What in Sri Aurobindo was a torrential and enlightening flow of thoughts, in Mother was the Vision. In this, they were complementary. Mother -knew- by means of Vision, she dealt with visions as one deal with thoughts. It was her nature, lunar and oracular as the ancient priestess of the elysian temples. In her´s human shape, the Goddess dare intimate a while with the humans, lifting a moment the veil that blinds Matter from Revelation.
The King of the Snakes or the gnome pays her homage as their natural mother and superior, she dealt with them as we deal with persons, and really, her nature results unfathomable to a description. Sri A. said she was an incarnation of the Universal Mother, and thus was considered by whom had the privilege to live around her.

In fact, the human beings learn both from that systematical study and scrutiny of the mind in search of the unquestionable truth, as much from the knowledge that comes with the direct occult and wordless perception. The first is represented by the yoga of knowledge, Raja Yoga, of which Sri A. would be a worth exponent, the nature of the second makes it rather inaccessible to scrutiny and rely on ancestral tantric or lunar practices and rituals in India or elsewhere, which cant be considered integral expressions of that Mother-knowledge.
Mother's note-books are certainly a good and trustworthy source of information wishing to explore a bit farther this fascinating field of occult knowledge and power, and we have a lot to learn from her Visions.
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