Saturday, October 30, 2021


It was a beautiful early-Spring sunny-morning in Naples.
 It was Spring ´75,  I went for a walk, my skin was gladly warmed by the early sun-rays and the eyes glad to enjoy the brightness of everything under the sunshine.

 A black spot born in the bowels of time lurked behind the corner of the road: my wife  came to tell me the Carabinieri were searching for me, I quickly took in consideration  all the possibilities, even to run away, but somehow the sunny side of life made me confiant if not in everything else, yes in myself: I decided to face the events and went just to their encounter.
I was in my twenties, was married, two kids, and a dog, I was a rebel, some kind of rare anarchist-spiritualist-revolutionary psychedelic-painter & poet searcher after the Truth.
 I´d read pages of the poem Savitri by Sri Aurobindo and Yogananda's autobiography, weaves of renovation swept the world and that morning I was walking about with my peace pipe and my last poem in my pockets.

The two Carabinieri  stop a passing  car and intimated the driver to take us to the next police station.  I was among them in the rear seat.
Holding me as a criminal they took me inside the police station close to my house, the same police station which saw me every sunday morning in the garden in front of it with my wife, two babies and Luigi, our dog. (If the dog belonged to us or we belonged to him is a theme to develop separately).

They put on me some old fashioned handcuffs with screws and chains around  my wrists and ask me why I refused to serve the Army.

I said I had two childs and no spare time for the Army, and anyway as a pacifist I did not agree with their opinion on several matters.
 (As a matter of fact Luigi has never loved a uniform either and whenever he saw one by the stroller while with the kids he would eloquently growl as against a potential enemy).
We take you to jail because since two years now you never presented yourself to serve in the Army.
Actually I had already thrown twice the military postcard in the toilet and pulled the chain, I couldn't believe it would get so serious.
I had a very large smile in my face, I was in a kind of ecstatic trance for the sudden realization that they could imprison my body but not my spirit,   and one of them said:- You smile, this is a serious matter, nothing to laugh about!
When I answered that they could chain my body but not my ideals, that in my mind  I was forever free they look at me as to an alien and closed the door of the jail.
A few hours later I was escorted to a military prison in an official car.
The formal interrogation started asking me if I was a Jehovah's Witness or a draft dodger.
-I´m sorry but I am neither, I represent myself.
- Nay, nay, you -must- be one of those two, please choose: are you a J.´s W. or a draft dodger?
-Sir again, I do not belong to any of those groups, I just represent myself.
The policemen look at me with impatience eager to validate with a cross one of the two choices, there was not an entrance as "representing himself". 
- Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
- No I'm not.
-Then you are a draft dodger said the official glad to find a solution.
-Why didn't you show up at the Army? We´ve been searching for you two years now.
I was tempted to answer that I was not interested at all in the Army and had better things to do, but I attempted an explication so I said: You see sir, borders between nations are an artificial thing to me, in my vision of things there are no borders and no difference between humans, we all belong to the human species. If you want to serve in the Army you can do it, but as for myself I decline the requirement.
The official had an upset look at me, the interrogatory exceeded his understanding and was interrupted having me back to jail.
Two days later a literate and cult colonel was sent from the Capitol just for me in order to understand who the hell I was and what I was saying.
I answered to the same question with a larger explication seeing that my listener was able to understand my point of view when I talked about the absence of borders.
-Yes, he answered, but what would you do if the enemy would suddenly put at risk your existence and that of your family?
- There would be no enemy if there were no borders to defend. 
The colonel was a bit disappointed by my answer, evidently he had never taken in consideration the absence of borders equal to absence of enemies, he was educated firmly  believing in a motherland, in borders to defend and enemies to defeat, and now he had someone in front of him that questioned his very belief.
He seemed to get interested in my frame of mind and ask for my vision of thing, I answered I was a peaceful person interested in yoga and a spiritual transformation, moreover right in that moment my place was with my family and kids, not in the Army neither in a prison.
There was no space in the interrogation for my kind of answers, it was the first time that  someone questioned their very belief rather than defending a cult or being a fugitive.
A date for the trial was assigned and a duty solicitor came to see me.
He was an aged man, father of family, and as a father he ask me if I wanted to remain in jail till my 47th because that was  the military law in my case. I thought of my wife and childrens, I did not consider that awful perspective. He suggested me to claim my absence due to a very serious illness, in that case they had to send me back to Naples at  the military hospital  for tests, meanwhile I could reunite with my family. 
So I did and the next day I was at the hospital claiming a terrible stomach ache every time they touch my belly. They prognosticate gastritis or ulcer and send me at home for three months to see any betterment.
Next visit I played a superlative role of a person affected by a persistent stomach ache that could hardly stand on his legs and I bent in two for the pain right there and then.
They gave me three more months to enjoy with my family in an enviable health.
Back again three months later the surprised colonel at the hospital in seeing me still around  said: What the fuck, are you still here?
-Mister colonel I'm very sick, I can't eat without throwing up most of the times (that was a last-minute addition to my list of sufferings).
-Now, you get out of my sight he said, right? I don't want to see you here anymore, he stamped his signature on a piece of paper which said I was permanently unable to serve in the Army.
 My health seemed suddenly to improve while taking firmly hold of the sheet of paper and tried not to run out of sight with my health completely restored.  
So I got rid of the Army and when back home we made a small family party celebrating the issue with Luigi happily barking around all of us.


