Sunday, April 15, 2012

Evolution, the Yoga of Nature

Sri Aurobindo
The fact that Sri Aurobindo gave attention and wrote about Evolution, a man otherwise  dedicated to yoga and  introspection,  it is not a secondary point all trough his writings, and should require our attention. Of course, for a man who has stated that: "All Life is Yoga", Evolution too would fall under this law.
And yet, life is for the evolutionist purposeless and circumstantial, while Yoga has the supreme aim to liberate the human being, so, if Life is Yoga they share a common purpose. At least, this is the logical conclusion of that statement. 
And Evolution, would became the trend, the material trend toward that freedom.A travel towards the Light starting between the darkness of a nescient Matter.
We can see, that if Sri Aurobindo took in consideration the Evolution, was to go farther beyond the laws that governs matter towards these which govern Life itself. The spiritual laws that governs Life and Yoga. Life intended as a motion of Matter and Mind towards the Spirit. Evolution, is the Yoga of Nature. As much Yoga is the Evolution of Man.

So that Sri Aurobindo gave attention to Evolution describing what it is beyond its more material laws, because Evolution is Life and Life is Yoga. From this point on the discourse of Sri Aurobindo definitely took distance from the evolutionist and proceeded further on, concerned on how that spiritual laws would benefit the individual and the collective, had they been able to keep in touch or consciously live with that  spiritual Forces which regulates Life and Yoga.
Sri AurobindoBecause, under the evolutionist's circumstances and necessities, man soon or later would get consciously in touch with that Forces which before led him unconsciously. An unavoidable evolutionist necessity, a law of Nature.
Such a point in the walk of the human race would be one of transcendental importance, and unique in the whole of its history.
The most outstanding thing is that Sri Aurobindo didn´t place that point in a distant future but now, in the present days.

In this vision of things the universe will reveal itself in its unity and totality as a manifestation of a single Being, Nature as its power of manifestation, evolution as its process of gradual self-revelation here in Matter".
(Sri Aravinda Gosh)

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