Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On the shores of the Infinite

Soon action became Beauty, the efficiency of work naturally led to a need to realize beauty in the action.
As a flower which had rooted in an heart of simplicity, personality itself evolved into simplicity, as the natural austerity of the land around.
It was an inborn beauty too, an impulse toward creativeness.
Action was meditation.
And meditation, the stillness of the great pine trees on the slope, or the hard work. 
A garland of actions through the day.
A spontaneous process, a natural evolution into creativeness.


Monday, October 8, 2012

The Book of the Divine Mother, II

She can´t stand your call.
If you call Her, She will come, because She longs for your heart as much you long for Her´s.
More, your long for Her it´s a human longing, but Her´s for you
it´s a divine longing.
The long of the Divinity for the human heart.
She´s thirsty of your love as you of Her´s.
I know it is like that, because whenever my call was intense She could not resist...
In Her greatness, she needs someone who loves Her. Not many turn their eyes and hearts towards Her. Great Masters always recognize Her, but most of the disciples chose the human masters and forget the giver of Life to the disciple and to the Master.
She can remain behind the veil, unnoticed, but as soon She perceives a longing heart,
she´ll follow that heart.
Depending on the quality of your call She may establish with you a personal relation and lead you to Her´s path.

  To have the Divine Mother as a Master is possible, but it depends on the qualities of the self-proposed disciple.

Discipleship at the feet of the Mother is different from that  to a human Master.

But of course, it is a path open to anyone to follow.
If the meeting with Her  happens in this life, it is because you have been preparing yourself in previous existences. You have been already Her disciple, and this memory  is getting back to you into this new existence.
By following the rules of Nature you can easily remember.
When you don´t know if you are doing it well or wrong, ask yourself if your action reflects the qualities of Nature, as Mother Nature is our appointed teacher and  direct intermediary with the Divine Mother.

See how the water proceed along the line of lesser resistance, and does it with beauty and foamy little cascades and their songs, water is bringing life while it flows, and yet do not impose itself but humbly proceeds by filling what is empty before to follow on.

The great ocean is but a number of little, humble drops of water.
  So are we in the oceanic Presence of the Great Mother, humble little drops of Her
oceanic Consciousness.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Book of the Divine Mother (I page)

We here, are all disciples of the Great Aquamarine Mother.
Everyone under this blue sky is a disciple of the caring Mother of the Universe.
The blue of the sky is the material reflection of Her Light, and Mother Nature reflects Her Presence and caring hand with her abundance and impartiality.

The blue light of the sky and the blue-green of the sea are the most visible part of her invisible greater Presence, and the abundance and generosity of Nature the material expression of Her invisible hand.

This is not a religious concept, it is what it is by experience.
Always cames the time in which your relation became a personal conscious relation with Her, as, we where meant just to discover Her, and nothing more.

The Love you have developed to Her is the sign of your proximity to the Discipleship of the Mother.
You have to trust me, if you have not a personal relation with Her, you can trust my words, because I have came under the conscious discipleship of the Mother.

When you became such disciple, She will present Herself to you as She did with me.
She will rapt your heart forever with the Darshan of Her Presence.
From that moment on, you will be bound forever to Her, She will make you slave of Her Love because once you have seen Her, you will have a perpetual longing for a farther visitation of Her, it will became the only longing of your life: She, has decided the time has came for you, to remain perpetually under her guidance.
You will be then, a conscious disciple of the personal/impersonal Mother.
Meanwhile, you are unconscious disciple of the Mother, even a great Master comes trough Her Matrix and lives and dies here under Her law.

When you love Nature, you indirectly love Her, as you are loving the only visible shape of Her Presence, because that Presence grows into invisible levels of  eternal existence of which we are not aware at the moment.
The Core of Her Light is a shining White Golden Light, and the periphery of that light is a blue, aquamarine halo in which reside Her Creation. It is Her Mantle.
We normally reside into the Mantle, but we are not precluded to know Her Higher Spheres.
She decide the time.
But till you are not humble enough you have no hope to meet Her.
Absolutely no chance at all.
Humble in life do not means to be simplistic and unfit, as the purpose of Her discipleship is to make of you a worth co-creator.
But first you have to develop her qualities within you, which will be the same you have observed in Nature.

Nature is abundant and generous, a single little and humble seed may give birth to hundred of new plants as in the case of cereals, we need to be as abundant and generous in resources as Mother Nature before we may hope to meet the Creatrix of Nature.

Our actions and thoughts have to reflect the Beauty of Nature and her precise action.
If we don´t have such qualities in ourselves we have not any hope, but if we have them developed at a certain extent, that is the real point in which we are in our path toward Her.
And we can proceed on that path by developing that qualities we observe in Mother Nature.

It will came a moment you will rejoice of Her very Presence, if you are longing Her,
it is a sign that She is almost on the point to lift Her veil for you.
The intensity of your longing it is a sure shortcut to Her, because really Her Presence only depends on the intensity of your longing.

