( location: Atlantic Ocean, poss. Canary Islands area, no date could be established)
I´m a point of bodiless consciousness suddenly appearing at the side of a stone shelter on the border of a road made of large blocks of white polished stone.
In front of me there are low naked hills and a supernatural silence everywhere, there are no sounds of birds or insects, nor any visible life around me but for weak plants which seems suffering from an obstinate drought, there is no any sign of water on that dry land.
A kind of intuitive knowledge tells me I'm watching the planet earth at unmemorable time, a page of earth history lost in the past. I'm trying to perceive something else beside the monotonous surrounding, but nothing else is calling my attention. The road is a long thread which cross the country from NE to SW, the blocks are skillfully assembled and give the impression of being there since thousands of years.

There is a clear tough invisible mental atmosphere(2) surrounding the group while it advance and is about to reach me. Something threatening is happening ahead the road, something which endangers their own life and obliged them to leave their lands, the regret, the insecurity to save their life, even an anthem on that whole race is so thick in the air that I unfailingly perceive it in all its tragedy.
And now the noise is so great while the huge wheels screeches on the stones, a few men precede the group and two big molosses(3) on their side, the wooden wagons have all two unusually big wheels, and some women with newborn and other elders and children sit on the top with serious semblances, one after the other men dogs oxen and wagons pass at my side but none seems to notice me.
All the people has black hair and white skin, there are no blond or brown hair, they have all solid and strong bodies and most of them wears Andean-type hats with wings sheltering the ears, I'm noticing all their dresses are from a white ocher to brown, but no black or white or coloured as yellow red or blue, I'm asking myself if their eyes can actually -see- colours as we see them now. The dogs and oxen of large horns are all of a grey colour, dogs are big and strong, some even carry goods on little sleds tied to their shoulders, as I´ve seen horses carrying goods among red Indians. None is proffering a word. Even new born keep silent and don't cry as feeling the dramatic atmosphere. I perceive they are directed towards the Capitol ahead the road which I can't see from there, but I can grasp some mental image they have in their mind, a wide populated city at the border of the sea with harbor and ships. There they presume may found some security.
Then all of them have passed along the road, one or two hundred people and some twenty wagons, and I´m alone again. Now I unwillingly start moving displacing myself along the road as flying at a couple of meters on the air. I'm preceding towards the land they have abandoned, kilometers and kilometers of flat land and low hills with absolutely no trees in the whole landscape.
From the borders of the road starts cultivated land but the crops and the land seems have suffered from a prolonged drought which has left its signal on the weak steams.

Huge clouds black, white or grey with fiery borders are invading the skies, the volcanoes are vomiting a relentless flow of fire and lava and destruction everywhere and the upheaval is so strong that whole peaces of the volcanoes breaks up and precipitate in a disastrous avalanche of stones and fire either on the land or into the sea.
Then something even tremendous takes places as in a giant cry the hugest of the volcanoes erupts an incandescent flow of lava and broken almost in two halves, one of them ruinously sliding at a side. The scene is so frightful that I even fear for my life, which seem the very reason for the vision to disappear and I'm in the body again.
(1) it is a frequent condition in akashic vision not to be able to situate exactly oneself in relation with what is seen, as an observer or an actor.
(2) mental, or psychological atmosphere surrounding persons or events is frequent in akashic vision and in subtle perception. From there it is possible to extract additional information which is latent and not explicitly at view.
(3) the dogs had an extraordinary resemblance with the actual Canary Dog, muscled and strong headed, but they were even a bit taller, tremendous and powerful animals.
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