Saturday, October 23, 2021



When we look at the traditional painting of the catholic imagery portraying Bernard de Clairvaux  while breastfed by Mother Mary we may think of it as a legend rather then a real miracle, certainly Bernard was a great devotee of the divine Mother, but the painting has rather an occult meaning: at the fashion of the time and in the veiled language of the Alchemist and the occultist it depicts the Adept.

The painter knew the occultist language and represented there the Adept while is fed by the Lac Virginis of the universal Mother, the Mother of Wisdom dear to the Alchemist and to the occult philosopher. More than a saint to the devotee, Bernard was considered a real Adept by the Alchemist.

In fact the existence of a branch of esoteric Christianism and the Holy Inquisition made it necessary a veiled message for this otherwise universal figure of a real adept of the Universal Mother as he was esteemed at his time.

Bernard had a strong urge for a monastic life at his early twenties, but he was not alone at the door of the Monastery of Citeaux, his religious drive was so strong that his brothers and several knights followed him when he went to take leave of them.

 The aged monk at the door could not believe at his eyes in seeing  that powerful group of knights and a lad on their horses pleading to be admitted to the Order. He runned as fast as he could on uncertain steps to inform the Abbot.

The venerand Stephen Harding, the Abbot of Citeaux had been seeing his aged monks dye one by one; of late,  but a handful of old monks and he himself were surviving between the silent walls.

 Stephen Harding, a great devotee of the divine Mother had been asking her a new lymph to vivify its monastery and his vision of a great spiritual regeneration of Europe, he could not understand why the Holy Mother gave him that vision without the means to realize it, and when the doorkeeper rushed into his room, Stephen knew that his prayers had been fulfilled.

In a few decades hundreds of Cistercian monasteries appeared all over Europe and thousands of monks embraced the austerity of the most rigorous branch of the Benedictine Order, at the same time, the ambitious plan to create an esoteric Order, the Templars, which would help to unify Europe under the rule of the Church, or rather of the Divinity were materialized by Stephen through his most outstanding disciple: Bernard de Clairvaux. 

Both Stephen and Bernard had celtic blood in their veins and had been fed in the belief of a prodigal universal Mother which ruled the creation, something in opposition with the judaic belief common at that time of a vengeance full male God frightening his devotees.

Both Master and disciple were successful in infusing the Catolicism with the celtic cult to a Mother in love with Her creation rather than at war with it, but their was more than a simple belief, they both were Adepts at the feet of the universal Mother and their was not a pretentious plan but followed Her own design for Europe and the world at large.

Physically Bernard was not as the painters drew him, he had a very pale skin, pale blue eyes and pale blond large hairs, a very thin figure made even more so for the rigorous austerities, with a powerful gaze that could frighten his observer. The paintings representing him have nothing in common with his real, emaciated figure, he had not the ecclesiastic tonsure and his hair long to the neck.

In earlier years Stephen had to run away from England, he was brotherly received in a french monastery when  hostility grew among monks with a relaxed way of living, Stephen and a small group where rather prone to reestablish the ancien austerity of the monastic life, but they met with a fierce resistance.

When Sri Aurobindo  slightly mentioned a previous life in which he was warmly received in France, some was led to believe in Leonardo da Vinci, but the words he used were those one would choose talking of simple, religious people rather describing the pump of a french monarchy as would be the case.

  I was unable in meeting with the original sentences to report here, but researches could be made that corroborate my conviction that Stephen Harding has been a previous incarnation (a Vibhuti) of Sri Aurobindo, and the work Stephen did, the spreading of the cult to the Mother and a Citadel of God which was supposed to become Europe are clear signs of the far viewing sight of a great spirit and the action of an Adept.

 In comparison, the brilliant mind and skill of Leonardo would not stand the humble but powerful action of spiritual regeneration which was set in motion in Europe by the austere Abbot, yet an almost unknown figure to his contemporaries and to the following generations.

Sometimes the work of an Adept of the divine Mother has not need to be known and recognised by the society, he works for the Mother and She only knows that he is fulfilling Her very purpose, a few may know, but, as in the paintings of the Adept fed by the Lac Virginis, the message goes in silent and cryptic symbols only accessible to the holder of the key.

Stephen could well be a powerful Vibhuti of the late Sri Aurobindo, and as the Master said, a Vibhuti do not has any need to know itself as a Vibhuti in order to accomplish his work, or it may come to know about it in later years when most of his work is accomplished.

The whole yoga of Sri Aurobindo is centered on the Mother doing her work within the disciple, both the humble Stephen and Sri Aurobindo infused the devotee and the spiritual researcher with  the necessity to reconnect with the original Mother, their action has deeply influenced both West and East, and surpassing the purpose of Stephen and Aravinda we may read a great divine purpose preparing the Age of the Mother.

As a matter of fact, to vivify the cult to Herself in the heart of the devotee, under Her form of Mother Mary, the universal Mother appeared several times in Europe noticeably to young people as in the case at Fatima and Lourdes, but these were not the only one and even recently in places around the world there have been apparition of Mother Mary.

One outstanding and revealing apparition happened in Africa to a poor she devotee. The divine Mother appeared into the hut of the devotee in an almost desertic environment.

