrowness of view which is the result of the ill-digested reading of a few or a many books from Sri Aurobindo and Mother.

They use loose sentences of the Masters as weapons to throw on the head of the opponent of a debate, they have even came to physical aggressions, trials, explicit or covert hate between distinct factions each proclaiming to hold the truth and of being the legal delegates and rapresentants of the original teaching and purpose of integral yoga. 

They do not seem aware or do not mind at all about the pitiful spectacle and example they are giving to the world, when the most integrating mind of the modern era has sufficiently and definitely outlined what means Integral Yoga, and even common people everywhere is awakening to the need of an integrating life.

Today, such common people all over the world, sensible to the need of an imperious change in the existence of the human species, and unconsciously answering to the pressure of the supermental force, without pretense of being high candidates of a superior supermental revolution of the spirit, are leaving behind such poor representative of what is supposed to be and should be the edge and the avanguard of an earthly transformation.

They have made of the Ashram in Pondicherry and of Auroville a "spiritual resort" where to spend the rest of their life without great efforts for surviving, in a peaceful (almost) environment, where to dedicate themselves to soft activities while shutting out of their lives the tremendous struggle of the hour that other people is enduring. They say to have faith the Divine Mother is taking care of the world affairs, but forgetting that -they- are supposed to be her instruments here.

Which kind of spell has convinced them that they are frank from struggle when the great majority of the human race is awakening and accepting their part in the needed change?

Which moral authority will they have once that common people will have achieved what they were supposed to struggle for?

Such common people has understood that differences  are unavoidable and are to be accepted within a major concert where each has his/her own right to express themselves freely in an equality of conditions.

The world at large has become the vanguard of the great change needed, a change where many spiritual organizations and creeds are definitely loosing their right to be bearers of an example to the world. 

If all life is yoga, then their commitment should be to preserve and protect that life, to denounce the abuse, to show the way to an integrating vision of life, instead, they are fighting each other and among themselves.

Many of them should read the post published in this blog under the title "The Hour before the Gods Awake" (08/10/13)  and sincerely ask themselves if by chance they do not fit exactly within the frame of mind that Sri Aurobindo pretended to denounce. Yes, you´ve read it right: pretended to denounce.

I´m not directing my accusations to all indiscriminately, luckily you can still count with hard-working people here and there which are absolved from such harsh critic, but this is the time to explicitely signal at certain mental vices which should definitely desappear from people which retain themselves the vanguard of the world and the hope for a new humanity.