Friday, January 17, 2014


Integral yoga cannot be a mere mental operation, nor any other yoga can.
You need a passion for life.
If you don´t have such passion for life, you should rather close your books and try to heal yourself, because there is some blockage somewhere that impeach you to feel and live such passion for life.

You can´t create such passion for life by a mental operation, you are entering a world of deep sincerity with yourself, which is the only base on which you can build a real and everlasting transformation, without sincerity you can´t build anything at all.

People seem to forget, or have not perception at all, that a poet -as Sri Aurobindo was-
is a person with a deep passion for life, a deep concern for life, and ultimately, a deep love for the Creator that give us a chance to participate in such a wonderful experience as to transform ourselves in integrators of His Will.

It is this deep love and concern for life which is the engine of any true transformation, whatever else is a lie and a postponement of your transformative work.


  1. You're certainly right about healing yourself, but I wonder how widely you'd be able to see that -- if any of us, for that matter, are as wide as the soul heals (widening might be a large part of the process). I'm sending the newsletter (minus the images) to our press which shows some fruits of such an integral healing process, and if you'd have an email contact, I would've sent it there and not as a comment.
    Hi our biscuits are bigger I’m seein’. (vision accompanying the line of looking out my bedroom window at the mango tree next door and little mangoes had suddenly grown in the night, already turning orange)
    Life put me here.
    It’s on a mountain.
    Can you say gold?
    You can check.
    Come Lucy come!
    I love you as a friend.
    God dog,
    I’m right on His tail.
    Well anyway,
    I laugh a related laugh like you.
    I’m within your group,
    But the whole body I put,
    I mean put good.

    We’ve put together a new issue of The Chipmunk Press.

    What’s featured:

    How not to let chronic physical pain take over the vital, and dreams can show how;

    What is meant by ‘bringing down music’;

    The difference between the New Age and mature spirituality in the intermediate zone, shown in a short story set in the notorious New Age capital of Cuzco, Peru;

    The hidden psychology behind the phenomenon of mass shootings in America as related in a short story set in Houston, Texas.
    Inline image 2
    A Nazi War Criminal on why he did what he did, in his own words, a short story

    Constructive comments would be most welcomed.

    The Chipmunk Press Staff

  2. yes I agree, and said it somewhere else in this blog, that a true, definitive healing is fusion with, and expression of ,the soul.This is not theoretical, I only describe my own experiences. What is important is to be authentical, and checking your blog I´m convinced there is authenticity, welcome, I´ll keep in touch
