Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Who -is- Atem?

Many years passed since I could realize that the man visiting me at night during my youth was Sri Aurobindo himself.

He looked like a glamorous Holliwood actor and inspired me such total intimacy and trust that I confidently let him be my guide during my discovering of the subtle world.

I used to practice in my youth many of the exercises which later I discovered Mother suggested, mainly related with retaining in the wake consciousness the dreams and experiences happened during sleep. Unmoving just awake I would hold in my mind any image of my dreams, and I gently but firmly "stirr" it till the previous image would appear, and so on till I had a complete revision of my whole dreams. In that secuence, I discovered there had been experiences which could not be catalogued as dreams, but real subtle experiences, which sometimes involved people and places.

One of my first guided experience in this field was the akashic vision I relate (dated 1964 in Atem´s Notebooks).
I have the impression that my contact with the Master was discontinuous, years would pass without me being conscious of his guiding presence, then, there would be periods very busy in training and experiences.

When at my 20 I read his first written words in his poem Savitri I immediately felt a great attraction for that poet, so much so that I elected him as my Master Poet, but I had not made yet the connection that it was the same person.

I even suspect he saved me from drowning at sea in my youth, but I could never be totally sure and he never mentioned the happening.

It was about 12 years ago when I could see him again in several occasions, one of which was related with the Vision of Savitri I mention.

I understand he was training me for a specific purpose, of which the Vision is only a part.

What I learnt from him at that earlier age was to be absolutely objective and scrupulous in the observation of my subtle experiences, and it probably was related not only with my personal "spiritual" life but also with the task he had planned to offer me several years later.

I have the inner convinction that our relation is extended in time into previous lives in which he acted as my Master, and I do not agree with the common belief he was Leonardo da Vinci, rather, I´m persuaded he was my Master and Abbott in an european monastery aroud that period, but I do not feel talking yet about those memories I hold.

Coming to the present, I know he choosed me as his voice in certain matters,
may be not because of my spiritual realization but because he trained me in this scrupulous attention I now give at subtle experiences, so that his work and purpose, the words he said and even the unspoken words  were absolutely clear to me.

If reading this blog you feel more comfortable doubting of my words you can, it´s not my business, but it will not change what happened in my life. 

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