By this plural tiding, we have a reassessment of the concept and role of older yoga connecting it to a more scientific perspective and in accordance with the requirements of a modern inquiring mind, together with a "spiritualization" of the scientific, evolutionist point of view.
"We have turned space into a gulf of peace
And made the body a Capitol of bliss.
What more, what more, if more must still be done?”
And we can really say that from that moment, Yoga was definitively transformed, revitalized and will never get back on its previous bases. As a result of his intervention, we have a quite modern positioning of his yoga, its tiding with evolution is due to the fact that in contradiction with the evolutionist, Sri Aurobindo considers evolution as a process which has not reached yet its purpose.
We have seen above that Sri Aurobindo considers the present times as the moment in evolution when the human race finally starts to perceive the driving forces of Life and Yoga.
It is more of a supposition, as there exist written registers of commentaries of Mother on the beginning of a -factual manifestation- upon earth of the Supermental Consciousness, the name they coined for that approaching possibility and Force.
(During the common meditation on Wednesday the 29th February 1956)

As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that THE TIME HAS COME, and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.
Then the supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow.
(English text in CWM, volume 15, "Words of the Mother 3", page 202 published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry, diffusion by SABDA
The evening I told you about these things, I identified myself totally with Nature, I joined in her game. And this movement of identification provoked a response, a sort of new intimacy between Nature and myself, a long movement of a growing closeness which culminated in an experience which came on the eighth of November.
Suddenly Nature understood.

Then from the supreme Reality came this order, "Awake, 0 Nature, to the joy of collaboration." And the whole of Nature suddenly rushed forward in a great surge of joy, saying, "I accept, I shall collaborate."
And at the same time, there came a calm, an absolute tranquility so that the bodily vessel could receive and contain, without breaking, without losing anything, the mighty flood of this Joy of Nature which rushed forward as in a movement of gratitude. She accepted, she saw with all eternity before her that this supramental consciousness was going to fulfill her more perfectly, give a still greater strength to her movement, a greater amplitude, more possibilities to her play.
Then these words came, "O Nature, material Mother, thou hast said that thou wilt collaborate and there is no limit to the splendour of this collaboration."
And the radiant felicity of this splendour was sensed in perfect peace.
That is how the message for the new year was born.
The Mother
in CWM, volume 9, "Questions and Answers 1957-1958" pages 245-248 published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry diffusion by SABDA
From: Evening TalksDisciple: You said that in 1934 Supermind was ready to descend but not a single Sadhak was found prepared. So it withdrew. But you told me once that the descent of Supermind does not depend on readiness of Sadhaks.
Sri Aurobindo: If none is ready to receive how will the Supermind manifest itself? But instead of thinking of Supermind one has first to open oneself to Intuition.
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