The following experience inaugurated the whole series of supernatural events which took place at the ancient water mill, where a fortuitous accident kept me a whole year isolated and conducting by necessity a very frugal existence. The events culminated in several meetings with Sri Aurobindo and the administering of some special information. Evidently, I was the main beneficiary but later I was required to share at some extent the experiences and a few notes I took while all happened.
One morning while I was away from the watermill I received a clear injunction, a message, a clear thought in my mind which said I had to get back home because "a friend was coming to see me". Being as it was the 24th December, I had a different plan for the day, basically I resisted the idea of remaining all alone at the watermill if "that voice" had revealed itself untruth, and for a while I tried to ignore the whole matter, but the experience had been so unique and imperative that I found difficult to resist: less than an hour later I was on my way back to the secluded water mill I had recently acquired.
One morning while I was away from the watermill I received a clear injunction, a message, a clear thought in my mind which said I had to get back home because "a friend was coming to see me". Being as it was the 24th December, I had a different plan for the day, basically I resisted the idea of remaining all alone at the watermill if "that voice" had revealed itself untruth, and for a while I tried to ignore the whole matter, but the experience had been so unique and imperative that I found difficult to resist: less than an hour later I was on my way back to the secluded water mill I had recently acquired.
I actually had no friends at all there, so while I got back I just could not make up my mind which friend it could be, supposing of course, that the injunction had to be trusted at all.
Back home I spent the rest of the day making some cleaning, preparing some food and fruits just in case, and when I finished I sat cross legged on the carpet by the fire.
It was cold, the night of the 24th December, probably 1996.
Night came and the stars, but nobody approached the house, in the darkness not even myself could recognize the narrow and difficult path to the next village, it was impossible for anybody else to get to my place at night without knowing the path.It was cold, the night of the 24th December, probably 1996.
Still cross legged on the floor I was bitterly considering that the inner injunction had not been a real thing, for a while I recriminated myself for easily giving ear to it and losing the opportunity to spend Christmas Eve with a couple of new friends, now I was there all alone and surely I would remain all alone the following days.
Next time -I sentenced to myself- I could not just trust any such "voice" prompting me to do something.
I was about to stand up and go to bed when... something happened...
Next time -I sentenced to myself- I could not just trust any such "voice" prompting me to do something.
I was about to stand up and go to bed when... something happened...

Someone was at the door. And that "someone" entered the house but I could not -see- him, I was positively perceiving a mighty, invisible presence, it had such an impressive power that for a moment I feared it would blow up the whole house.
I was... petrified!... All my hair stood up on edge while the presence approached me and now...oh my god! It.. was clearly standing in front of me!
I closed my eyes and whispered a prayer to the Divine Mother hoping for a miracle, but nothing happened: when I opened my eyes again the "presence" was still there, unmoving!..
Then, it touched me...
The mighty "presence" touched my subtle body at the lowest point of the sacral area and suddenly a powerful red-orange stream of fire appeared at the base of the spine: it thinned into a single stream of white light while climbing up my lowest vertebrae, still in the lumbar region the white beam split into two main beams of different polarity and soon they farther split into subsidiary beams alternately charged. They orderly advanced along mi limbs and trunk while progressively surrounding the whole body with a net of white light; several spots along the beams started gleaming faintly.
The head was last to be reached by the thin beams of light and their subsidiaries: climbing neck throat and face they all ended up at the same time side by side circling my head, surrounding it with a magnetic force-field which radiated circular waves through the air.
Unquestioning, motionless, cross legged on the floor, I stood there simply observing and perceiving that peculiar condition of being.
I felt as within a deep, almost solid condition of peace summoned to a physical well being as never before: joining my hands I gave thanks to the invisible presence pleading forgiveness for my previous, frightful welcome.
Still no words from the Presence, I understood must have been a Mahatma, a Guru able to transmit by touch a complex spiritual experience, able to be there at wish ignoring the limitation of space and time, able to send me a message in the morning so I could meet Him.
Suddenly I was curious to know more about that Presence, a name, identifying himself.
It seemed a signal, at once I felt the Presence was about leaving and I rushed a few questions with the hope of retaining him:
-Who are you-?..
-Shall I meet you again-?..
But there were no answer to my questions, only, just before disappearing, a single thought reached again my mind, this time clearly coming from the departing Presence:
-It is a bliss for the work you have to do.
-...Work?...Which work?..... I questioned curious. But the Presence wasn't there anymore to answer my question...-Who are you-?..
-Shall I meet you again-?..
But there were no answer to my questions, only, just before disappearing, a single thought reached again my mind, this time clearly coming from the departing Presence:
-It is a bliss for the work you have to do.
(A few months later I will learn the "Presence" was Sri Aurobindo).
With little differences acupuncture charts have similarities with the experience of seeing the beams of light circling around my body. In acupuncture chart there is no mention of the fire appearing at the base of the spine, though they depict quite well how the main beam split into two and those into subsidiary beams; the charts moreover do not mention the magnetic aura circling the head and emitting waves. The acupuncture charts depict a system closed on itself, but the experience shows that there is a constant inflow of energy which feeds the system, all along the experience the red-orange fire never ceased to flow from the base of the spine, climb and transform itself into thin beams of white light.
The whole thing looked quite alike meridians of light and their blinking associated points of acupressure.
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