The fact here, is that it is based a lot on inner perception, and it has a reason to be so because after all, collective consciousness itself is growing towards inner perception.
But we cannot say there is not any outer, visible progressive manifestation at all and all is inner, because it is not true. The facts are there even on a material level, if we look at them.
We need to have some leading coordinates, and we have to assume the concept of evolution as "evolution of consciousness". We have to assume too that evolution is a dynamical thing which is affecting us at this very moment, and it has not reached already its happy conclusion. I'm only conveying on this point the opinion and knowledge of Sri Aurobindo and Mother themselves.
In the mechanic of things, an individuality cannot start a reconnaissance of collective consciousness till it has reached at least a certain degree of reconnaissance of himself. The degree enough to see that there is a relation between individual and collective consciousness, an invisible, even subtle relation, but not totally unobservable as to affirm it do not exists, in fact, all single consciousness is linked in a mass of collective consciousness, but it goes on unperceived, subliminal, as the flow on information would be so conspicuous to completely saturate our mind.
Even senses acts many time in this way, sublimating parts of the whole perception so to not overcharge the brain. Or else the brain filters the amount of information.
In its first collective experiences the individual base them on emotional links, as the familiar, and is in the family where first is experienced some degree of collective consciousness. Which evolves and enlarges in time including a group of individuals which share common language and a series of other factor which sums up to a national identity or identification. The individual, all the individuals, create this kind of collective soul which is the national identity. This is what historically has happened, from family to clan, to city and nation, the consciousness has grown into a self perception of belonging to a wider self. And the planet has reached a point where nations are, with more or less success,
collective bodies of consciousness, it is not difficult anymore for the individual, to identify itself with a wider national self. So at the moment what we have are those collectivity called nations already formed and an indisputable tendency to create even wider collective groups as the groups of nations. those movements from individuality to collective are not decision taken on the surface.

And so the societies and nations they grow compelled by that same purpose. The point of the situation seems to be that collective consciousness is growing at present in a wider perception of itself as a -body-, not just a national body or an association of nations but at a larger scale, a planetary one.
The sum of the consciousness on earth is acquiring perception of itself as a collectivity, which bents it to act as a single will.
This plural will at work we are just witnessing with the Arab Spring, and such other citizen's movements all around the world, which are creating a sense of self-consciousness even out and above the nations themselves, and we see it for the reciprocal support they lend themselves and for the similarity of their requirements. We can really say that humanity is growing into levels of awareness of itself.
And most of it is a subliminal process of which we do not have always a direct and immediate evidence, but needs to be deduced and willingly observe if we want to see it in spite of the seemingly confused direction of modern society.
None could discuss that this growing collective consciousness is at the same time a growth into a more ethical collectivity. In fact this is just what the citizens are asking to the political class. So that this growth into collectivity is a growth into ethical principles in the social, economical and environmental relations.
An awakening to a planetary way of thinking, it is not the nation anymore, or the group of nations, but the whole planet.
In this, we have unfortunately to admit that the citizens are far more ahead then the politician.
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