Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Yoga of the Future Action

This Yoga starts where all the others end. Till now the Yogas gave you the different possibilities of atonement with the Divinity. This Yoga is the Action which spreads from that atonement. It is the Purposeful Action endowed with the will to transform Life itself within the limitless possibilities of the Light-Mind of God.
 This Yoga is individualized on the resources each one has.
As, the yoga of the future action is not based on stereotypes but on individual personal resources.
In the manifold diversity of the Being founds expression the individuality of possibility, as our own personal, unique mark.
The foundation which is general for each individual is that by the power of the Divine Will  you have inherited the Earth to take care of it, to be concerned, to preserve that gift.
You cannot do "whatever" with the Earth, you inherited it from your Ancestors to take care of it, to associate with, to be concerned with its development and integrity.
Because in doing this, you reconnect with the Divine Purpose of your Presence Here.
The Yoga of Integrity is the intimate connection  of the sphere of the Mind with that of the Heart. From that union spreads the Future Action. The Action of the Being that You Are.
It is Future because it is purposefully directed to transform the future conditions of the Earth, you are called to be co-creators by discovering the inner potentialities of your Being.

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