Someone, as myself and others, knew Her since childhood, and at that moment one may not need such intense longing, my personal case was anyway an early reconnaissance of Her but trough intensity, as I was sick and I prayed Her to help me till I heard the silvery sound of Her Voice.
But even then, farther on I was bound to intensity of longing to keep in touch with Her again.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Book of the Divine Mother IV

I was sitting in padmasana in my room. And I insistently called Her.
I had reasons to call Her...
I was facing the wall in front of me with my eyes open when a black hole appeared in the wall with little white clouds around it.
Before I could recover from the surprise I felt pushed inside the hole and all was
black and speed. I was travelling into that black void but I felt I had nothing to fear as I was surrounded by an halo of protection enveloping me.
Then I saw a  huge sphere crossing the space in front of me and I´d have said it looked like! Impossible!.. Then a second sphere approached and my suspicion grew even more... But when I saw a sphere with circling rings around it I could not suspect anymore... That was Saturn!.. and I was travelling at immense speed across the Solar System!..
I could not control the experience and no idea how to stop that and came back, I had to accept that my call had compelled an answer, and "that" was the answer, as strange it could be. But I felt a solid certitude I had nothing to fear, so when the next planet appeared at my sight, of an enlightened blue, I simply let my heart rejoice of that splendid vision, because at that moment I was feeling the hand of the Great Spirit.

Then again a black void and again a sphere, this time a smaller one of black grey and brown tones, a large stone forever inaccessible to life.
And then I plunged in total darkness with that sensation of immense speed.
It was sometimes before I approached a tiny point of light which grew in size till revealed me the sacred heart of a sun. Its surface as a furnace, seemed as a sunflower of fire and tremendous forces at play.

I myself had little of human at that moment, all what had been "myself" till that moment had been effaced by that sublime spectacle, I was only eyes, silence, and adoration.
And speed, because the speed increased and I felt I was crossing an immense void.
I understood how futile was the dream of men of physically crossing that distances.
Then a spyral galaxy appeared in all its beauty of stars shining across its arms, and I felt the invisible presence of a great and  divine being residing at its center,  an immortal guiding and caring presence.

Then again that almost unsustainable void, and after a time what looked like a spectacular explosion in all the directions of white stars immobile in the space ..


And again that dark void in which was appearing the familiar shape of NGC5866 with its characteristic nut shell shape...

It looked like a cosmic egg of light pregnant of a far off creation.
My travel ended there. Facing that mysterious globe of light.
In that stillness, surrounded by that tick darkness, I perceived even more vividly the unfathomable void over which I was suspended, and yet I could not feel any fear.
But I was aware to be some forty millions light-years from my physical body and absolutely under the will of the Divine. My own will in that circumstance was powerless, I couldn´t do anything else then trust the well minded intention of the Divine.

Then, the tick darkess slowly remitted, showing a turquoise phosphorescent light which started to be visible in all that unphatomable space, it was a Light and a Presence pervading the universe, a Great Mother Light on which that huge galactic bodies and stars and planets and all the space were contained.
A turquoise motherly womb of light which sustained all the creation....
Then the green light seemed to open as to show its core of Light.
I was lost in adoration, it flowed from me as an unending cataract of devotion.
Now the green light made a circle around an intense shining White-Golden Light which was the very heart of the Mother...her immortal Being open to my mortal vision, She was showing me her motherly, impersonal Body of Light...


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Call of the Blue Phoenix

This is the Call which is at the end because it is at the beginning.
Yes, the beginning of a new Vision.

As you understood I will not post so frequently for a while.
I was told that the purpose of the Vision is achieved.
 I should retire in nature  while preparing for opening a new space of sharing and understanding, which is prayer.

It will be a space we all will help consolidate trough  sharing experiences, observations, visions or poetry in a communal growth. Or actions, as someone said, "actions are sometimes prayers".
I understand it will be the Vision manifested into real life, I had some image of its great complexity.

I have adhered to the Vision and the new Yoga laid down in "The Yoga of the Future Action", as I trust it a universal base for everyone, so I will proceed farther on, with the hope you´ll accompany me, in discovering the possibilities of this new Yoga.

We should avoid unnecessary confusion: this Yoga of the Future Action is not our own but it is the Yoga of the Mother of the World which is our Divine Shepherd and Shepherd of all the Masters, She is the Shakti sustaining all the universe on her womb, it is also a trinitarian yoga as it is the triune expression of the three Purusha, it has to be so by necessity for the Action there expressed, and it is the natural unfolding of the Yoga of Integrity, as presented by Sri Aurobindo.
This is what I understand and to what I adhere.

Should not sound us mere coincidence Dharma Sangha saying: There is direct manifestation of the Truthful Being (purush), the Great Being (maha purush) and the Buddha Being (buddha purush). (D.S. 100)

  (In this  versicle he is describing the qualities of the Bodhi Shravan, which we have necessarily to identify as the "gnostic being" of Sri Aurobindo. By extension, it is the Maitreya Consciousness and Christ Consciousness of the main traditions.

