Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Uncatalogued pages: Angels

Angels (I)

The night soon shone with a sudden radiance behind the trees, as a moon shining behind them at ground level.
When, approaching, it come out of the shelter of the leaves I saw the radiance of two spirals of light not less then three meter each.
I immediately understood they were Angels, and that I could see their true form without the need their presence to be translated in human shapes.
That was their original shape.
They had not human form, but no doubt they were "beings", as they irradiated with their presence such friendly concern, such love and tenderness, that I was wiped in waves of delight.
They were rotating at each side, one clock-wise, the other counter clock-wise, they really looked as Galaxies in miniature, with a center of  white light and their two main arms rotating, and at moments the light would take a silvery or golden hue.
Time by time, little round sparks of light would fall from their arms falling on the ground, where they would continue shining a little while.
Somewhere in my being flowered the memory of long, long time ago when humans had knowledge of these brothers of the human kind, and I longed this could be true again.
But at that moment, I suffered from a severe physical accident, and their presence resulted as a balm for my pains, so even if they did not say a word, I "sensed" they were specifically Angels of Consolation, and so it remained, especially when my subtle vision could appreciate they were heading now towards an hospital.
I saw as they effortlessly penetrated the outer walls of the edifice disappearing in the interior.
Then my mind went to the suffering people there, which, probably unconsciously, were receiving at that very moment the consoling bliss of their Presence.

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