Pleading the devotee to worship Her for the following days the Mother assured her that a spring of water would appear soon in her very humble hut as  it later happened, that a temple had to be erected there to shelter the spring, and this connection of the healing water with the divine Mother is revealing in such, that some  places of cult are and will be healing temples in the Age of the Mother, in the future of a regenerated and spiritualized human species.   

This connection of the healing water with the universal Mother is an outstanding fact, in many cultures water appears to have healing and sanctifying power, the aspersion with holy water and the baptism in the west or the ritual ablution into the water before worshipping and the offering of water to the divinity in the east both reveal the conviction of a healing power related with the water. 

Water is considered to have "memory" and the characteristic to get impregnated by the aura of the mystics becoming the vehicle of a healing process, possibly the human species needs to recuperate a genuine approach to the water, with the need to protect its effluents and recuperate its use as a healing vehicle rather than persisting with an utilitaristic use of it.

The very survival of the species is founded over the access to pure clean water to billions of individuals, and this fact has to be taken in consideration by the yoga practitioner, every effort and action should be made to promote it as a priority on scientific or political agendas.

A worldwide movement for the protection of water would agglutinate around it any kind of people independently of his culture, religion, political party, age or social status, it could become a very powerful instrument of pressure on the policies of governing powers. Artists and intellectuals should be summoned to convey the message into society. 

The protection of the water makes people communed with a different attitude not only with water but with its surroundings too and lately with everything that exists.

 The connection of the human being with the Holy Mother through the healing water is the mark of Her purpose for the Age of the Mother, when a wide spread attitude of respect will generate the affluence of people to the Temples of Healing Water for healing, worshipping and connection with the Mother.

The cult to the one original Mother is expected to substitute any other form of cult on the planet, human beings will be communed into a general worship and recognition of Her purpose both with the individuals and the planet they dwell. 

This will be a great epoch for humanity impulsed by a common spiritual rush and urge, the time of the plenitude of the Era of the Mother, when Initiates will dwell among people, yoga and spiritual disciplines will be common in large sectors of society, and the appearance of Savitri on earth, the first human being integrally divine from birth will take place to show the next tread to immortality for the humanity as a whole.

Sri Aurobindo promised to come back on earth in a body fully overmentalized, immune to death and expressing the full power of his divine condition.

 The conquest of death by humanity as a whole represents the divine plan for this planet, once that achieved, will not be the end but the beginning of associated planetary consciousness, the beginning of a new unthinkable adventure into higher levels of awareness and connection with other galactic human beings and forces which operates at higher levels of existence.  


Sunday, July 4, 2021


 I had and still have the privilege of meeting Sri Satya Sai Baba, often during sleep. The story I'm about to tell happened several years ago, when my wife was 2000 km far away from our house.

At that time I was receiving frequent visit of Sai Baba during sleep, at morning I would excitedly comment it to my wife, but she, as an anarchist that she was, would skeptically reply:"Oh well, but it must have been just a dream, wasn't it"?

But I would answer: " Oh no, it was a -real- meeting, because He spoke to me about some personal issue".

This kind of conversation happened several times and any time I saw the beloved Master, till she went to Barcelona on visiting her parents.

Meanwhile I had read a book where the writer described one of Sai Baba disciple asking the Master to give him the darshan as Narasimha, the Avatar with lion head, and Sai Baba satisfying the wish of the disciple there and then, gave him the darshan as Narasimha leaving the disciple petrified on the spot  the whole day standing as he was.

Then, in a childish manner me too expressed the wish to see Sai Baba under the terrible shape of the Lion Avatar.

One night while I was sleeping I see Sai Baba comfortably sitting on the sofa in my sitting room. I was so glad to meet again my beloved Master as God himself under a human shape.

Then He says " I have come to spend the night with you", meaning my wife and myself, I look over surprised towards the bedroom to see my wife too but she is not there, as I perfectly knew she was with her parents. When I turn again my eyes towards the divine Master  is not Baba head that I see but that of a huge panther opening its terrible jaws just in front of me! I was so impressed that even in my vision I had my hair standing on end and trembling like a leaf!

Suddenly Baba recovered His human shape looking at me kindly with a smile on his lips, and suddenly my wife too was there. Baba had a conversation with both of us, then he took my wife to another room and spoke to her privately, then I had the sensation that my wife was not there anymore, in fact, Baba sits again on the sofa and have a conversation with me alone.

Next morning I was so excited that I went again and again on the whole vision several times, my heart was jumping with joy in my breast: Baba had answered my unspoken wish to see Him as Narasimha, even if it was a panther that I had seen and not a lion! When I recalled that terrible jaws I would still trembling like a leaf, all my hair standing on end! 

Then I made up my mind that Baba said He had came to spend the night with "both of us", so surely my wife too must had seen Him though she was 2000 km far away, so I resolved to call her by phone straight away.

When she answered the phone was so excited that she didn't even answered to my hallo instead she straight away said to me: "Oh, I´m so excited -and she really was- you can't imagine -who- I´ve seen last night"! 

"Well - I replied- as a matter of fact I perfectly know -who- you have seen"! ( I actually was not less surprised than she was).

"What? - She replied on her turn even more excited: How do -you- know who I´ve seen?! And so tell me: Who I´ve seen?

-You´ve seen Sai Baba don´t you?

She could hardly stand in her skin and over excited answered me:- But... but... how can -you- know I´ve seen Sai Baba?!