With your presence in this blog you gave me the strength to endure on my task with the Vision, as I met often difficulties of any kind, as with my english, and were not for Dorella to which we owe we technically met, all my efforts and your to search for each other would have been fruitless.
And we have met because we have answered to the Call of the Blue Phoenix.

But I will be with you all that so kindly gave credit to my words and considered worth reading and probably study or experiment with some of my post.
I appreciated a lot your presence, as trough you I have observed the Mantle of the Mother covering our planet with Her Grace.
You, me, we are as docile lambs lead to the clear waters by our Divine Shepherd,
 trust me it was never pure chance for you to step on this blog, as we where meant to gather  together to that clear waters so to understand the signs of the Times.

In parity of circumstance I have to say that you helped me to grow and understand as much I helped you, or better as the Master wished to happen, we have gathered at the clear waters of His Vision.

So it is really with deep love that I think and will think in every each of you, many times I´ve asked the Divine Mother a bliss on each of you, and you certainly have been blessed because She sometimes listen to my requests...

If anybody wishing to partecipe  to the next new space with thecnical knowledge, ideas and other, you can mention it and I´ll answer privately.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Vision and its Symbols

 The symbols of the Vision are important to -factually understand- some supermental process now taking act on earth, not any future time, but this very moment.
On my understanding, the shift between the Square and the Cube, is real.
It is difficult to explain, I´ll try to make it simple.
Imagine that you are the symbol of Sri Aurobindo,

because everybody is symbolized there, not only him. It is a process.
Now, what you  are looking at it is "abstract knowledge" of the process.
Which process? The manifestation of the supermental light as far as you are concerned.
But this abstract knowledge needs to be vivified by the true realization.
We need to became the Cube. Which is the true meaning of the square, its secret soul.
 Savitri enters the Cube when the Cube is there, not before.
So there is the need of a shift, for us, from square (abstract) to cube (real).

From dimensionality to multidimensional, from the symbol towards what is represented by the symbol, as much the cube is represented by the square.
The triangles (and pyramids) which appear in the emblems above are not mere result of tracing lines, they represent the four elements and their action, their presence is fundamental because without them life would be impossible. They require our attention, I dare to say we have to become masters of the elements, we are intimately a melange of them expressing the characteristics of one of them as a main feature, often  they are out of balance in our own system, and the mastery of them is the alchemical work, in which we alter the dominant direction of each element allowing them to enter in balance with their own counterpart.
An example: the fundamental direction of the water is downward, the alchemical work makes that water rise upward, it do not eliminates the previous direction but completes it with its ethereal counterpart.

 The Cube appeared, as you know,  in the Vision of Savitri, a vision I share as by request from Sri Aurobindo himself, who allowed me to witness with the purpose to be communicated.

This image reproduces your planetary being with your central sun, it is also the way the cosmos has an influence on us. How above so below, said the ancient. This means in your body there is the representation of the solar system, were the Self is the sun.
Astrological influences came within this perspective as it is a microcosms and a responsive centre.

Another point is the concrete relation with the Elements, as Elements are the archetypal bringers  of any transformation.
We could truly say that the undifferentiated light differentiated in Elements so to interact and create life.
And this physical body is very susceptible at any action of the elements.
From the Vision we have seen there is an interaction of Elements previous to Savitri entering the Cube.
You have seen how the water, which direction is earth-directed, inverts its direction. This inversion of one element necessarily affects the whole of the equilibrium of the other elements, so it produces a total reversion of each direction: if the water ascends, the fire descends, and if the earth rises the air is below.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Your Divine Chart

They say an image is worth a thousand words.
Here we have four images, all related.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo

                                         Sri Paramahansa Ramakrishna 1836-1886

"I have practiced all religions -Hinduism, Islam, Christianity- and I have also followed the paths of different Hindu sects. I have found that it is the same God toward whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths".
                                                                                                (Sri Ramakrishna)

Sri Aurobindo spoke with respect of Sri Ramakrishna :

..."in the life of Ramakrishna Paramhans, we see a colossal spiritual capacity...Its object exemplify in the great and decisive experience of a master-soul the truth, now most necessary to humanity, towards which a world long divided into jarring sects and schools is with difficulty labouring, that all sects are forms and fragments of a single integral truth and all disciplines labour in their different ways towards one supreme experience".

"This is the work Sri Ramakrishna came to begin and all the development of the previous two thousand years and more since Buddha appeared, has been a preparation for the harmonisation of spiritual teaching and experience by the Avatar of Dakshineshwar".  ( n.d.r. Sri Aurobindo is referring to Ramakrishna, he considered Ramakrisha an Avatar)

..."A new era dates from his birth, an era in which people will be lifted for a while into communion with God and spirituality become the dominant note of human life".  
..."A new day is about to break, so glorious that even the last of the avatars(n.d.r. Sri Ramakrishna)  cannot be sufficient to explain it, although without him it would not have come"...
 ..."It is such a synthesis embracing all life and action in its scope that the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda have been preparing".

