Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I laugh at the narrowness and pettiness of  mind of certain self-retained followers or students of the Masters of the integral yoga.

They are not innocent, if they were humble enough we could concede they are struggling to elevate themselves from the common mud and in need of help, but they are proud of themselves and of the self-supposed brilliancy of their minds.

As the unknown Master of Agni Yoga put it once: you want the spiritual realization without renouncing at your favourite cockroaches.
They judge people and the world affairs from that narrowness of view which is the result of the ill-digested reading of a few or a many books from Sri Aurobindo and Mother.

They use loose sentences of the Masters as weapons to throw on the head of the opponent of a debate, they have even came to physical aggressions, trials, explicit or covert hate between distinct factions each proclaiming to hold the truth and of being the legal delegates and rapresentants of the original teaching and purpose of integral yoga. 

They do not seem aware or do not mind at all about the pitiful spectacle and example they are giving to the world, when the most integrating mind of the modern era has sufficiently and definitely outlined what means Integral Yoga, and even common people everywhere is awakening to the need of an integrating life.

Today, such common people all over the world, sensible to the need of an imperious change in the existence of the human species, and unconsciously answering to the pressure of the supermental force, without pretense of being high candidates of a superior supermental revolution of the spirit, are leaving behind such poor representative of what is supposed to be and should be the edge and the avanguard of an earthly transformation.

They have made of the Ashram in Pondicherry and of Auroville a "spiritual resort" where to spend the rest of their life without great efforts for surviving, in a peaceful (almost) environment, where to dedicate themselves to soft activities while shutting out of their lives the tremendous struggle of the hour that other people is enduring. They say to have faith the Divine Mother is taking care of the world affairs, but forgetting that -they- are supposed to be her instruments here.

Which kind of spell has convinced them that they are frank from struggle when the great majority of the human race is awakening and accepting their part in the needed change?

Which moral authority will they have once that common people will have achieved what they were supposed to struggle for?

Such common people has understood that differences  are unavoidable and are to be accepted within a major concert where each has his/her own right to express themselves freely in an equality of conditions.

The world at large has become the vanguard of the great change needed, a change where many spiritual organizations and creeds are definitely loosing their right to be bearers of an example to the world. 

If all life is yoga, then their commitment should be to preserve and protect that life, to denounce the abuse, to show the way to an integrating vision of life, instead, they are fighting each other and among themselves.

Many of them should read the post published in this blog under the title "The Hour before the Gods Awake" (08/10/13)  and sincerely ask themselves if by chance they do not fit exactly within the frame of mind that Sri Aurobindo pretended to denounce. Yes, you´ve read it right: pretended to denounce.

I´m not directing my accusations to all indiscriminately, luckily you can still count with hard-working people here and there which are absolved from such harsh critic, but this is the time to explicitely signal at certain mental vices which should definitely desappear from people which retain themselves the vanguard of the world and the hope for a new humanity.

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