-Well, I replied, because last night me too have seen Him and He told me that He had come to spend the night "with us"! So I imagined that you too must have seen Him! That's why I called you, to find out whether you had actually seen Him!

She could not find words and only repeated: "Oh my God... oh my God"! 

- Well, calm down and please tell me all of it! 

She said: While I was sleeping I suddenly found myself among a large number of Sai Baba devotees, it was -so real-! Baba was  slowly walking among us... at a certain moment Baba stop in front of me while looking steadily into my eyes without a single word! Oh, His eyes seemed to pierce my whole being! I couldn't take my eyes from his! Then after a while He left me continuing his slow walk among the devotees....

I myself was surprised because I was expecting my wife to meet Baba in our own house and yet it was not what I previously imagined.

-Now please, said her, what did -you- see last night?

I made her know in full details  the visit I received, including the terrible jaws and my hair standing on end, explaining her that I had formulated the wish to see the divine Master under the form of Narasimha, and He had kindly -and terribly- satisfied my wish. 

We had no words and for a while there was silence among us.

I felt she had calmed down and peace had showered down on her.

-Well, I continued breaking the silence, I guess from now on you will not answer me that when I see Baba during my sleep it is "just a dream"!

She didn't answer me, but I guessed she wouldn´t anymore... she at that moment must have been taken into some kind of deep devotion or an extasis from which could not recover. I repeatedly call her name but she just could not talk anymore, so I lowered down the phone and went my way still with my mind and my heart deeply concentrated on the beloved Master. I could just not make up my mind how Baba so far away in India had listened my silent wish to see Him under the terrible shape of Narasimha and the whole story, including the previous skeptical mood of my wife now changed into a deep surprise...

Time later our daughter came visiting me from Barcelona, she told me that my wife was regularly visiting a Sai Baba centre in that city and she had became a passionate devotee of the divine Master! 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Pearls of a synthetic truth/Perlas de una verdad sintética


Followers of one or another Guru very often proof their inability for a synthetic Truth, to them, only their own Guru may talk about the “real” Truth while all the other Gurus lie and if they don´t lie anyway their teaching fall short when compared with that of their own Guru. We see this behaviour in religions too where "my God" is the real God and all the other God are a fake God.

Here I wish to propose some relevant  and incontestable facts, really happened, which demonstrates that among real Gurus there is not such a contradiction and that such things only belongs to the surface mind, and actually a mind unable to assimilate the Synthetic Truth.

While in America and some time before Paramahansa Yogananda left his physical body an American disciple told Him: Master, we all know that you will soon leave your body, pray take me with you, you are my God!

“Nonsense –Replied Yogananda- God is God, I´m just your Guru.  

“But Master! If you don't take me with you I will kill myself! She insisted.

“Oh, please stop with all this nonsense! God Himself is now incarnated in a human body in the South of India, his name is Sai Baba. After my departure you will go and stay with Him.

These prophecy proved to be correct because time later the woman went to live in Sai Baba ashram and never left till her death.

Swami Yogananda, which wisdom we can't doubt, spoke exactly in these terms referring to Sri Satya Sai Baba.

It so happens that Sai Baba (God Himself in Yogananda words) was born the 23rd of November 1926 and the next day (24rd November) Sri Aurobindo informed his disciples that Sri Krishna had come down into the material (plane).

In a conversation held the 25th August 1935 a Sri Aurobindo´ disciple asks the Master about the meaning of the 24th November with the following words: “Which is the meaning of the 24th November? There is disparity of opinions among your disciples. Some people say that the Avatar of the Supermind descended in you that day.

“Rubbish. Whose imagination is that?

“Well, I myself understood you achieved the Supermind that day.

“What was said was that the Divine, Krishna, had came down into the material (plane), it was proclaimed too that I would retire to work things out, if I had already achieved the Supermind that day why the hell I needed to retire? Sri Krishna had descended into my matter with an inevitable descent into connected general Matter, what is there of unclear about that?

With the affirmation from Yogananda that God Himself was incarnated and that His name was Sai Baba (born the 23rd November) and Sri Aurobindo affirmation about the Krishna descent on the 24th  November, we just have to assume they both were talking about one same Krishna, because we can hardly imagine some other Krishna descending into Sri Aurobindo´s and the general Matter.

Even so, disciples, students and Sri Aurobindo´s devotees pretend to ignore this True, while pretending to ignore that God Himself or Krishna had descended into a human form that very day, pretending that Krishna descent was something only concerned with Sri Aurobindo, losing in this way their opportunity to understand a Synthetic Truth affirmed by Yogananda, Sri Aurobindo, and Sai Baba´s existence itself at that moment.

This kind of attitude is not to underestimate insofar as it shows an inability to recognize the truth when we have it in front of our eyes or when we are informed of it through the Guru. It clearly indicates a mediocre level of understanding of the mind and this kind of fundamentalist game whereby only what our guru says is correct, or better yet, only what we think we have understood.

It goes without saying that this attitude is a serious hindrance to yoga in general and to integral yoga in particular, when we are supposed to move towards an integral truth and a synthetic true.


Los devotos de uno u otro Guru a menudo demuestran su incapacidad de una visión sintética de la Verdad, para ellos, solo su Guru ha dicho la verdad y los otros mienten, y si no mienten, en todo caso los otros Gurus no están a la altura de "mi" Guru. Podemos ver esta actitud también en las religiones, en donde "mi Dios" es el Dios auténtico y todos los demás Dio son falsos. 