                                                   Swami Vivekananda 1863-1902,
                                                                   most direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna 

The holy Mother Sharada Devi  -- the wife of Sri Ramakrishna --  had a vision after the passing away of the Master, in which she saw the form of Sri Ramakrishna entering into the body of Vivekananda, signifying that the Master would thenceforth work in and through his chief disciple.  

Sri Aurobindo was very much influenced by the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda, which had already passed away by then  came to him in a subtle body and gave him some important spiritual instruction.

                                   "It is a fact that I was hearing constantly the voice of Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the jail in my solitary meditation and felt his presence".

Sri Aurobindo also received messages from Sri Ramakrishna, as his diary entry shows, which indicates that received some guidance from him after beginning his Yoga.
The words of the second message are lost, but it was a "direction to form the higher being in the lower self" coupled with a promise to speak once more when the sadhana was nearing its close. 
This is the third message (18 Oct 1912)
"Make complete sannyasa of Karma.
Make complete sannyasa of thought.
Make complete sannyasa of feeling.
This is my last utterence."

Sri Aurobindo´s vision and philosophy incorporates the earthly life into the spiritual life, restoring the teachings of Vedas and Upanishads to their pristine purity. He was critical of Shankara's philosophy of mayavada, Shankara had said that this world is an illusion and an error.

"World, said Sri Aurobindo,  is an integral aspect of God and not removed from God".    
    "It is the Upanishads themselves and not Shankara's writings, the text and not the commentary, that are the authoritative Scripture of the Vedantin. Shankar's, is only one synthesis and interpretation of the Upanishads. There have been others in the past, and there is no reason why there should not be a yet more perfect synthesis in the future".
(Vedanta literally translated means the end of the Vedas and it comprises Upanishads, Brahmasutras, Bhagavat Gita, Shrutis and Smritis).

Shankara's influence has been so overarching on the Indian system of thought that Vedanta is normally identified with him only, he was the propounder of the Nondualist school and emphasized what is called the nirguna aspect of the Reality, the Brahman which is formless, indeterminable and ineffable. He maintained that Brahman alone is real and that the world is unreal or mithya. But Ramanuja, an exponent of Visishtadwaita, which stressed the saguna aspect of the Brahman four hundred years after Shankara, focussed instead on the world, self and God and they were all real for him. This led to heated debates between the followers of the nirguna and the saguna facets of Brahman. 

Was Sri Aurobindo who reconcilied the opposed:
 "In a realistic Adwaita there is no need to regard the Saguna as a creation from the Nirguna or even secondary or subordinate to it, both are equal aspects of one Reality:  its position of silent status and rest (saguna) and its position of action and dynamic force (nirguna),   the relation between the Purusha and Shakti  exists between the poles of rest and action".

Sri Aurobindo while affirming his realization of the transcendental Brahman, refutes the idea of the world as an i1lusion and states that the seeker of an  Integral Truth not only
for a static release in the Brahman but also 
for a transformation of life, mind and body, and for the conditions on earth. 

(This article is mainly work of another author of which I lost the name)

"The Guru", excerpts, Sri Aurobindo

The Guru is the Guide in the yoga. When the Divine is
accepted as the Guide, He is accepted as the Guru.
 The relation of guru and disciple is only one of many relations which one can have with the Divine....
.surrender to the Divine and surrender to the Guru are not the same
thing. In surrendering to the Guru, it is to the Divine in him that one
surrenders-if it were only a human entity, it would be ineffective. But it
is the consciousness of the Divine Presence that makes the Guru a real
Guru, so that even if the disciple surrenders to him thinking of the human
being to whom he surrenders, that Presence will still make it effective.

All true Gurus are the same, the one Guru, because all are the one Divine.
That is a fundamental and universal truth. But there is also a truth of
difference; the Divine dwells in different personalities with different
minds, teachings, influences so that he may lead different disciples with
their special need, character, destiny by different ways to the
realisation. Because all Gurus are the same Divine, it does not follow that
the disciple does well if he leaves the one meant for him to follow


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dharma Sangha and Sri Aurobindo II part

Unfortunately to study the message of D.S. and compare it with that of Sri A. is an arduous task as it means to meet immediately with the additional problem of low quality translations of D.S. speaches. 
His words were translated in a chain of approximate translations which too often were coloured by the concepts already within the mind of the translator.
But a special receptiveness is necessary when new concepts are transmitted.
D.S. himself expressed his wish that the translations of his teaching should be revised and his message coherently expressed.
We know that recently a group was formed self-appointing to the translations, but some of them should humbly recognize the task far exceeds their good will and leave it to more prepared people.
That said, we should proceed.

