I was sitting in padmasana in my room. And I insistently called Her.
I had reasons to call Her...
I was facing the wall in front of me with my eyes open when a black hole appeared in the wall with little white clouds around it.
Before I could recover from the surprise I felt pushed inside the hole and all was
black and speed. I was travelling into that black void but I felt I had nothing to fear as I was surrounded by an halo of protection enveloping me.
Then I saw a huge sphere crossing the space in front of me and I´d have said it looked like a...no! Impossible!.. Then a second sphere approached and my suspicion grew even more... But when I saw a sphere with circling rings around it I could not suspect anymore... That was Saturn!.. and I was travelling at immense speed across the Solar System!..
I could not control the experience and no idea how to stop that and came back, I had to accept that my call had compelled an answer, and "that" was the answer, as strange it could be. But I felt a solid certitude I had nothing to fear, so when the next planet appeared at my sight, of an enlightened blue, I simply let my heart rejoice of that splendid vision, because at that moment I was feeling the hand of the Great Spirit.
Then again a black void and again a sphere, this time a smaller one of black grey and brown tones, a large stone forever inaccessible to life.
And then I plunged in total darkness with that sensation of immense speed.
It was sometimes before I approached a tiny point of light which grew in size till revealed me the sacred heart of a sun. Its surface as a furnace, seemed as a sunflower of fire and tremendous forces at play.
I myself had little of human at that moment, all what had been "myself" till that moment had been effaced by that sublime spectacle, I was only eyes, silence, and adoration.
And speed, because the speed increased and I felt I was crossing an immense void.
I understood how futile was the dream of men of physically crossing that distances.
Then a spyral galaxy appeared in all its beauty of stars shining across its arms, and I felt the invisible presence of a great and divine being residing at its center, an immortal guiding and caring presence.
Then again that almost unsustainable void, and after a time what looked like a spectacular explosion in all the directions of white stars immobile in the space ..

And again that dark void in which was appearing the familiar shape of NGC5866 with its characteristic nut shell shape...
It looked like a cosmic egg of light pregnant of a far off creation.
My travel ended there. Facing that mysterious globe of light.
In that stillness, surrounded by that tick darkness, I perceived even more vividly the unfathomable void over which I was suspended, and yet I could not feel any fear.
But I was aware to be some forty millions light-years from my physical body and absolutely under the will of the Divine. My own will in that circumstance was powerless, I couldn´t do anything else then trust the well minded intention of the Divine.
Then, the tick darkess slowly remitted, showing a turquoise phosphorescent light which started to be visible in all that unphatomable space, it was a Light and a Presence pervading the universe, a Great Mother Light on which that huge galactic bodies and stars and planets and all the space were contained.
A turquoise motherly womb of light which sustained all the creation....
Then the green light seemed to open as to show its core of Light.
I was lost in adoration, it flowed from me as an unending cataract of devotion.
Now the green light made a circle around an intense shining White-Golden Light which was the very heart of the Mother...her immortal Being open to my mortal vision, She was showing me her motherly, impersonal Body of Light...
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