Aquí propongo unos hechos incontestables, realmente acontecidos, que demuestran que entre los auténticos Gurus no existe contradicción, y que tales cosas solo pertenecen a la mente humana de superficie, y por cierto, una mente incapaz de asimilar la Verdad sintética.

Poco tiempo antes que Yogananda Paramahansa dejara su cuerpo se le acercó una discípula americana diciéndole: “Maestro, nosotros sabemos que te preparas para abandonar tu cuerpo físico, por favor llevame contigo, tu eres mi Dios!

“Tonterías – contestó Yogananda- Dios es Dios, yo soy tu Guru.

“Pero Maestro! Si no me llevas contigo cometeré suicidio!

“Está bien de tantas tonterías, el mismo Dios es ahora encarnado en el Sur de la India. Su nombre es Sai Baba. Cuando yo me vaya irás a vivir con Él.

Su profecía probó ser correcta en cuanto, tiempo después de la partida de Yogananda la discípula se fue a vivir al ashram de Sai Baba por el resto de su vida.

Este reputado Guru, habló exactamente con estas palabras con respecto a Sri Satya Sai Baba, y aquí no caben dudas o tergiversaciones ni nada de nada.

Se da la circunstancia que Sai Baba naciera el 23 de Noviembre 1926, y al día siguiente (24 Noviembre)  Sri Aurobindo informó a sus discípulos que Krishna había bajado a la Tierra.

En una conversación del 25 de Agosto 1935 un discípulo de Sri Aurobindo le pregunta sobre el significado del 24 de Noviembre con estas palabras: ¿”Cuál es exactamente el significado del 24 de Noviembre? Hay disparidad de opiniones entre tus discípulos, algunos dicen que el Avatar supermental descendió en ti.

“Tonterías – contestó Sri Aurobindo- ¿Quien dice esto?

“Bueno, yo mismo entendí que aquel día tú conseguiste la Supermente.

“Yo nunca he afirmado esto. Lo que dije fue que aquel día el Señor Krishna había bajado en el plano material. Y también dije que me retiraba a cumplir mi trabajo. Si el 24 de Noviembre hubiese alcanzado la Supermente ¿ por qué demonios habría tenido la necesidad de retirarme? Si Krishna, o la Supermente o su equivalente descendió en mi materia y en el plano material en general, ¿qué es tan poco claro con respecto a Su descenso en el plano material?

Con la afirmación de Yogananda que Dios se había encarnado en la tierra y que su nombre era Sai Baba (nacido el 23 de Noviembre), nos queda por concluir que el 24 de Noviembre el Krishna al que se refiere Sri Aurobindo es Sai Baba mismo y no otro Krishna que bajara –solo- en la materia de Sri Aurobindo.

Así y todo, los discípulos, estudiantes y devotos de Sri Aurobindo pretenden ignorar esta verdad, ignorando el descenso del mismo Dios (según afirmación de Yogananda), pretendiendo que el descenso de Krishna era algo  concerniente exclusivamente a Sri Aurobindo, y de esta manera pierden una visión sintética de la verdad y unos hechos históricos confirmados tanto por Yogananda como por Sri Aurobindo, como por Sai Baba mismo, protagonista de este hecho.

Esta clase de actitud, no es de infravalorar en cuanto demuestra una incapacidad real de absorber la verdad cuando se presenta delante de nuestros ojos, indica claramente un mediocre nivel de entendimiento de la mente y este juego fundamentalista por el cual –solo- la verdad expresada por el propio Guru tiene validez, al mismo tiempo que se demuestran incapaces de ir más allá de su misma comprensión de las palabras dichas por su Guru.

No hace falta decir que esta actitud es un serio obstáculo para el yoga en general y para el yoga integral en particular, cuando se supone que nos movemos hacia una Verdad Integral y una Verdad Sintética.   



Thursday, June 24, 2021

The purpose of Avatarhood

My heart feels an undivided reverence for all the Masters of all times and whether feminine or masculine in their physical appearance, whom I had the privilege of knowing or reading  their teaching. 
All of them have a place in my heart, and I treasure the pearls of wisdom of their teaching as coming from God Itself.
This undivided reverence, which is spontaneous, builts a synthetic approach to the universal Teaching.
Of none of them I could say "I'm his disciple", and yet my heart is filled with reverence  for each of them as they each were my Masters.
My mind, my soul and the whole of my being refuse to say that "this Master is greater than the other", my personal appreciation is out of place here, they each are a perfil of the One Divine in a human shape and came to realize their part each adding of their own to the immortal Teaching.
 They together bring and present the manyfold teaching appeared in the epochs, each at his moment is the right Master,  even the beggar, the unholy or a shining star. 
They all create a synthetic Truth which is the synthetic Truth of the Kalki Avatar, the Avatar of Synthesis.
 A message of synthesis needs to be exactly that, a unifying principle where nothing and no one is excluded.  
The last and greatest teaching of the Kalki Avatar after reuniting all the different paths, would not only be that of the confirmed doctrines, religions and yogas but the path of the carpenter or the shoemaker or the housewife as all paths conducting to the only God, because nothing else than this  movement can be possible and is realized- either knowingly or unknowingly- as each soul is called to fulfil the purpose of its existence of knowing the God who created it and  knowing the very purpose of the existence of the human being on earth that every life is but a step in that direction, making the approach ever greater and wider, all-embracing and all inclusive. 
That would be the proclamation of the Avatar within everybody.