D.S.  "The true knowledge, Maitri knowledge (loving kindness), has not been recognized by anybody...Today the world is in search of non violence and the way to Maitreya (loving kindness), it has not been found yet".

has not been recognized by has not been found yet... 
please note: This, even if said by D.S. is not to be taken as an absolute.
We positively know that at least Sri Aurobindo and Mother knew perfectly that,
though they used other words, because their "overmental" and
 "supermental light-consciousness" and gnostic being are of a general value, a general circumstance in which Dharma Sangha himself is included.
 From their teachings we are led to drive a correspondence between sambhodi(D.S.) and gnostic being (Sri A.).

D.S.  "In today's world there is the Maitreya idea between the soul and the super soul that is slowly taking root".

comment: in effect, today just for the clarifying writings of Sri A., the  concept of the Oversoul is much more close to us, and the necessity of the Oversoul as a realization  has entered the mind of the spiritual researcher. Moreover, Sri A. perfectly individualized the involved powers, and he unmistakenly referred to the soul (which he also called psychic being*) as a central point of his yoga. 

D.S. "If we have the knowledge of Maitri between the soul and super soul"

comment: in that imaginary line we traced in the previous post
                          1th segment          2nd segment
the Maitri knowledge is what is manifested in the 2nd is a superior path, justifying the words of Sri Aurobindo: "This Yoga starts where all the other ends".

D.S. "Being absorbed in between the soul (Atma) and the Super Soul (Paramatma) I received a direct vision face to face (darshan) with Maitreya Nath".

comment: in between Atma and Paramatma.
We should bear in mind D.S. was talking of an ongoing realization which may have been altered by later consecutions, as he is describing a "space" or "condition" between Atma and Paramatma, but we positively know Sri Aurobindo described with his "gnostic being" the consciousness definitely focused in the Paramatma or Oversoul.
What we see is an important interchangeability of terms, as here "Oversoul" and "Paramatma" have an identical meaning.
But the Paramatma is another word for "Purushottama", the highest of the three Purusha, so that it refers both to levels of identification and at the same time takes in the concept of the Three Purusha.
But we have an important and clarifying aspect of D.S.´s yoga in the following words:

D.S. 100. There is direct manifestation of the Truthful Being (purush), the Great Being (maha purush) and the Buddha Being (buddha purush).

comment: we understand from here that, even with the manifestation of the Buddha Being/Purushottama, the manifestation of the other two Purusha is concomitant,the three Purusha are meant as a combination of the three,  and we see the imaginary line uniting the points Personality, Soul, Oversoul as a fulfillment of each of them in their respective positions.
Sri Aurobindo mentioned the personality as to be transformed by the soul, but in no moment spoke of a complete annihilation of that center or a factual disappearance.
It is only a re-definition of our own triune nature which acquire its truer aspects.
As a conclusion of this post, I wish to make present here that "The Yoga of the Future Action" has a strong resemblance with this kind  of trine yoga of D.S.(the manifestation of the three Purusha). Naturally, you are free to accept or not the result of this comparation, it only unswer to a personal need of mine and require a much more extense work, so it should be interpreted as ideas, and surely you can produce your own comparation.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Yoga of the Future Action

This Yoga starts where all the others end. Till now the Yogas gave you the different possibilities of atonement with the Divinity. This Yoga is the Action which spreads from that atonement. It is the Purposeful Action endowed with the will to transform Life itself within the limitless possibilities of the Light-Mind of God.
 This Yoga is individualized on the resources each one has.
As, the yoga of the future action is not based on stereotypes but on individual personal resources.
In the manifold diversity of the Being founds expression the individuality of possibility, as our own personal, unique mark.
The foundation which is general for each individual is that by the power of the Divine Will  you have inherited the Earth to take care of it, to be concerned, to preserve that gift.
You cannot do "whatever" with the Earth, you inherited it from your Ancestors to take care of it, to associate with, to be concerned with its development and integrity.
Because in doing this, you reconnect with the Divine Purpose of your Presence Here.
The Yoga of Integrity is the intimate connection  of the sphere of the Mind with that of the Heart. From that union spreads the Future Action. The Action of the Being that You Are.
It is Future because it is purposefully directed to transform the future conditions of the Earth, you are called to be co-creators by discovering the inner potentialities of your Being.

Works of the Spirit of Synthesis

We as human beings have the full right to consider if the aims of religions and spiritual doctrines are in accord with the requirements of the time.
 It seems there is a kind of dark cloud overhanging humanity led to believe the best solution was getting out of life with as less injury possible taking refuge in another world, leaving unavoidably earth in the same miserable conditions then ever.
Because life was basically unworthy living.
A sagacious illusion which took strong hold of the human understanding leading to fundamentally believe this world and life and even matter unworthy and the other better.
We hardly think, as Sri A. said, that if the reason for our presence on earth and matter was simply to discover the reality of the Spirit, there was any need at all to leave that spiritual world where we already knew of the reality of the Spirit.

