Friday, February 1, 2013

The supermental attitude

Established that the word supermental is a generic name which refers to "all which is above mind",
or else which exceed the average perception of the mind and its mental operations,
we came into the need of a centre of limitless observation.
An operative point which directs the trajectory into the new territory above mind.
An impersonal position which takes everything for what it is and not for what appear to be or moved by like and dislike.
Rather than a change it´s a reconversion of the mind into a primeval attitude: what was there before we started to actively intervene in nature discovering our powers, in that progression we somehow lost that primeval attitude, and today we depend on instruments of perception which substitute that certain loss.
Animals, and we are animals, do not use instruments and their perception is acute and at a higher degree than the human.
Man is an evolved animal, and for that reason has not lost his animal heritage but improved it, but in that mental trajectory and mental world we somehow lost touch with direct reality.
Perception becomes a fundamental operation of the new mind or the above mind.
And perception is intimately tied with emotion because we emotively participate of say, a sunset, it transmits us something which is above the mental and sensory perception.
All the great spectacles of nature produce in us a participation, we call it to be sensible, which means to be entirely perceptive.

Nature produces beauty in its processes, and we are part of nature and endowed with that same power, birds may produce not only valid structures for their nest, but esthetically valid too.

Perception, emotive participation and response, sensibility, are followed by intuition,
which suggest above the mental certainty that a certain thing and process is such for a series of reasons not all apparent there, suggesting a sense, a logic and an integrating place into the concert of life.

Integral yoga would have not sense without an integrating vision, and such integrating vision would direct everything into an integrating whole which is called life, from there the sentence :- All Life is Yoga, which distinguishes the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the actual tendency of the yoga.
Yoga in itself is not related or dependent from physical positions, the word means re-unification, reintegration, and it has the same sense than in the Latin religo, to reunite,
from where the word religion.
Both in the East and West the word describe a same function, which at the end is and integrating vision, which is a yogic or religious attitude.
And both words refers to that immanence of a supreme beauty unseen and yet perceived or rather reflected into the operations of Nature.
An harmony and beauty which do not belong to Nature but of which Nature is an instrument.
That perception of a wisdom beauty and harmony made the ancient create the word and concept of religion and of yoga as a mean to approach them.

The Supermental attitude do not need us to be convinced of whatever, or having the need to sustain a theory instead of another one, nor is based on belief or unbelief, as all of them are mere operations of the average mind, an observing mind and perceiving heart do not need to be convinced of what is observed, and such position is above mind, already in the evergreen fields of the overmental life and attitude. 

1 comment:

  1. So true. For whatever reason humanity had distant ourselves from Nature, perhaps like a teenager distancing from parents in order to establish individuality, we are now ready to reconnect with Mother Nature, with a richer understanding and deeper appreciation. We so dearly miss the embrace of our beautiful Mother!