The ultimate creation of the Kalki Avatar would be the proclamation of the Avatar in every individual and each individual a path and an ascent towards the Divine. 
It is not only the synthesis of the religions or the yogas and all the spiritual paths, but the realization that even ordinary life and mundane occupations are the path the Avatar chose to create a greater and all-embracing synthesis, leading the march that the humanity has to follow to become each individual the Avatar. 
The everlasting promise of the Avatar is not just liberation, but the inner realization that only being an Avatar the humanity as a whole will be an immortal race fulfilling the very purpose of our existence here and the reason why this planet and this life was created. 
In writings and conversations Sri Aurobindo has convincingly affirmed that an avatar would be of no use as an example for the human march if it were since the beginning conscious of his own power.
In fact -he continues-  an avatar conscious of his divine purpose would undergo the hard human trail with a considerable advantage on his human fellows, an avatar has to toil, suffer and hope like a human being.

Sri Aurobindo in answering disciples´s questions about Avatarhood:

 My own idea of the matter is that the Avatar's life and actions are not miracles, and if they were, his existence would be perfectly useless, a mere superfluous freak of Nature. He accepts the terrestrial conditions, he uses means, he shows the way to humanity as well as helps it. Otherwise what is the use of him and why is he here?

 There are two sides of the phenomenon of Avatarhood, the Divine Consciousness behind and the instrumental personality. The Divine Consciousness is omnipotent but it has put forward the instrumental personality in Nature, under the conditions of Nature, and it uses it according to the rules of the game – though also sometimes to change the rules of the game. If Avatarhood is only a flashing miracle, then I have no use for it. If it is a coherent part of the arrangement of the omnipresent3 Divine in Nature, then I can understand and accept it.

I have said that the Avatar is one who comes to open the Way for humanity to a higher consciousness – if nobody can follow the Way, then either our conception of the thing, which is also that of Christ and Krishna and Buddha also, is all wrong or the whole life and action of the Avatar is quite futile. X seems to say that there is no way and no possibility of following, that the struggles and sufferings of the Avatar are unreal and all humbug, – there is no possibility of struggle for one who represents the Divine. Such a conception makes nonsense of the whole idea of Avatarhood; there is then no reason in it, no necessity in it, no meaning in it. The Divine being all-powerful can lift people up without bothering to come down on earth. It is only if it is a part of the world-arrangement that he should take upon himself the burden of humanity and open the Way that Avatarhood has any meaning.

The Avatar is not supposed to act in a non-human way – he takes up human action and uses human methods with the human consciousness in front and the Divine behind. If he did not his taking a human body would have no meaning and would be of no use to anybody. He could just as well have stayed above and done things from there.

 An Avatar even does not manifest all the Divine omniscience and omnipotence; he has not come for any such unnecessary display; all that is behind him but not in the front of his consciousness.
 As for the Vibhuti, the Vibhuti need not even know that he is a power of the Divine.

 When they think of a manifestation of Divinity, they think it must be an extraordinary perfection in doing ordinary human things – an extraordinary business faculty, political, poetic or artistic faculty, an accurate memory, not making mistakes, not undergoing any defeat or failure. Or else they think of things which they call superhuman like not eating food or telling cotton-futures or sleeping on nails or eating them. All that has nothing to do with manifesting the Divine... These human ideas are false.The Divinity acts according to another consciousness, the consciousness of the Truth above and the Lila below and It acts according to the need of the Lila, not according to man's ideas of what It should or should not do. This is the first thing one must grasp, otherwise one can understand nothing about the manifestation of the Divine.

The Divine does not need to suffer or struggle for himself; if he takes on these things it is in order to bear the world-burden and help the world and men; and if the sufferings and struggles are to be of any help, they must be real. A sham or falsehood cannot help. They must be as real as the struggles and sufferings of men themselves – the Divine bears them and at the same time shows the way out of them. Otherwise his assumption of human nature has no meaning and no utility and no value. It is strange that you cannot understand or refuse to admit so simple and crucial a point. What is the use of admitting Avatarhood if you take all the meaning out of it?

 The Divine when he takes on the burden of terrestrial nature, takes it fully, sincerely and without any conjuring tricks or pretence.

The Avatar is not bound to do extraordinary actions, but he is bound to give his acts or his work or what he is – any of these or all – a significance and an effective power that are part of something essential to be done in the history of the earth and its races.

An Avatar is not at all bound to be a spiritual prophet – he is never in fact merely a prophet, he is a realiser, an establisher – not of outward things only, though he does realise something in the outward also, but, as I have said, of something essential and radical needed for the terrestrial evolution which is the evolution of the embodied spirit through successive stages towards the Divine.

 Ramakrishna's earlier period was that of one seeking God, not aware from the first of his identity.

Why should the Avatar proclaim himself except on rare occasions to an Arjuna or to a few bhaktas or disciples? It is for others to find out what he is; though he does not deny when others speak of him as That, he is not always saying and perhaps never may say or only in moments like that of the Gita, “I am He”.