 Instead, our presence on earth, had a meaningful reason which was not only to  realize the reality of the Spirit and take leave of earth to join that as soon as possible but to realize that in the very earthly conditions of life and existence.
A paradise on earth as much anywhere else.

So that shadow used us to believe life unworthy to be fulfilled in its full meanings.
That has been the fundamental message within any religion and doctrine and practice and tapasya or whatever.
Always and only meant to leave this world without transforming it.
We may undervalue the full power of this underlying belief and the power it had till recently in the whole of human history.
Truly a huge dark cloud of misunderstanding the purpose of life and insisting on the wrong matter which, in the course of time took to religious controversies, burning of books and people, sacrificing Masters and all such things we perfectly know of which we have tragic testimony with daily loss of human life.
Our very social structures are continuously influenced by that dark conception, and the very religions fight sometimes the civil human rights violating their very purpose of improving human growth. A farce on its own right which anyway weight into the life of some believer of whatever religion always disposed to see in the other the enemy to fight.
Which justify in last terms military escalation or interventions and all the rest you as planetary citizen that you are and well informed, perfectly know from an independent point of view. Not what that shadowy vision of life pretend you to believe.
Because in the course of time that vision has acquired a factual power, religious, economic, military power.
This is not any new such "theory of conspiracy" revisited, but a fact signalled by the mentioned Great Masters, a true fact and a true problem which their teaching often mentioned.
In the essence, their teaching was exactly the bridge to that new concept of life.
Any other coming Great Master could not  fail in establishing his words as that bridge.
We know the bridge has been signaled again by D.S., his synthetic vision is but that same process of incarnating that Spirit of Wisdom, their teaching is not different as some pretends, but is enclosed in that superior synthesis which is the work of the Avatar.
This the sense of the work of the Spirit of Synthesis operating within the said Masters.
This is the true image of the Kalki avatara, a succession of enlightened human beings acting with their own life as a bridge between the two poles.
Their is truly the call mentioned in the Gita at whole generations, they only are precursors of next human collective achievements.
We are somehow instruments of that design, as we can only be what evolution call ourselves to be.
And evolution call in the words of the Avatar.


Awakening, a collective issue

or, the story of Kit Chi
we should not think our process a singularity as to awaken pride, as a little we search around we see soon that much more people is involved in their own individual way supporting with genuine life experience this complex phenomenon.
I had permission by the same author to reproduce integrally the text she send as a contribution to that understanding, as such was the opinion of the author:-... "I don't consider myself holding ownership to any such info, but rather that they are humanity's heritage, therefore best to be shared freely"(Kit-Chi on e-mail of 3Ago2012)...
That could not be better expressed: a humanity´s heritage. 

