Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Uncatalogued pages: Angels

Angels (II)

The sudden light is shining in the night with such an intensity that a whole side of the mountain is enlightened.
I wonder anybody else is seeing that incredible light, then I suspect not all can actually see it.
But I can see it.
The "object" which is producing this intense withe light looks as a barred spiral suspended in the sky, at about 30 meters from me, it has an enormous size, at least 13 or 14 meters at its widest points, and rotates over itself at such a speed that seems is not moving at all.
(I understand is an Angel, but of a different class then the previous I´ve seen.
The others were smaller, not such intense light, and they looked as two beings together which formed a magnetic whole, instead this one is a double being in itself.
It is towering over my head.
Sometimes, as it whirls, sparks of light are thrown off from its rotating arms, miniature  replicas of its own shape, which fall on the ground reverberating.
I take one of the sparks within my hands, where it is shining.
But now the whirl has taken a human shape.
Definitely looks human, though there are some  difference specially in the back bone, which seems longer, or the neck longer, but anyway which make me thinking of a human race, but of a distant galaxy, another physical pattern similar, but not identical to the human.
Even the shape of his skull presents some difference.
His face is not pale, and has grey eyes.
I´m suddenly aware he is on conference with my soul, as it were providing a message,
but I´m absolutely incapable of understanding what is really going on.
Then, the moment of the depart has come.
I sense he is leaving, and I hasten a question: "Shall I see you again"?
But he looks at me without answering, then disappears.

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