Monday, May 31, 2021


During my experiment I was able to remain conscious in "conscious sleep" and as a result of it I was conscious too about my consciousness being an independent and autonomous center of perception that I called at that moment a "mental body", in other words, I made contact with the subtle physical, and as for my own experience at least, that mental body was at the same time or could wear a subtler body when in need of it.
It was in this subtler body that I often met Sri Aurobindo, but I'm convinced that the Master did a lot to help me, and after all "He came to me" unexpectedly, I was not thoroughly able to control my subtler experiences, it was a new set of experiences and I had not even idea that I could or would meet Sri Aurobindo.
In the course of my experiment I realized that sometimes there would be some kind of superimposed perception of the subtler body during the wake condition, it was not necessary anymore to have the physical body sleeping in order to feel the subtle body, but subtler perceptions would happen rather suddenly and unexpected with a previous quite condition of mind, a meditative attitude.
In the course of time this subtler perception grew steadily, it was possible living in the material realm having a subtler perception of it. I used to think of Sri Aurobindo as an "anchorage", whenever I focused my consciousness on the Master I was able to enter into a subtler perception of reality. I often used this means to understand the how and why my personal relation with the Master, and this subtler perception led me to remember how and when I met and served as a disciple at His feet.
In "Atem´s Notebooks" I present several akashic registers, in Number 2 and 3 I describe a Pharaoh. That Pharaoh was Sri Aurobindo in a previous life, and you may notice how concerned He was in trying to awake the real cult into the common people. My subtler perception explained me that I was (the soul in me was) the therapist which shows in both akashic registers: at that time a fervent disciple of the great Pharaoh.
While recalling to my memory my previous lives at His service, I realized I was again one of his disciples during Middle Age in Europe.
At that moment the Master was known as Stephen Harding, a saint hermit which is considered the founder of the Cisterciensis Order. But his greater work remains unknown and undervalued.
The facts are worth a closer look.
Stephan was a celtic soul, much like Bernard de Clairvaux, one of his disciple. Though Stephan was a monk of the official christian church, as a Celt he was grown up with the idea of a merciful Mother of the Universe, generous and caring with Her creatures. This belief was deeply rooted in Stephan´s soul, and was antithetical to a God depicted by the church at that time as a vengeful and angry masculine god. A divinity which everybody had to fear rather than love. 
Through Bernard de Clairvaux (his main disciple) Stephen was able to insert the cult to the Merciful Mother into Christianity contra posed to the cult to the vengeful god. 
Suddenly the cult to the Merciful Mother spread all over Europe, but the person at the root of this cult was the humble saint Stephen Harding.
When the Pharaoh asked what to do in order to awaken the real cult into the plain mind of his people, his next purpose as Stephen Harding was to awaken the real cult (the cult to the Supreme Mother) in Occident.
 He was back in Orient, and as Sri Aurobindo he awakened there the real cult to the Mother, so that both Occident and Orient received the message to awaken to the reality of the universal  Mother. In fact, the whole of Sri Aurobindo teaching is centered on the existence of a divine universal Mother, which is the Mother of Yoga.
The very center of Auroville is the Matrimandir, the Temple of the Mother. So is the divine Mother the center of Sri Aurobindo's teachings.
In this way, the ancient Pharaoh united both Occident and Orient under a same cult, it was the natural unfolding of the purpose of the Pharaoh wishing to establish the real cult on earth. And the real cult could only be one: the cult to the divine Mother.
The ancient therapist was born again as Bernard de Clairvaux, again at the service of his Master.
Bernard was not only a server of his Master, but a server of the divine Mother too.
He came back on earth at Her service in an indian body known as Ramakrishna, a very known disciple of the divine Mother. Ramakrishna´s work about the unification of religions is well known to get into it here.
The divine Mother said to Ramakrishna that he would reborn again in Europe towards the middle of the XX century. Ramakrishna himself revealed it to his closer disciples, and his words were registered.
But how strange! Could the divine Mother and Sri Ramakrishna be both wrong on that point?
Nobody has ever heard Ramakrishna be here again, in Europe, in the XX century.
If that happened, this time he probably came unnoticed, doing his work at Her service but completely unknown. At the same time he would hold memories of being one of the long term Sri Aurobindo´s disciples and surely get in touch again with his Master.
This same person will reborn in Italy again, and will erect the first Ziggurat of the Modern Era.
These are not mental speculations, are soul truths which I pass onto you. It is my work to lift a bit the veil, and it is my work because in several lives I've been working and dealing with the faculty of Vision, a Vision which is amplified by the contact with Sri Aurobindo´s Consciousness. It is this training which allowed me to receive, hold and transmit the Vision which is at the base of this blog. When you open your door to subtle perception there is not any need anymore to trust me, you will know it all by yourself. You may surely meet Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical, but to do that you need your own perception of your subtle body. Later on you will not need any longer to actually "see" Him, whenever you get in touch with "that consciousness" you will be with Him.


Thursday, May 27, 2021


 The reader of this blog should know that it was not by my own will but Sri Aurobindo wish that I share the information here contained. The skeptical attitude of mind is not a yogic attitude, in yoga there is not any need of a skeptical attitude because that belongs to the lower mind, the yogic attitude allow us to know by "identification", and that identification can be so deep that we can almost live the experience as it were our own, or at least to connect with the same level of consciousness. If you have read enough from Mother and Sri Aurobindo you know I'm not telling you nothing new because they often said exactly that.

