It's a room, there are several maps on the walls which represent human history at incredible ancient times, I immediately -know- by simply looking at them that they are authentic revelatory treasures faithfully representing, separately, the movement of different races over the globe, or the history of their settlement in that specific countries, one is representing the general conditions of a great battle which happened somewhere will full details on land, armies etc,.
I came to the sudden conclusion that one has to be qualified in order to get out of the maps their whole potentiality as it seems possible inter actuate with them with a focused attention or a skill it seems I do not dispose at that moment, as to me they remain immobile.
At present I'm facing only one of them.
In a sense it's very simple (it must be a learning tool which tries to awake subtle perception, because the closer maps show progressive complexity).
There is the drawing of a man on the left of the map, there is an arrow which starts at his feet going westward toward a territory which would resemble the American continent, then this arrow separate into three different arrows with a man each.
I immediately get the sense of the main stream of a race successively dividing into three subsidiary streams while they advance in time and territory.
I´m quite convinced they must be the ancestors of the Indian tribes of North, Central, and South America, though they seems not original there but proceeding from the East.

But that simple lecture has a whole lot of additional information attached to it,
because the first man is represented ornamented with elements of the vegetable world and with feathers and bones, while the other three have culturally separated and each is distinctly ornamented, one of them only with bones, another one only wears feathers, and the third one is adorned only with elements of the vegetable world.
I'm witnessing the original stream of a race which in the course of time separated into three distinct cultural identities, and I immediately size the fact that they have differentiated by giving different value to their relation with life and nature. The "People of the Bones" is referring to a culture which mainly set on blood-shedding both for aliment or in their rituals, death/bones represented a fundamental link with life (survival) and it placed them as Lords or officers of the Death, somehow degenerated in a cult of the Death and the power of inflicting death to the victim (either sacrificial or for aliment) which later on was still one of the main aspects in more recent cultures, the arrow was the lowest one as signalling it initially spread in south America.

The third arrow described a curve towards the North and the man was ornamented with small bunches of grass on its ears and upper-arm bracelets with green leaves and other vegetable elements on himself as adorn. It evidently referred to a subsidiary stream which focused more in its relation with the vegetable world for survival, using agriculture, and probably discovering and using the natural cycles of plants and Nature or possibly the healing powers of the plants.
I should say here, that I had the impression, possibly wrong, that this main stream existed with independence of other contemporary racial main streams. So it has not to be considered as the origin of -all- the races but of a particular stream within the general appearance of differentiated races of human beings.
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