Awakened To Unlimited Light, Love, Knowledge

Although I live in the US now, the story I am relating happened when I was growing up in Hong Kong, China.
I have tried not to put my spiritual experiences in words for a long time, since there are really no words that can describe these experiences. And putting them in words inevitably bound my actual experiences to the limited conceptual framework that these words represent.
On the other hand, I see that now is a ripe time for the scientific community to study spiritual experiences, along with NDE's (near-death experiences), and so more candid accounts of these experiences are needed. In today's world I see many problems caused by organized religions, by people believing in the wrong thing mixed in with the right, not being able to discriminate truths about God from half-truths. This often stems from well-meaning religious people or prophets mixing their own opinion about God with their actual experiences of God. The scientific method can be useful in discriminating what's true from what's not, although it has its own limitations.
Below I will try to relate my spiritual experiences without interpretation. The process turned out to be less of a memory recollection than a reliving of the actual experiences. You will find that I would switch to present tense when I am reliving those moments. However, the period before my major spiritual experience (my awakening or enlightenment experience), I relive those moments more as a bystander, perhaps due to my enlightenment experience being such a life-changer that I am no longer the girl that I was before the experience. Here's my story:
A 5 or 6 year old girl that I was finds herself being troubled and saddened by all the news about war and suffering she sees on TV. She does not want her sadness to affect her family, so she would cry quietly by herself when she takes baths. While she sits in the warm bath, she would sometimes look at her small arms and hands from somewhere behind her eyes, from somewhere calm inside her and finds it fascinating that she has such small arms, that she can move them about, manipulate them at that particular moment in time, in that bath tub. There are also vague remembrances of other times of such clarity in her mind, such as this particular moment that I am typing these words - now.
The 5 or 6 year old little girl is outdoors on school ground being lined up for class photo. A question crosses her mind: 'What is a class photo that gets this moment etched in time that I can look back at later in life?' Immediately a realization comes upon the girl, and her consciousness rises above and expands further and further out. A love and kindness toward all beings envelope her.
As the girl grows up, she is still saddened by all the bad news she sees on TV, and frustrated that she cannot do anything about them, or understands why they happen. She gets depressed. The depression gets so bad that she wants to kill herself. Ending it all seems such an easy way out. But she can't. She cannot bear doing that to her family. She also remembers the Christian teaching at school about killing oneself, and the Buddhist teaching about people having to come back lifetime after lifetime to resolve matters. What if these teachings are right? Seeing no other way out, she feels more trapped and depressed. So she sits. Everyday she does her duties - go to school, come home and study. And then she sits, pondering. From pondering to reading books about philosophy, she finds no resolution. But she finds that she feels less depressed just by sitting here watching her own breathing. And so she starts checking out books from the library about meditation as well, and begins her amateurish way of meditation.
The girl is now a teenager. She has experienced a few more epiphanies, such as the realization that all people are equal inside, from the most admired to the most despised in society. So she tries to treat everyone equally with respect.
Then one calm night while I was a teenager I have my awakening or enlightenment experience. I have been studying physics for an exam, and find myself absorbing the material better than normal. Time seems to be under my command, and so passes by slowly or rapidly at will, allowing myself to absorb the material fully. My hearing is also very acute, and I can literally hear the sounds of silence all around, which is a slight buzzing sound. And this buzzing sound seems to penetrate afar. When I hear this sound I feel that I am connected to far away beyond the stars in the sky.
After studying, I go to bed as usual. And being used to meditation by now, I automatically focus my attention on my third eye in order to relax. The third eye is the area between my eyebrows. Light appears to my third eye as usual. But this time it is different. The light intensifies and I am pulled into it. I allow myself to follow it, and immediately the buzzing sound I have been hearing all night magnifies many folds and becomes the sound of a million roaring bees. At the same time I find myself traveling at tremendous speed toward the light. It feels like traveling through a tunnel, since many visions and places pass by my two sides in a blur. I know I have but one goal - I want answers to all the big questions in life. And that lies forward, in the light.
At the time of this experience, I have been skeptical of all religions, yet remain open-minded to all of them. And so I am not expecting any religious experience in any shape or forms, or any religious experience at all. But somehow I know that I can get some answers by going toward that light.
The light intensifies to billions of times brighter than any light I have ever seen or could ever imagine. I have awakened or arrived at this place of no limit. The Light is everywhere. The Light is bright, clear, without limit, blissful, loving, and full of clear intelligence. The love and bliss are also billions of times more intense and richer than any I have ever experienced. There is also a presence about the Light. A presence without form, but of pure clear light and love and bliss and intelligence. And I realize that I am also this Light. For the first time in my life, I have an awakened feeling that makes all my previous waking hours feel like a big sluggish slumber. I am this Light. I am without limit and am everywhere and everything at the same time. Everything is one and all. I am this Love, and I love all. I am this deep Bliss. I am this immense Intelligence, and know everything without explanation or any need of explanation. Everything is perfect as they are.
Note that all these happen at the same time, or that time is not an element here. At some point, I am back in my bed. I can still feel the intense bliss and love, and carry with me the knowledge without words that I have touched. I beam and beam in bed for a while and then let myself fall asleep. Although I feel very much awake from my awakening, it is not the regular kind of awake that prevents me from falling asleep. It is more like an intensified awareness. And so I have no problem falling asleep afterward.
That awakening enlightenment experience was very much a life-changing experience for me. My depression was gone in a flash. The effect was lasting. I also found myself having talents gradually emerged that I previously did not have, such as arts and music, healing and spirit travel, etc. I think this is all due to my change in awareness and perception after my enlightenment experience. For instance, after the experience, I can see natural landscapes as beautiful dancing specks of light which are alive and communicating with each other. And so I put this on canvas. And in music too. Looking at some of Monet's paintings having little specks of paint covering the whole canvas makes me think that maybe he saw some of what I see too, that everything is made of light.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Arcane Symbolism in Sri Aurobindo´s Work, I Part

This article is a bit complex, but it's the only open door I know to something Sri Aurobindo considered so relevant to justify the Revelatory Vision.
It is indispensable you get first on my post of which the following is an explicative work.

Please follow it and excuse me in advance for not being able to explain it in simpler words, they are concepts totally new even for myself.
But as I understand, it is of fundamental importance for any student of the Integral Yoga, or even better of an Integral Truth, and it would certainly elevate our understanding of the Supermental Realization.
I offer it to you as a service to the Masters and your beloved hearts.

As you will see, in the mentioned post of the Vision, we have a cube surmounted by pyramids on all its sides with Savitri entering in it.

fig.0 this image is only indicative.

So this article is not a speculation of my own, as it results far evident that the Master was representing his own symbol but in a three-dimensional shape.
Why this?
To explain it is the aim of this post.


