Fifteen years ago I could positively consider I made some step in what is called integral yoga. Of course, it was not a product of my own judgment but rather the fact that, incredibly as it may appear, I met Sri Aurobindo.
During the year of my forced seclusion I met several times the Master and had some subtle vision of Auroville. In addition to it I was allowed to witness some early akashic registers of the humankind, pages lost forever for the history, of which only remain trace on the akashic registers. The sequence of the encounters with the Master was encumbered by a great vision of Savitri and chronological sequences of future history on earth till a new man supplanted the previous species.
Bear it, you would know not of those inner experiences of mine unless I had been so required by the Master himself: if something, I only failed in finding better words to describe the beauty of the experiences and the deep joy of my heart and the bliss which overwhelmed me every time I met the Master.
In that unforgettable period of my life I discovered, far from my own expectations, that the Master had been following my inner development: he knew me very well, to the point of considering me worthy of his presence and of carrying his personal message to the destined public.
I was asked to share the content of the visions, and I assure you that when I accepted it, I had not the remotest idea of how difficult it could result, it was so full of intricate mysteries which kept me in solitary study during a number of years.
Beside, you can imagine which kind of effect may have on your whole life meeting such a Master: a real revolution, it comes to question everything in your life, but it gives also strength and confidence for the task ahead. Now I don't feel alone anymore in my spiritual quest because I know now that the Master is silently following my steps, as surely is following the steps of all those who have accepted the challenge of integral yoga with a sufficient degree of sincerity, aspiration and compromise.
The experiences with him, as you can read, demonstrates that the Master is quite aware in details of what happens in Auroville and elsewhere, and of people.
Please do not confuse me with the message because I do not advance any claim in this sense: I am not myself the message but only the messenger, and you should consider me as a scribe which faithfully reported all the experiences which were meant to be of your knowledge.
I wish to underline here I know about integral yoga since forty five years now, though I never really considered myself as specially fit for the task, and it is rather true the contrary;
for circumstances I have developed into something much like an independent mind and an independent researcher, never summing up myself to any existing doctrine or spiritual tendency etc. For those very reasons I had not a special motivation to consider Sri Aurobindo as my own guru though deeply respectful of his teaching, and yet, it was him which I met.
In a sense it is not of my concern -why- Sri Aurobindo wanted this material to be known to you: I did not ask him and he did not tell me. I may venture some hypotheses, but only the reader may know the answer. I think there may be several reasons, not only one. Some of them I suggested here in my writings, I think the material is mainly directed to people which has some connection with his teaching and recognize the terms employed, though I'm convinced that it is material for a wider audience.
In second instance, I think it is dependent on the personal receptivity of the reader.
Unavoidably the whole matter turns around experiencing with subtle body and subtler reality and the establishing of an intuitive knowledge, all subjects which arose the legitimate interest of any reader familiar to the Master´s teaching and anyhow interested in their own inner development. That is why I took special care in describing not only the meetings but how I experienced it and what I could feel while in my subtler physical body.
In no moment Sri Aurobindo told me that communicate the whole thing was going to be a simple task, so be tolerant with my efforts, his teaching ( at least his personal teaching with me I mean) results so ample in perspectives, takes in so many elements, that I suspect even myself which had the experience have never wholly understood it, nor I pretend to have said and discovered all that can be said and discovered about it.
I sometimes have found myself in the need of interweaving the presentation of the original material with some personal experience or some collateral argument, you may not agree with some of my conclusion, but you are due not to doubt as far facts are concerned: all I relate here really happened, and I share them with the purest of the intention.
You are not due to necessarily believe in my experiences in conscious sleep or in a subtler physical reality. I report them as faithfully as possible as to be matter of investigation for people with a genuine interest in them.
I apology if you found a better work of presentation could be made, but it failed the help of a dear collaborator which had the necessary technical knowledge.
The trajectory of my personal relation with Sri Aurobindo is not in question and subsidiary here in this work, I´m not meant to talk of it in details.