 Basically, I was asked to share what the result of a prolonged contact with Sri Aurobindo consciousness, and that too was not by my own will or aspectative: it happened that I was the witness and the subject of a series of encounters with the Master, and during these I received information to share. The informations are of a different kind: some of them concerning historical akashic events of a very ancient time, in which we can appreciate how the human consciousness acted in several events, some of them bordering extinction of a whole human kind.

Other pages describe akashic registers of the future, I recollected them under the title "The Vision of Savitri". They are actual events to happen in a very next future or in a very far future, and that too related with the arboring of a new planetary consciousness which after a long period of planetary regeneration will give birth to the new, immortal kind of human being.

You should not consider that I was freely gifted by Sri Aurobindo of such plentiful series of visions to share with you: the necessary conditions required to witness and bear them had to be set with many efforts and during a considerable length of time.

Some pages describe exactly which kind of meditation allowed me to get into "conscious sleep" and finally into the perception of the subtle body,  that too was meant to be shared for your own interest and research. There are several pages concerning conscious sleep and subtle body, mental body or subtle physical. In all of them I describe my own experience of the subtle body, the only one I can describe in details. 

The reason for that is, that we need the perception of the subtle body to have the opportunity to meet Sri Aurobindo in the Earth´ subtle physical.

At this regard you should remember that before leaving his physical body in 1950 Sri Aurobindo said to Mother that He would not leave completely but remain accessible in the subtle physical. In 1969 Mother described how often She would meet Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical, and She assured us that Sri Aurobindo was very active there, in the subtle physical. You should not think that Sri Aurobindo is less active today then He was in 1969, and this blog demonstrates that Sri Aurobindo is still quite active, asking me to share the content of several visions.

 This planet and the humanity with it is to undergo a period of a great crisis, much heavier than today, the visions that I share with you are a warning: be careful because the planetary crisis you are experiencing today is only the beginning of a much deeper crisis which will lead to the final disappearance of the previous model of unsustainable planetary growth.

 A new consciousness need to be born in the humanity and for that to happen, humanity needs to be on the very verge of extinction before it realizes how dangerous it is to continue on the path of unsustainable living. We can only be grateful to Sri Aurobindo that his Presence is still here with us, unknowingly intervening in the manifestation of that new consciousness and avoiding the disaster to be of such magnitude to lead to effective planetary extinction. 

What I'm sharing with you is relevant information Sri Aurobindo wanted you to know, I don't claim to be the message, I'm only the messenger and if something you owe me is the guarantee that whatever I describe I did as faithfully as I saw or heard from the Master. 

For the italian reader but of general interest you should know that Sri Aurobindo has kind of special interest in that country.

In the next future in Naples it will be edified the very first Ziggurat of the modern era, it will be the first of his kind on the planet and this will be deeply connected with the subtle, unknown activity of the Master leading to a full manifestation of a divine Consciousness on Earth.

The concept of the whole building will be symbolized in its three pyramids superposed: the concept of an integral and harmonious healing and integration of Body, Mind and Spirit. This building will be edified at the very entrance of the old Naples, out of Portalba, it will occupy the space of the old hospital now functioning. The presence of the Ziggurat right in that place is also related to the esoteric activity it has traditionally taken place in that area, where famous or less known alchemists and Initiates had shelter and associated there, being the "Cappella di San Severo"  but an example of that activity or the house where Goethe was guest during his visit to Naples in 1787. At that time that whole area was an effervescence of new ideas or the sharing of esoteric truths among students and initiates.The city of Naples was a point of reference in Europe and a destination for esoteric studies, under the name of Partenope the city was since ancient times a crawl of knowledge and civilizations, together with their initiation rituals and sharing of esoteric knowledge. With the Ziggurat, Naples will regain that ancient protagonism it had during several thousand years, being again like a lighthouse on the european territory. Blessed will be that times for Naples, Italy and the whole Earth. 

The Ziggurat will mean a further manifestation of Sri Aurobindo´work at a more concrete, physical level and at a wider range than a community (Auroville), it will be the first time ever that a municipality and a State enter into a conscious service to the purpose of the Mother, and in its layered symbolism the Ziggurat will be the temple of the Mother, much alike as the Matrimandir is the centre of Auroville: it will be a place of healing, where all knowledge regarding body mind and spirit will be reunited to favour the growth and health of a new humanity and a new meaning about our presence on Earth, it will facilitate whatever mean in order to re establish the health of the individual: acupuncture, yoga, ayurvedic or tai chi among new and old remedies will find a place there and will be used to restore health depending on the individual and his needs. In the three section of the Ziggurat  will be facilitated whatever needed at physical, mental or spiritual level in order to ensure an harmonious growth of the individual. 

As Mother described, at subtler levels there is a different perception of time: past events have not fully disappeared and future events are already there anticipating their next manifestation. For this reason we can witness future events, because at the highest level all History melts into an eternal Now. Be merry, the Victory of the Light is already winned in the Mind of God, take care.

If I were to give an advice to the present and next generations I would suggest you to get out of the cities and try to be as much independent as you can about food, energy and shelter, it may come a day when you really need it. People in the cities may face harder times at this regard, and though not everybody may easily leave the cities, those in the countryside will be better prepared to face scarcity of food or energy lockdowns. The knowledge you get on intelligent surviving may be shared with other people in need of it when there will be a more relevant exodus towards the countryside and the need for a life in touch with Nature.

  Be sure that whatever sincere step you take towards Sri Aurobindo, He will take steps toward you preparing the day of your final encounter with Him in the subtle physical.