There is only one place in the extensive  work of Sri Aurobindo where his wisdom was laid down without the use of a single word. (fig.1)

When we observe the emblem of Sri Aurobindo: an open lotus floating in a pond enclosed within a square, and the square within an ascending and a descending triangle, we have no doubts it conveys a subliminal, spiritual meaning.
We probably think of the ascent of the human being or of Matter itself, and the descent of the Supramental Consciousness, and the blossoming of the inner Self centered as the lotus in the pond.
All of this sounds reasonably true and probably is, and yet, there´s the possibility that something else remains concealed in the symbol.
It would be sufficient only with a superficial look to be persuaded of the similarity of the Sri Aurobindo´s emblem with that of the kabbalistic tradition, (fig.2)


though we found it as a recurrent symbol, carrying almost an identical meaning, in the context of different arcane cultures, as for instance the vedic. (fig.3)


                                                                  a vedic yantra

We positively know that the substantial difference between the star of David and that of Sri Aurobindo is the direction of the triangles: while in the Star of David the ascending triangle is the Spirit and the descending represent Matter, in that of Sri Aurobindo it is the reverse.

So that there can be hardly any doubt that Sri Aurobindo purposefully represented the sense of his work connected with the ancient traditions by using their very symbols and meaning the same principles.
And if we admit such a cultural/spiritual link for the triangles, there is no reason why the square would represent the exception here, as, every single element of the emblem has its own explication. On the contrary,the square had stupendous reasons to be there, describing so to say a pan-cultural trajectory, a comprehensiveness of traditions, a mystical circle around them all.
And it was not for any geometrical or aesthetic solution to contain the lotus and the pond that the square appear, as for that purpose, even a circle would suffice or nothing at all.
Instead, we have the introduction of an additional emblem. The Square. (fig.4)


And the Square takes us directly to another ancient tradition, that of the sacred geometry.
We can truly say that if it was not for the square in the middle of the triangles, there would be little or no distinction from the kabbalistic symbol. Though it has nothing of casual, the square ought to be there too.
But after all, what was contained in the humble square to be adopted not only as a graphical sign but as the device for, as we will see, a new dispensation of His Work and a farther discover for ourselves?
There were a number of good reasons why the star of David was implemented with a square.

Since the most ancient times the Arcane Symbolism  utilized four lines parallel and convergent (the square), to symbolize the Four Elements of the Chaos Naturae.(fig.5).
The square was considered the proper symbol of the interrelation of the four elements and each of them had in the square its own corresponding place and movement: fig5

fig.5 representation of the Chaos of Nature ( 4 Elements ) as an ordered movement: Ascending Fire, Descending Water, Upper Air, Lower Earth.

It is but evident for anyone that the four elements develop their activity within a three-dimensional world, not in a two dimensional one, so that the true representation of the works of Nature is


the Cube, and the Square a devise, a symbol of it.
We can truly say that the Cube is the inner soul of the square, to which the square silently points.
And truly was so in the ciphered language of the ancient Initiate.
There should be hardly any dissension about it, because we know the cubic stone was carved by the ancients with the name of the divinity and ceremonially placed as cornerstone of the sacred buildings. (The foundational stone in public buildings in our modern era is a remnant of that ancient tradition).

fig.7 the kan (the Square) ancient Egyptian instrument of masonry
With his Kan the Egyptian Mason gave measure and dimension to the formless and irregular stone ( which was to him the chaos of nature) taking order out of disorder (by giving shape to its secret soul, the cube), rendering it apt for the edification of the Temple.

We reach a first human attempt of reducing to an ordered movement the otherwise unresting and uncontrolled forces of Nature, and we reach a first emblemization of the Work. (emblemization: symbolical representation of an esoteric-spiritual work or of a concept).
As well, the synchronization of the 4 Elements, produces and sustains Life. So that in first instance the square is a dynamic and not a static symbol, and in second instance, the elements act into three dimensional space, so that the true representation of matter and life becomes intimately connected with or rather shifts from the exoteric square to the esoteric cube.
It is the cube which explains life, not the square.
(In the Vision, the Water ascends and forms a cube which Savitri enters, and is Savitri which justify the cube, not the reverse. So to say, is the last element that enters which explains all the others. In Evolution, it would be the involved spirit finally deploying itself in matter, as for Sri Aurobindo's vision of Evolution).
While the square is the representation of the sum of the works of Nature, the cube is its inner sense.
And it is the square and not any other symbol, because in the square there is the symbolic representation of the four elements by means of lines comprehensive of the whole manifestation and activity of Nature operated from their respective directions and locations: fig 8

To the eyes of the ancient Initiate the Square or the Cube were not empty.
When we unite the lines appears the square


with the fifth element delimited by it and delimiting it, its secret Matrix, the Lac Virginis of the Alchemist, the invisible Etheric Light support and container of all the existing, the Prana of the Rishi.
So that in last terms is the Cube and not the square what really symbolizes the activity of the four Elements.
So we can see that if we allow such a treatment to the square, and if the square and the triangles were meant to mean something, the whole emblem of Sri Aurobindo would synthesize within a few lines the core of the relevant traditions both of the East and the West.
....end I part